• Electrical Exploration (GEOP 450)
• Reservoir Characterization (GEOP 550)
• Special Topics: Carbon Capture and Storage (GEOP 592)
II. Stanford University (2012-2013):
• GEOPHYS 385S: CO2 Sequestration
III. University of Calgary (2005-2010):
• Environmental Application of Geophysics (GOPH 465). Role: teaching assistant
• Exploration Geophysics (GOPH 355). Role: teaching assistant
• Advanced Topics in Geophysics (GOPH 699.01) - Lectures on fluid substitution
In order to conform to KFUPM efforts, all course-related materials are
provided and can be accessed through the
CE system. If you are not a KFUPM student and can't access the Blackboard, then
contact me and I will be glad to provide you with any information about my