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This course will take the students step by step throughout the processes of writing and presenting the proposals for their dissertation projects, including, selecting the topic, reviewing the literature, designing the research project, preparing and delivering the oral presentation of the proposal etc. This course is graded on a Pass or Fail basis.

Exams are not applicable in this course. However, the final presentation will be considered as a final exam.


Students are expected to adhere strictly to all rules of attendance, punctuality and meaningful participation in class and in case presentations. Committing more than 2 absences will result in the “DN” grade as prescribed by KFUPM rules.


Writing the literature review 20%
Writing the proposal 20%
Preparing the oral presentation 20%
Rehearsing 20%
Delivering the Final oral presentation
TOTAL 100%

*Points for absenteeism will be deducted from the total.


Introduction & Orientation

2nd Week

Brain storming session to select a research area and topic of interest.

3rd Week

Meeting at the library to discuss the role of literature review, its tools and techniques.

4th Week

Final selection of the dissertation topic, title and adviser.
Assignment 1: writing the literature review (collection of information)

5th Week

Literature review and Proposal writing (process, tips and guidelines). Assignment 2: writing the dissertation proposal.

6th Week

No meeting; to write the proposal.

7th Week

Midterm break.

8th Week

No meeting; to write the proposal.

9th Week

No meeting; to write the proposal.

10th Week

Advanced presentation skills (4 hours short course).
Assignment 3: preparing the oral presentation.

11th Week

No meeting; to prepare the oral presentation.

12th Week

No meeting; to prepare the oral presentation.

13th Week

Rehearsal of the presentations.

14th Week

One day seminar

15th Week

The major issues considered in the evaluation of the literature review content are:

  • Thoroughness, accuracy, and depth of the literature review
  • Professionalism of writing
  • Understanding of the topic
  • Conclusion

The major issues considered in the evaluation of the Proposal content are:

  • Organization of proposal
  • Professionalism of writing
  • Discussion
  • Proposed tasks
  • Tasks schedule

The major issues considered in the evaluation of the Presentation rehearsing are:

  • Organization of presentation
  • Professionalism of presentation
  • Depth of the background of the topic
  • Communication skills
  • Time management
  • Handling of questions

The major issues considered in the evaluation of the Final Presentation delivery are:

  • Improvements after the rehearsing
  • Organization of presentation
  • Professionalism of presentation
  • Depth of the background of the topic
  • Communication skills
  • Time management
  • Handling of questions

DR. Ali Al D. Al-Ghamdi


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