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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Electrical Engineering Department

Professor George Stegeman

APS Fellow
OSA Fellow
2003 OSA R.W. Wood Prize
2001 Teacher of the Year Award - CREOL Association of Optics Students (CAOS)
2001 Editor-in-Chief, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2001-
1999 Professorial Excellence Program (PEP)
1998 Professorial Excellence Program (PEP) Award 1998/99
1998 UCF Researcher of the Year Award
1997 North American Editor, J. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 1997-2000
1992 Associate Editor, JOSA B, 1992-6
1991 Editorial Board, Journal of Nonlinear Optics, 1991-
1991 Editorial Board, Journal of Optical Materials, 1991-2
1989 Associate Editor, Optics Letters, 1989-
1987 Editorial Board, Applied Physics Letters and Journal of Applied Physics,
1985 Optical Society of America (OSA) Fellow
1986 Editorial Board, Optics Communications, 1986-2000
1986 OSA Board of Directors 1986-9
1986 Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Prof Invitee)
1979 Editorial Board, Wave Electronics 1979-83

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