
Break Down of the LSVC

Assessment Discussion Board Course Overview Resources Task 1 and 2
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Welcome everyone to the LSVC. This course is delivered as a blended learning program. That means we can complete the majority of the discussion activities in the school computer labs. It also means that you will have other assignments such as creative assignments, an essay, and interviewing (and recording) Legal Professionals.

The media created via your creative assignments and interviews will be uploaded onto this website as multimedia support materials. So you will be a contributor to the future design of this course. This course is only an introduction, the VCE level is much more specific. Please take time to have a look at the VCE Legal Studies Assessment Guide, the concepts in this guide are what I'm using to approve your interview questions in Assignment E.

Before Starting Anything else, please go to the Discussion Board link and read the terms and conditions and your learning contract. You will have to post an 'I understand' message in the discussion boards. This confirms you understand the rules and conditions of the forum. In addition to this, you need to give the permission forms back to me signed by you and your parents. Remember, without completing these two things you can not participate in the LSVC. After this come back and finish reading the introduction.

Regular assessment icons

All assignments and activities that will contribute to your final grade will be located in the assessment link (above). Here are some visual clues that lets you know what to expect:

Creative Assignment

General/Take home Assignment

Discussion Assignment

These assignments are entirely practical and requires you to think creatively.

When ever I require you to complete an assignment other than a discussion activity, e.g. essay or interviewing people, you will see this icon.

This icon means you have to go to the discussion link and complete the discussion activity in the online forums.

In your assessment link this icon is on all the assessment tasks. Why? You will have to use the materials from all of your tasks to create a portfolio for your final major assignment.

At the bottom of each Assignment will be a grading rubric to tell you have you will be marked for each assignment. You will also see embedded links at the bottom of each assignment so you can skip to the right spot on the assessment page without endless scrolling, the links look like this:

Assignment A | B | C | D | E | F.


You access your modules (the core information source of this website) through the Task 1 & 2 link above, although you have to finish the orientation exercises before you start your modules. Module links are on the left, the top and bottom of the website page. Each activity within the modules will have a direct link to the assessment you need to complete, there is also a separate link at the top of each page so you can quickly remind yourself of what each assignment entails.

Each module will have an objectives list at the beginning to let you know what you should end up knowing after completing that module.

The information in these modules was produced by the Victoria Department of Police in association with the Ambassador College Research Department.

Discussion activities

This link is simply to give instructions on how to access the discussion boards. For now we will have to log into a different website (www.nicenet.org) to take part in the discussion activities. Just remember, that the first orientation and discussion activities will be completed in class so if there is any confusion when we first use the Nicenet website you can ask me. It is quite simple to use so don't worry. You will be able to access the nicenet site directly Via the assessment link, so if there is a discussion activity as part of the assessment you're reading the given link will open a new window for the Nicenet site.


I have prepared a box full of legal studies resources in the school library, it is up to you to obtain useful information from them. The resources link will offer mainly websites but it also offers other documents you can look at. I encourage you to let me know if you think outside resources such as newspaper clippings, websites, flyers, etc. would be useful for this site.
