جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن   -    قسم الفيزياء   -   مقدمة في علم الفلك



  PHYS 215 - Introduction To Astronomy  -  Second Semester 2011 - 2012 (112)


Course Schedule And Description And Grading Policy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Revised:  DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" February 4, 2012



        An Elementary Introduction to Astronomy. Topics Covered Include: Astronomy and Astrology; Light and Telescopes; Time and Calendar; Celestial Mechanics; Solar System; Stellar Measurements, Stellar Motions, Magnitudes, Spectra, Distances, Parallaxes, and Formation; Early and Modern History of Astronomy; Contribution of Arab and Muslim Scientists to Astronomy.             ( Prerequisite : Phys 102 )




        Astronomy : From The Earth To The Universe  By Jay M. Pasachoff, Sixth Edition, Saunders College Publishing 2002.




        a)  Frontiers of Astronomy,  Morrison and Wolff, Saunders (Brooks/Cole) 1994.

        b)  Exploration of The Universe, Abell, Morrison, Cidney and Wolff,  Saunders 1995.

        c)  Astronomy: The Solar System and Beyond 5th Ed,  Seeds,  Thomson Brooks/Cole 2007.

        c)  Foundations of Astronomy 10th Ed,  Seeds,  Thomson Brooks/Cole 2008.

        d)  Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy,  Arny and Schneider,  Mc Graw-Hill 2008.

        e)  Astronomy From Stonehenge to Quasars,  Friedlander,  Prentice-Hall 1985.

        f)  Sky Guide :  A Field Guide For Amateur Astronomy,  Chartrand and Wimmer,  Golden (St. Martin) 2001.

        g)  Laboratory Exercises In Astronomy,  Holzinger and Seeds,  Macmillan 1976.

        h)  365 Starry Nights: An Introduction to Astronomy for Every Night of the Year,  Raymo,  Simon & Schuster (1990).

        i)  Sky and Telescope Magazine   (Monthly).

        j)  Astronomy Magazine   (Monthly).

        k)  Al-Oloom Al-Bahtah Fi Alhadharah Alarabiah Waleslamiah,  Ali A. Al-Dafaa,  Al-Risalah Est, Lebanon, 1981. (Arabic)

العلوم البحتة في الحضارة العربية والإسلامية ؛ أ.د. علي عبدالله الدفاع ؛ مؤسسة الرسالة – بيروت 1981 م.

        l)  Al-Falal Eind Al-Arab (Astronomy and Arabs),  Abdulraheem Badir,  Al-Masri  Est.,  Lebanon, 1985.  (Arabic)

الفلك عند العرب ؛ عبد الرحيم بدر ؛ مؤسسة المصري – بيروت 1985 م.

        m)  Elm Al-Falak (Arab and Muslim Contributions to Astronomy), Yahya Shami, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Arabi Pub., Lebanon, 1997. (Arabic)       علم الفلك صفحات من التراث العلمي العربي والإسلامي ؛ د. يحى شامي ؛ دار الفكر العربي - بيروت 1997 م.

        n)  Al-Gegrafiah Al-Falakyiah (Astronomical Geography),  Ameen Tarboosh, Dar Al-Fikr Est.,  Syria, 1997.  (Arabic)

الجغرافية الفلكية والطرق العملية في مراقبة الأجرام السماوية ؛ د. أمين طربوش ؛ دار الفكر - دمشق 1997 م.


4)     INSTRUCTORS   (PHYS215 Website: http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/PHYS/alshukri/PHYS215/Phys215_Main_page2a.htm)


              Dr. Ali  Mohammad  Al-Shukri,   (Office : Location : 6-226Phone : 3573Office Hours:  S.M.W.  10:00 am- 10:50 am)

                                                                                                                                                                         S.M.W.  12:30 am- 01:30 pm)

              Dr. Ahmed  Fathi  Salem,               (Office : Location : 6-122Phone : 1253Office Hours:  S.M.T.  1:10 pm- 3:00 pm)






The course grade is standard. The Course Grade Will be Evaluated as Follows:


                                  Class Work and Observing Sessions.                               14%

                                  First Major Exam .                                                              24%

                                  Second Major Exam.                                                         24%

                                  Final Exam (Comprehensive).                                          38%




The class and observing sessions work shall comprise of quizzes, homework,  projects,  presentations, attendance, reports, papers, ... etc.  and any other assignments the instructor wishes to give.




(Major And Final Exams Are Of Problem-Solving, Multiple Choice, T/F, And/Or Discussion Type Exams)




First Major Exam             Tue 6  March         2012            (Chapters  01  To  05  +  Hand-Outs + Class Discussions)

Second Major Exam         Wed 18 April         2012            (Chapters  06  To  12  +  Hand-Outs + Class Discussions)

Final Exams                      Mon 28 May          2012            (Chapters  01  To  23  +  Hand-Outs + Class Discussions)




      Attendance will be evaluated according to current university regulations. Official excuse for an absence should be presented

      within a week of resuming the class. A DN grade will be issued if the total number of unexcused absences exceeds 9 absences.


(Attendance is compulsory in lectures and observing sessions.  You should be in class on time.  One point will be taken from your grade for each absence.  DN grade will be given for more than 9 absences)


February 4, 2012)   ( email: alshukri@kfupm.edu.sa  &  afsalem@kfupm.edu.sa)


Text Box: PHYS215.112.( DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" February 4, 2012)   ( email: alshukri@kfupm.edu.sa  &  afsalem@kfupm.edu.sa)


PHYS 215
(Introduction To Astronomy)    -    TERM: 112    (Second Semester 2010 - 2011)




Week      Date                                        Topic                                                                Chapter                              Homework

     1.        28 Jan 2012         Course Organization and Policy)                                                First Day of Classes

                30                        The Universe : An Overview                                                      01                                  03,  04,  05       

                01 Feb                 The Universe : An Overview                                                      01


Tuesday  31  January  -  Last  Day  for  Late Registration and adding courses

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

     2.        04 Feb                 The Universe : An Overview                                                      01

                06                        The Early History of Astronomy                                                02                                  02,  07,  12

                08                        The Early History of Astronomy, Muslim Astronomers            02


Wednesday  8  February  -  Last  Day  for  Dropping  Courses  without  Permanent  Record

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

     3.        11 Feb                 The Early History of Astronomy, Muslim Astronomers            02

                13                        The Origin of Modern Astronomy                                              03                                  03,  04,  05,  08

                15                        The Origin of Modern Astronomy                                              03

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

     4.        18 Feb                 The Origin of Modern Astronomy                                              03

                20                        Light and Telescopes                                                                   04                                  01,  03,  05,  09

                22                        Light and Telescopes                                                                   04

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

     5.        25 Feb                 Light and Telescopes                                                                   04

                27                        Observatories                                                                              05                                  03,  05,  12,  13

                29                        Observatories                                                                              05

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

     6.        03 Mar                The Constellations                                                                       06                                  01,  03,  05,  08

                05                        The Terrestrial Coordinate System                                              06

                07                        The Celestial Coordinate Systems                                               06


Wednesday,  7 March  -  Last  Day  for  Dropping  Courses  with  Grade  of  'W' Thru Internet

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

     7.        10 Mar                The Sky and The Calendar                                                          06  

                12                        The Structure and Origin of the Solar System                             07                                  03,  06,  15,  16

                14                        The Structure and Origin of the Solar System                             07                                  03,  06,  15,  16


Wednesday,  14 March   First  Major  Exam   (Chapters  01  To  05 + Class Discussions + Hand-Outs)

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

     8.        17 Mar                The Structure and Origin of the Solar System                             07

                19                        The Earth                                                                                     08                                  01,  03,  08

                21                        The Earth                                                                                     08


     Wednesday,  21 March  -   Last day of Classes before Midterm Vacation

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

     9.        31 Mar                The Moon                                                                                   09                                  01,  03,  11

                02 Apr                 The Moon                                                                                   09

                04                        Mercury                                                                                      10                                  02,  03,  07

    Saturday,  31 March - Classes resumes after Midterm Vacation

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

    10.       07 Apr                 Venus                                                                                          11                                  01,  03,  10

                09                        Mars                                                                                            12                                  03,  04,  13

                11                        Jupiter and Saturn                                                                       13 / 14                           01,  05 / 01,  02


     Wednesday 11 April - Last  Day for Withdrawal  from ALL Courses with a Grade of 'W'Thru the Registrar Office

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

    11.       14 Apr                 Uranus and Neptune                                                                   15 / 16                           01,  07 / 01,  05

                16                        Plutons and general information about the Solar System            17+                                04,  07

                18                        Extra Solar Planets                                                                      18                                 04,  06,  07


    Wednesday  18 April,  Second Major Exam    (Chapters 06 To 12 + Class Discussions + Hand-Outs)

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

   12.        21 Apr                 Comets                                                                                        19                                 01,  04,  07

                23                        Asteroids                                                                                     20                                 02,  04,  06

                25                        Life in The Universe                                                                   21                                 07,  08,  09

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

   13.        28 Apr                 The Sun (Photosphere, Chromosphere)                                      22                                  03,  09

                30                        The Sun (Corona, Solar Eclipses)                                               22

                02 May                The Sun (Sunspots, Flares, Prominences)                                  23                                  01,  09,  10

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

   14.        05 May                The Sun (Solar Wind, Solar Constant)                                        23

                07                        Colors of Stars  & Planck’s Law and Black Bodies                    24                                  01,  04,  06

                09                        Planck’s Law and Black Bodies                                                  24


    Wednesday 9 May - Last Day for Withdrawal from ALL Courses with Grade of  'WP/WF' , Last Day for Major Exams

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

   15.        12 May                Stellar Magnitudes and Distances                                               25                           02,03,0506,21,26,30

                14                        HR Diagram, Doppler Effect, and Stellar                                    25

                16                        Review                                                                                        Last Day of Classes

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _

Final Exam on Monday 28 May 2012  @ 7:00 pm   -   (Final Exams Period: 19 – 29 May 2012)

                   ______________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              __                              _  __  _


Website: http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/PHYS/alshukri/PHYS215/Phys215_Main_page2a.htm                  ___________________

emails: alshukri@kfupm.edu.sa & afsalem@kfupm.edu.sa                                                                         Dr.  Ali Mohammad Al-Shukri

PHYS215.112 (Friday, January 27, 2012)                                                                                                                    PHYS 215  Coordinator