Instructions for Group Work on Don’t Be Shi Coffee House CASE STUDY

 [grade = 50% writing + 50% meeting]


ASSIGNMENT DUE: Tuesday, 30 March  in class

NOTE: Do not change or add anything to the case study details.

NOTE: The 3 benefits that are being cut from the employees cannot be changed.  The cuts are decided “Khalaas.”

NOTE: Can employees ask questions about the cuts, complain, argue???  YES! During the meeting with the manager.

NOTE: Can the manager change anything or just say anything?  NO NO NO. He must stick to the facts of the case.  Remember the advice of the article RUMORS Rumor Management for the official person, the leader, the boss, the manager.   










For you to use the 4-step process of giving Bad News (oral and written channels), and for you to use the Inductive (Indirect) Method of Organizing your information to communicate your message orally and in writing.

2) HOW TO DO THE WORK, step by step


(a) Read and Study the 4-step process of giving Bad News. 


(b) Read and Study the strategy of the EXAMPLE of Giving Bad News (remember the Nuclear Power Plant Visit by the 5th grade?).


(c) Read and completely understand the Case Study Go to Don’t Be Shi CASE. 


(d) Follow the instructions on the case study – writing the letter and preparing for the meeting with employees.       


(e) Attend the classes with your group and take notes. (I will keep attendance.) No attendance?  No grade for you.




1) IN CLASS – You will be collected into groups to work on the case study, the letter, and the meeting.


2) WRITING – Follow the instructions on the case study.  See PART 1, # 1 above.  Only 1 from each group will be given to me – this is half (50%) of the grade for this assignment 

Remember, you will attach this letter (staple it) to  Evaluation Sheet that I gave you.  Then, I will call your group letter to begin your meeting.  Give me the letter and evaluation sheet exactly at that time BEFORE your Manager speaks.


3) MEETING – In class, you must choose a spokesperson from your group.  He will be the “Manager” of Don’t Be Shi Coffee House and he will speak to the employees from the other group.



(a) Each group will be given a number (1, 2, 3, 4,  . . .)

(b) The Manager of group 1, for example, will speak to all the members of group 3; then  the Manager of group 2 will speak to all the members of group A ---- etc. etc., and so on.






Part A – When your manager is speaking, you should listen carefully to see if he is following the 4-steps of giving Bad News and using all the information from the Case Study.  If he is not doing everything correctly, you must “Coach” him from your seats. 


You should then . . .

a) make notes about the 4-steps

b) think of questions that the employees from the other group may ask

c) make a visual (s) if you think it will help – remember to make the visual according to the audience level (remember their filters).



Part B – When you are the employees, listening to another manager, you should have . . .

prepared questions beforehand to ask the manager of the other group



ASSIGNMENT DUE: Tuesday, 30 March  in class