In the above example we extracted a submatrix from row 1 to row 2 and from column 2 to column 3
Thus, to extract a row of a matrix we use the submatrix command. For example to extract the second row of matrix A above we use
Note: The command cols( ) is used so that we get all the columns of the matrix.
Another way to get a row of a matrix is to first transpose the matrix then use the Matrix Column command and then transpose again . For example, the second row of matrix A is obtained as follows:
Use the augment( ) command to join tow matrices horizontally (side by side)
Use the stack( ) command to join two matrices vertically (one on top of the other)
Use the rref( ) to computer the reduced row echelon form of a matrix
Use the rank( ) command to compute the rank ( = the number of nonzero rows) of a matrix
Use the identity( ) command to create a 3 x 3
identity matrix
Create a 4 x 3 matrix
Use the rows( ) command to find the
number of rows in matrix A
Use the cols( ) command to find the
number of columns in matrix A
Use the Matrix Column command to
extract column j of the matrix
key: A ctrl 6 then type the column number in the
place holder
Or type A then use the Vector and Matrix Palette and click on
Note: Mathcad does not have a command to extract a row from a matrix, but it can be done in an indirect way as will be shown later.
Use the command submatrix( ) to extract a
submatrix of a matrix
The command format is a follows:
submatix(matrix name, from_row, to_row, from_column, to_column)
Note: Unlike vectors, no subscripts are assigned to the variable x
Mathcad will not display since x is not
Another example:
Create a range variable y from 2 to 3 with increment 0.2
key: y : 2, 2+.2 ; 1
Display y
In general, a set of values in the closed interval [a, b] with increment incr can be created by
Create a range variable z from 10 to 6 with decrement 0.5
(Or )
Create a diagonal matrix D whose diagonal elements are all -3
Other ways to define a matrix
A matrix can be defined by assigning values to its elements
(key: C [ 1, 1 : 3)
Notice that the elements that were not assigned values are set to 0 by Mathcad
Display the matrix
A 3 x 2 matrix with all elements equal to 0 is created by
Range Variable
A variable with incremental values can be created by what Mathcad calls "range variable". For example, a variable x with values 1, 2,3 ...10 is created as follows:
key: x : 1 ; 10
Or type x : 1 then use the Arithmetic Palette and choose Range Variable
Display x (type x =)
Note that the fist element of the vector is named not
To force Mathcad to start the subscription from 1 rather than zero, we type the keyword: ORIGIN and assign the value 1 to it (we only have to do this once at the beginning of the worksheet.)
Now is not defined and will be the name of the first component of the vector
From now on all subscripts of vectors and matrices will start from one.
Vector Operations
Create two vectors a and b
Add the two vectors
key: a+b=
Multiply the vector a scalar 2
key: 2*b=
Compute the length of a vector
Introduction to Mathcad Vectors and Matrices
The keyword ORIGIN
Mathcad uses 0 as the first subscript of vectors and matrices. For example, to create a 3 x 1 vector type the name of the vector then press the colon ":" key then press Control M. choose the number of rows (3) and columns (1). You get
keyboard keys: a : ctrl m (or use the Vector and Matrix Palette then click on the icon Matrix or Vector)
Fill in the place holders " " with the values of the vector's elements
Display the elements of the vector
keyboard keys: a [ 0 =
Or type a then use the Arithmetic Palette and click on
keyboard keys: a [ 1 =
key: B ctrl 1
or use the Vector and Matrix Palette and choose Matrix Transpose
Note: This is not B to the power T
Compute the product BA and define it as P
key: P : B*A
Display the product
key: P=
Compute the determinant of P
key: | then type the name of the vector
and press =

Or type P then use the Vector and Matrix Palette and click on | x |
Compute the inverse of the P
key: P ^ -1
(^ is shift 6)
Special matrix commands
Create a 3 x 1 vector v
Use the diag( ) command to create a diagonal
matrix with vector v as its diagonal.
key: | then type the name of the vector
and press =

Or type P then use the Vector and Matrix Palette and click on | x |
Another way to compute the length of a vector (using the definition)
Matrix Operations
Create a 3 x 2 matrix A and a 2 x 3 matrix B
Multiply the matrices
key: A*B=
Multiply Matrix A by a scalar
Every element is multiplied by 3
Compute the transpose of the matrix B