Guestbook Notes

Impressions About, as viewed by people around the world



Thank you for your excellent website.  It is very helpful in teaching our 7 years of daughter Arabic language and other displines.


Husam Barakat


Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Un super site mais les photo ne pas enregestres.


Samir Samir



It is very distinguished site, thank you very much for your efforts.

I hope all the best to you always.


Ammar Ammar

I hope to continue with you to support IT use for educational & distant learning.


Alphonse Georges

Distance learning Department and Techno

Educational centre of research and devel

I'm very happy to find your website on the internet,which help me to teach my children the Arabic language the language of the holy Quran,but I have a remark that if its possible to change the font of the writing,as its not clear for the children to read it,specially the dots its like a star and this confuse the children.


thank you very much for considering my remark, and thank you very much for this website.


Sana Atawneh


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