HTML Basic
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HTML Frames
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HTML 4.01 Reference

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Ordered by Function

See also: Ordered Alphabetically

  • NN: indicates the earliest version of Netscape that supports the tag
  • IE: indicates the earliest version of Internet Explorer that supports the tag
Start tag Purpose NN IE
Basic Tags      
<!DOCTYPE>  Defines the document type    
<html> Defines a html document 3.0 3.0
<body> Defines the body element 3.0 3.0
<h1> to <h6> Defines header 1 to header 6 3.0 3.0
<p> Defines a paragraph 3.0 3.0
<br> Inserts a single line break 3.0 3.0
<hr> Defines a horizontal rule 3.0 3.0
<!--> Defines a comment 3.0 3.0
Char Format      
<b> Defines bold text 3.0 3.0
<font> Defines the font face, size, and color of text 3.0 3.0
<i> Defines italic text 3.0 3.0
<em> Defines emphasized text  3.0 3.0
<big> Defines big text 3.0 3.0
<strong> Defines strong text 3.0 3.0
<small> Defines small text 3.0 3.0
<sup> Defines superscripted text 3.0 3.0
<sub> Defines subscripted text 3.0 3.0
<bdo> Defines the direction of text display 6.2 5.0
<u> Defines underlined text 3.0 3.0
<pre> Defines preformatted text 3.0 3.0
<code> Defines computer code text 3.0 3.0
<tt> Defines teletype text 3.0 3.0
<kbd> Defines keyboard text 3.0 3.0
<var> Defines a variable 3.0 3.0
<samp> Defines sample computer code 3.0 3.0
<acronym> Defines an acronym 6.2 4.0
<abbr> Defines an abbreviation 6.2  
<address> Defines an address element 4.0 4.0
<blockquote> Defines an long quotation 3.0 3.0
<center> Defines centered text 3.0 3.0
<q> Defines a short quotation 6.2 4.0
<cite> Defines a citation 3.0 3.0
<ins> Defines inserted text 6.2 4.0
<del> Defines deleted text 6.2 4.0
<s> Defines strikethrough text 3.0 3.0
<strike> Defines strikethrough text 3.0 3.0
<a> Defines an anchor 3.0 3.0
<link> Defines a resource reference 4.0 3.0
<frame> Defines a sub window (a frame) 3.0 3.0
<frameset> Defines a set of frames 3.0 3.0
<noframes> Defines a noframe section 3.0 3.0
<iframe> Defines an inline sub window (frame) 6.0 3.0
<form> Defines a form  3.0 3.0
<input> Defines an input field 3.0 3.0
<textarea> Defines a text area 3.0 3.0
<button> Defines a push button 6.2 4.0
<select> Defines a selectable list 3.0 3.0
<optgroup> Defines an option group 6.0  
<option> Defines an item in a list box 3.0 3.0
<label> Defines a label  6.2 4.0
<fieldset> Defines a fieldset 6.2 4.0
<legend> Defines a title in a fieldset 6.2 4.0
<ul> Defines an unordered list 3.0 3.0
<ol> Defines an ordered list 3.0 3.0
<li> Defines a list item 3.0 3.0
<dir> Defines a directory list 3.0 3.0
<dl> Defines a definition list 3.0 3.0
<dt> Defines a definition term 3.0 3.0
<dfn> Defines a definition term   3.0
<dd> Defines a definition description 3.0 3.0
<menu> Defines a menu list 3.0 3.0
<img> Defines an image 3.0 3.0
<map> Defines an image map  3.0 3.0
<area> Defines an area inside an image map 3.0 3.0
<table> Defines a table 3.0 3.0
<caption> Defines a table caption 3.0 3.0
<th> Defines a table header 3.0 3.0
<tr> Defines a table row 3.0 3.0
<td> Defines a table cell 3.0 3.0
<thead> Defines a table header   4.0
<tbody> Defines a table body   4.0
<tfoot> Defines a table footer   4.0
<col> Defines attributes for table columns    3.0
<colgroup> Defines groups of table columns   3.0
<style> Defines a style definition 4.0 3.0
<div> Defines a section in a document 3.0 3.0
<span> Defines a section in a document 4.0 3.0
Meta Info      
<head> Defines information about the document 3.0 3.0
<title> Defines the document title 3.0 3.0
<meta> Defines meta information 3.0 3.0
<base> Defines a base URL for all the links in a page 3.0 3.0
<basefont> Defines a base font 3.0 3.0
<script> Defines a script 3.0 3.0
<noscript> Defines a noscript section 3.0 3.0
<applet> Defines an applet 3.0 3.0
<object> Defines an embedded object   3.0
<param> Defines a parameter for an object 3.0 3.0

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