Security Research Group (SRG)

Information and Computer Science Department

College of Computer Science and Engineering



Overview Computer and network security is a fascinating and intriguing research area.  The SRG  is involved in studying and researching variety of issues in the field of computer and network security, with an emphasis on application and system security, software reverse engineering, cryptography, network and Internet security, security in wireless networks, and the numerous security protocols.  The SRG members include faculty as well as graduate and undergraduate students.  At the present, there are more than 20 members.



Security Lab Presently, the SRG members have access to a security lab to conduct numerous activities and report their findings.  The lab was established in 2005, and is equipped with firewalls, routers, network taps, switches and Linux and Windows machines with uni- and multi-core processors.  The lab is equipped with many popular security software and tools.



Research Projects The SRG members are currently conducting a number of funded research projects:



Activities The SRG members are conducting a number of activities.  These activities can be summarize, but not limited to:


Last year a number of public seminars was donducted  by SRG members.  These seminars are usually attended by a good number of junior faculty who benefit greatly from these seminars.  Here is a list of these seminars:

An SRG seminar on “Introduction to Rootkit” by Syed Assadullah.

An SRG seminar on “The Art of Detecting Rootkit” by AbdulRahman Shafi.

An SRG seminar on “Linux NetFilter Firewall” by Mohammad Wasiq


Interested? If you are interested in becoming an SRG member, you may email