ICS 103: Computer Programming in C


Topic: 1-D Array

(How to use array with function)


Instructor: M. Waheed Aslam.



·        Learn how to use one-dimensional arrays with function.

·        To know how to pass individual 1-D array elements to function.

·        To know how to pass whole 1-D array to the function.


Using Arrays with Functions:


How to use individual array elements as parameters in function?

·        This is similar to passing simple arguments

·        The formal parameter should be a simple variable

·        The actual parameter should be the array name followed by the particular index in [].


Solved Problem# 1:


Write a program to find the sum of the first three elements in an array, by passing individual array elements to the following function.



int sum_elements(int a , int b, int c); // Function Prototype

void main()


int x[10], total;





total = sum_elements( x[0], x[1], x[2] ); //Function call to compute sum


printf("For the array  values: %d %d %d\n", x[0], x[1], x[2] );

// Output results


printf("\nthe sum of first three array elements is : %d", total);

} // end of main


int sum_elements( int a, int b, int c )  // Function header


int sum;


return (sum);



Sample Output:



Another Solution of Problem #1



int sum_elements(int a , int b, int c); // Function Prototype


void main()


int x[10], total=0, i;


printf("Please Input 5 element in array : ");



scanf("%d", &x[i]);



total = sum_elements( x[0], x[1], x[2] ); //Function call to compute sum


// Output results

printf("\nThe first three  array elements are : %d %d %d", x[0], x[1], x[2] );


printf("\nThe sum of first three array elements is  = %d", total);

} // end of main


int sum_elements(int a, int b, int c)  // Function header


int sum;


return (sum);


Sample Output:



Solved Problem #2:

//reads a 1-D array and prints the sum of even and odd numbers

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 4


/* determines if an element is odd */

int odd(int num)


    int isodd;

    isodd = (num%2==1);

  return isodd;

} //end of odd function

int main( )


 int x[SIZE], i, oddsum=0, evensum=0;


  printf("Enter %d integer values :", SIZE);


  for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++)


                                 scanf("%d", &x[i]);



        for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++)


          if ( odd(x[i]) ) // function call is with in if






  printf("The sum of odd elements is : %d\n", oddsum);

  printf("The sum of even elements is : %d\n", evensum);


  return 0;

} // end of main

Sample Output:




How to pass whole array as a parameter in Function?


·        Unlike simple variables, array is not passed into a function, but rather its address is passed.


·        This is done by specifying the array name followed by brackets [] (size is not necessary).


·        This makes processing more efficient.


·        The actual parameter is the array name (no brackets).


Solved Problem#3:

/* reads the grades of students and prints the average grade.*/

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIZE 30


/* computes the average of elements in an array */

float average(float list[], int n)


   int i;

   float sum=0.0;


   for (i=0; i<n; i++)


   return sum/n;

} // end of function average


int main( )


   int i, n;

   float grades[SIZE]; // array declaration


    printf("Enter number of students: ");


    printf("Enter grades for %d students :", n);


    for (i=0; i<n; i++)


       scanf("%f", &grades[i]);

    } // end of for


    printf("The Average of grade is %.2f\n", average(grades, n));

                        // Note: function call in a printf statement

   return 0;

} // emd of main


Sample Output:



Solved Problem #4:

·        To pass the array to a function we write the name of the array.

·        To declare the function that accepts an array as its parameter we write the name of the array followed by the [ ] without the size of the array in its parameter declaration part.

·        Consider the following problem of finding the maximum of 4  integer numbers.


#include <stdio.h>

#define    SIZE        4      // defining the size of the array as 4.

int   max (int  arr[ ] ) ; // declaring the function max which

// returns integer value and  accepts an integer array called arr


void main (void)

{  int arr [SIZE] , j , big ; // declaring the array arr

     // along with other variables

   for ( j = 0 ; j < SIZE ; ++j ) //using for loop to read the array


      printf ("Enter the %dth element of array : ", j ) ;

       scanf ( "%d", &arr[j] ) ;     

    } // end of for

    big = max ( arr ) ; //calling the function max

// by passing the array with only name

    printf ("\nThe maximum value is : %d\n", big ) ;

} // end of main

int  max ( int arr[ ] ) // function declaring that it

      // accepts integer array arr as its input

  {  int j , big = 0 ;

     for ( j = 0 ; j < SIZE ; ++j ) //using for loop to find the

  // maximum number in array arr


          if ( arr[j] > big )

          big = arr[j] ;

        } // end of for loop

        return (big) ; //returning the maximum value

} //end of max function


Sample Output: