ICS 103: Computer Programming in C


Topic: Recursive Functions 


Instructor: M. Waheed Aslam.



·        To know about importance, working & use of recursive functions.


What is Recursive Function?


·        Functions which call themselves repeatedly until some condition is met and then stops calling and returns to the main program.


A recursive function has two parts:


(1)       Base case (stopping condition)

(2)     General case (recursive step: which must always get closer to base case from one invocation to another.)


                       1              for n = 0  (base case)


                       n * (n-1)!  for  n > 0  (general case)


A recursive solution always needs a stopping condition to prevent an infinite loop and we achieve it by using base case.


Simple Example: Power function

/* Objective: To see how recursive functions are coded and

                 how they are called from main function




power(int x, int y) // Function definition


   if(y==0) return 1;  /* base case */


    return (x*power(x,y-1));  /*general case */



void main( )

{ int n1,n2, result_power; // variable declaration

  printf("Please input two integer numbers :");

  scanf("%d %d", &n1, &n2); // input


  result_power = power(n1, n2); // function call


  printf("%d raised to %d is = %d\n\n",n1,n2,result_power);

  printf("%d raised to %d is = %d",n1,n2,power(n1, n2)); // function call here also

} // end of calling main function

Sample Output :


·        Any problem which we can solve using recursion, we can also solve that problem using iteration.


·        Generally, a recursive solution is slightly less efficient, in terms of computer time, than an iterative one because of the overhead for the extra function calls.

·        In many instances, however, recursion enables us to specify a natural, simple solution to a problem that otherwise would be difficult to solve.

·        For this reason, recursion is an important and powerful tool in problem solving and programming.

·        Recursion is used widely in solving problems that are not numeric, such as proving mathematical theorems, writing compilers, and in searching and sorting algorithms.

·        In iterative method we use for, while, do-while for achieving iteration for problem solving.

·        In recursive method of problem solving we replace for, while, do-while statements by if statement that selects between the recursive case and the base case (i.e., terminating condition).



·        In recursion, successive function call values are stored in stack and accessed in LIFO.


Examples #1:


/*compute n! using a recursive definition*/

/*iterative solutions computes n! for n  >=0*/

int factorial (int n)


 if (n == 0)

    return 1;


    return( n * factorial (n-1));


int factorial (int n)

{ int i, product=1;

  for (i=n; i>1; --i)

  /* n * (n-1) * (n-2)…*/

  product=product *i; 

 return (product);









































 Example #2:   Power function: base exp.

One way to do the calculation is:

base exp= base * base * base * … * base      (exp times).


A more compact way is:

base exp = base * base exp-1

 In this case the stopping condition (the base case) occurs when exp=0. Since any number raised to the 0 power is 1, we have the following situation:

                    1                         for exp=0 (base case)

 base exp =

                    base* base exp-1 for exp > 0 (General Recursive case).


Implementation of Power Function:




#include <stdio.h> //To use scanf and printf

double power(double base, int exp)


 if ( exp == 0)

  return (1);


return (base * power(base, exp -1));


#include<stdio.h> //To use scanf and printf

double power(double base, int exp)

{ int count;double product;


   for ( count = exp-1; count >0; count --)

    product = product * base;

return ( product);

} //    OR – see below


#include<stdio.h> //To use scanf

                         // and printf

double power(double base, int exp)

{ double p=1;

  while(exp !=0)

  { p *= base;

   exp --;}

 return p;




The main function to be used with the above power functions could be as follows:

void main( )

{ double base; int exp;  

  printf("Please input two numbers,\n");

  printf("the first for the base as double and\n");

  printf("the second for the exponent as integer number:\n");


 scanf("%lf %d", &base, &exp); // input


  printf("%lf raised to %d is = %lf",base,exp,power(base, exp));

} // end of calling main function


Sample Output



Example #3:    Fibonacci sequence:

The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers that have many varied uses

the Fibonacci sequence          0, 1, 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34


Fibonacci number Begins with the term 0 and 1 and has the property that each succeeding term is the sum of the two preceding terms.


Fibonacci(0) is 0

Fibonacci (1) is 1


Fibonacci n is Fibonacci n-2 + Fibonacci n-1, for n >2


This is defined recursively as:

f0 = 0,               f1 = 1         fi+1 = fi + fi-1     for i =1,2, …

i.e. except for f0 and f1, every element is the sum of its previous two elements: 

          0, 1, 1, 3, 5, ...

The following functions implements computing the nth Fibonacci number: 

Iterative Solution

Recursive Solution

#include<stdio.h> //To use scanf and printf

int fibonacci (int n)

{ int i,sum1=0, sum2=1, sum;

  if (n<=1)

     return n;


  {  for (i=2; i<=n; i++)

     {  sum=sum1+sum2;




     return sum;



#include<stdio.h> //To use scanf and printf

int fibonacci(int n)

{  if (n<=1)

        return n;


        return (fibonacci(n-1)

            + fibonacci(n-2));



 void main( )// main function for fibonacci functions

{ int n, result;  

  printf("Please enter n to find the nth Fibonacci number:");

  scanf("%d", &n); // input


  printf("\nThe fibonacci number for n = %d is %d\n",n,result);

} //

Sample Output :



·        In recursive function call, Dynamic memory allocation occurs at run time.

·        With each function call, an activation record contains the state of a given function, that is, the address of the current instruction and the values of all the local variables, is created and pushed on the run-time stack. 


·        Each time a function calls itself, an activation record is created and pushed on the run-time stack.

·        The first call thus appears at the bottom of the sack.


·        The last call (the base case) appears at the top of the stack. 

·        At that time the top activation record is popped from the stack and the function returns its first value.

·        The process continues until all activation records are popped from the stack, at which time the recursion stops.