ICS 103: Computer Programming in C


Topic: Simple Standard Mathematical Library Functions


Instructor: M. Waheed Aslam.



·        To know about standard Mathematical library Functions and their use with examples.

Used to implement additional operators

·        We learned how to form arithmetic expressions in C using some unary and binary operations

·        However, with these operators alone we cannot write the full range of expressions that we can do in mathematics.                                                      

·        For example, we do not know yet how to represent expressions like |a+b|, ,  in C language 

·        To write such mathematical formulas and other mathematical functions like sin, cos, tan, square root, square, power, absolute value, etc., in C language, the library header file called math.h should be included in the beginning of the program along with the stdio.h file as follows:

                             #include <stdio.h>

                             #include <math.h>


·        For sin, cos, tan the degrees should be converted into radians. To convert degrees to radians multiply the degrees with (22/7)/180 or (3.14/180) where 3.14 is the value of PI.


For example:

sin300 is written as sin(30*3.14/180), a5 is written as pow(a, 5).


·        To write the expression  x = sin450 + cos900 + log106 + b4   in C language, we write:

             x = sin(45*3.14/180) + cos(90*3.14/180) + log10(6) + pow(b,4)



The following Example Shows explanation and use of some important standard Math library Functions:

#include<stdio.h>  // input output standard functions are defined in this

#include<math.h>  // all standard math functions are defined

#include<stdlib.h>  // here used only for rand() function

void main()

{int ab,random;   // variable declarations

double cel,cosine,floatabs,flo,logbase_e,logbase_10,power,expo,sq_root;


ab=abs(-8);  // gives absolute value of integer argument

cel=ceil(45.0001);   // gives ceil value of double argument

cosine=cos(30*3.14159/180);  //angle must be converted into radians first

expo=exp(1.0);     // gives  e  to the power argument value


floatabs=fabs(-8.432); // gives absolute value of float argument

flo=floor(45.99356);  // it truncates decimal digits

logbase_e=log(2.71828); //calculates natural log of argument (i.e base e)

logbase_10=log10(100); // calculates log of argument at base 10


power=pow(0.16,0.5); // calculates power i.e., pow(base, power) format

random=rand(); // generates random integer between 0 and the value

// associated with RAND_MAX, a constant macro defined in <stdlib.h>

sq_root=sqrt(2.25); // calculates square root of argument


printf("The absolute value of -8 is :  %d\n", ab);

printf("The ceil value of 45.0001 is : %lf\n", cel);

printf("The cos value of degree 30  is : %lf\n", cosine);

printf("The exponential  value of 1 is : %lf\n", expo);


printf("The absolute  value of double type argument -8.432 is: %lf\n", floatabs);

printf("The floor  value of 45.99356  is: %lf\n",  flo);

printf("The natural log  value of 2.71829 is: %lf\n",  logbase_e);

printf("The log base 10 for  value 100 is : %lf\n",   logbase_10);


printf("The  value of pow(0.16,0.5)  is : %lf\n",  power);

printf("A random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX is  : %d\n", random);

printf("RAND_MAX =  : %d\n", RAND_MAX);

printf("The  value of sqrt(2.25)  is : %lf\n",  sq_root);


} // end of main

Output: Left as an exercise




Determine the value of the following C expression:

a)      - (2 * (-3/(double) (4%10))) – (-6+4)


b)      ceil(-7.2) * pow (4.0,2.0)