ICS 103: Computer Programming in C
Topic: Simple
Standard Mathematical Library Functions
M. Waheed Aslam.
To know about standard Mathematical library Functions and
their use with examples.
Used to implement additional operators
We learned how
to form arithmetic expressions in C using some unary and binary operations
However, with
these operators alone we cannot write the full range of expressions that we can
do in mathematics.
example, we do not know yet
how to represent expressions like |a+b|, ,
in C language
To write such
mathematical formulas and other mathematical functions like sin, cos, tan, square root, square, power, absolute value, etc., in C language, the library header
file called math.h should be included in the beginning of the program along with the stdio.h file as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
For sin, cos,
tan the degrees should be converted into radians. To convert degrees to radians multiply the
degrees with (22/7)/180 or (3.14/180) where 3.14 is the value of PI.
For example:
is written as sin(30*3.14/180), a5 is written as pow(a, 5).
To write the
expression x = sin450 + cos900
+ log106 + b4 in C language, we write:
x = sin(45*3.14/180) +
cos(90*3.14/180) + log10(6) + pow(b,4)
The following Example Shows explanation and use of some important
standard Math library Functions:
#include<stdio.h> // input
output standard functions are defined in this
#include<math.h> // all standard
math functions are defined
#include<stdlib.h> // here used only
for rand() function
void main()
{int ab,random; // variable
ab=abs(-8); // gives absolute
value of integer argument
cel=ceil(45.0001); // gives ceil
value of double argument
cosine=cos(30*3.14159/180); //angle must be
converted into radians first
expo=exp(1.0); // gives e to
the power argument value
floatabs=fabs(-8.432); // gives absolute value of float argument
flo=floor(45.99356); // it truncates
decimal digits
logbase_e=log(2.71828); //calculates natural log of argument
(i.e base e)
logbase_10=log10(100); // calculates log of argument at base 10
power=pow(0.16,0.5); // calculates power i.e., pow(base, power) format
random=rand(); // generates random integer between 0 and
the value
// associated with RAND_MAX, a constant macro defined in
sq_root=sqrt(2.25); // calculates square root of argument
printf("The absolute
value of -8 is : %d\n", ab);
printf("The ceil
value of 45.0001 is : %lf\n", cel);
printf("The cos value
of degree 30 is : %lf\n", cosine);
exponential value of 1 is : %lf\n",
printf("The absolute
value of double type argument -8.432 is: %lf\n", floatabs);
floor value of 45.99356 is: %lf\n", flo);
printf("The natural
log value of 2.71829 is:
%lf\n", logbase_e);
printf("The log base
10 for value 100 is : %lf\n", logbase_10);
printf("The value of pow(0.16,0.5) is : %lf\n", power);
printf("A random
integer between 0 and RAND_MAX is :
%d\n", random);
= : %d\n", RAND_MAX);
printf("The value of sqrt(2.25) is : %lf\n", sq_root);
} // end of main
Output: Left as an exercise
Determine the
value of the following C expression:
a) - (2 * (-3/(double) (4%10))) – (-6+4)
b) ceil(-7.2) * pow (4.0,2.0)