Journal Articles
U. Zahid,
“Application case study of enhanced coal bed methane recovery
process in thar coal fields”, Environmental Progress & Energy
Sustainability, Accepted (2017).
U. Zahid,
Y.H. Kim, U. Ahmed, J. An, “Conceptual design of an off-shore
topside CO2 injection system”, International Journal
of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 66, Pages 1–9 (2017).
U. Ahmed, D. Ha, S. Shin, N. Shaukat, U. Zahid, C.
Han, “Estimation of Disturbance Propagation Path Using Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) and Multivariate Granger Causality (MVGC)
Techniques”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56
(25), pp 7260–7272 (2017).
U. Ahmed, D. Ha, J. An, U. Zahid, C. Han, “Fault
propagation path estimation in NGL fractionation process using
principal component analysis”, Chemometrics and Intelligent
Laboratory Systems, Volume 162, Pages 73–82 (2017).
U. Zahid,
F. N Al Rowaili, M. K Ayodeji, U. Ahmed, “Simulation and
parametric analysis of CO2 capture from natural gas using
diglycolamine”, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,
Volume 57, Pages 42–51(2017).
U. Ahmed, C. Kim, U. Zahid, CJ Lee, C. Han, “Integration
of IGCC and methane reforming process for power generation with CO2
capture,” Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process
Intensification, 111, pp 14-24 (2017).
U. Ahmed, U. Zahid, Y. Jeong, C. Lee, C. Han, "IGCC
Process Intensification for Simultaneous Power Generation and CO2
Capture”, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process
Intensification, Volume 101, Pages 72–86 (2016).
C. Han, U. Zahid, J. An, K. Kim, C. Kim, "CO2
Transport: Design Considerations and Project Outlook", Current
Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Volume 10, 42-48 (2015).
U. Zahid,
J. An, C. Lee, U. Lee, C. Han, "Design
and Operation Strategy of CO2 Terminal",
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54 (8), pp 2353–2365
C. Park, U. Zahid, S. Lee, C. Han, "Effect
of process operating conditions in the biomass torrefaction: A
simulation study using one-dimensional reactor and process model,"
Energy, Volume 79, 127- 139 (2015).
U. Zahid,
J. An, U. Lee, S. Choi, C. Han, “Techno-Economic assessment of CO2
Liquefaction for Ship Transportation”, Greenhouse Gases: Science
and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 6, pages 734-749 (2014).
U. Zahid,
U. Lee, J. An, Y. Lim, C. Han, "Economic analysis for transport
and storage of captured carbon dioxide in South Korea”,
Environmental Progress & Energy Sustainability,
Volume 33, Issue 3, pages
978–992 (2014).
U. Zahid,
Y. Lim, J. Jung, C. Han, “CO2 Geological
Storage: A review on Present & Future Prospects”, Korean
J. Chem. Eng., 28(3), 674-685 (2011).
- U. Zahid, "Design and Evaluation of Thermodynamic
Conditions for an Off-Shore Topside CO2 Injection System,"
AiChE, Minneapolis, US, Oct 29 - Nov 3 (2017)
- U.
Zahid, Y. H. Kim, U. Ahmed, “Topside process design for the
liquid CO2 injection”, European Symposium on Computer Aided
Process Engineering (ESCAPE27), Barcelona, Spain, 1-5 Oct,
U. Zahid, F. N Al Rowaili, M. K Ayodeji, U. Ahmed,
“Performance Analysis of Industrial CO2 Capture from Natural
Gas using Diglycolamine”, European Symposium on Computer
Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE27), Barcelona, Spain, 1-5
Oct, 2017.
U. Zahid, U. Ahmed, C. Han, “Design and Economic Analysis of
IGCC Power Plants with CO2 Capture”, AiChE, San Francisco,
US, Nov 13-18 (2016)
U. Zahid, J. An, U. Lee, C. Han, “Effect of Liquefaction
Plant Performance and Location on the Cost of CO2
Transport”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume
33, Pages 1651-1656 (2014)
U. Zahid, J. An, U. Lee, C. Han, Techno-Economic
Assessment of CO2 Liquefaction for Ship
Transportation, The 4th Korea CCS International
Conference, Jeju Korea, February 2014.
U. Zahid, J. Kim, J. An and C. Han, Transport and Storage
of Captured Carbon Dioxide in South Korea, AiChE, San
Francisco, US, Nov 3-8 (2013)
U. Zahid, C. Park and C. Han, One-Dimensional Modeling
and Process Alternative for Biomass Torrefaction, AiChE,
San Francisco, US, Nov 3-8 (2013)
U. Zahid, Y. Lim, C. Han, “Choosing the suitable Carbon
dioxide Storage Location in Sedimentary Basins of Korea”
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume 30, Pages 71–75
U. Zahid, Y. Lim, C. Han; “CO2
Geological Storage: Case Study of Korea and
Pakistan”, Pg 101-102, 8th Korea-China
Clean Energy Workshop, Daejeon, November 2010.