Presentation Rubrics



(Exceeds expectation)


(Meets expectation)


(Needs improvement)


Students will be able to demonstrate effective communication skill in

oral presentation





Total=    /25

(a)  Content of delivery





        (3)·  Audience awareness

Gives audience very clear picture of subject, methodology and conclusions

Gives audience an adequate picture of subject, methodology and conclusions

Does not give audience an adequate picture of subject, methodology and conclusions


        (2) · Transition from one segment to the other

Very smooth transition

Generally smooth transition

Abrupt transition


        (2) ·                Use of visual aids

Uses effectively the presentation tools to tell the story

Uses well the presentation tools to tell the story

Does not use effectively the presentation tools to tell the story


(b)  Delivery manner





        (2) ·                Body movement and                 position

Faces audience; good gestures and movement

Faces audience most of the time; some gestures

Does not face audience most of the time; lack of gestures (glued to screen e.g.)


        (2) ·                Eye contact

Frequently makes eye contact while presenting and responding to questions

Sometime makes eye contact while presenting and responding to questions

Not enough eye contact while presenting and responding to questions


        (3) ·                Delivery

Excellent delivery (pace, poise, voice, clarity)

Good delivery (pace, poise, voice, clarity)

Not a good delivery (too fast, not poised, not clear)


        (2) ·                Visual aids

Very good slides

(not crowded, easily read)

Good slides

(some are crowded, obscure)

Not good slides (most are overcrowded, unclear)


(c)  Response





        (5) ·                Answer questions smoothly

Answers questions smoothly

Answers question in a satisfactory manner

Cannot answer questions in a smooth manner


        (4) ·                Interaction with         audience

Interacts with audience, inviting questions

Some interaction with audience

No interaction with audience







