Chairman: Dr. Abdulbasit Andijani

Phone: 8602968 Fax: 8602965 E-mail:

Faculty :

Abdul Raouf             Cheded                  Al-Haboubi              Al_Turki
Ahmed                   Duffuaa                 Kavranoglu              Al-Sunni 
Al-Alwani               Emara-Shabaik           Al-Mohamad              Dikko
Al-Amer                 Ezzine                  Al-Rabeh                El-Shafei 
Andijani                Al-Fares                Selim                   Ben Daya
Anas                    Al-Ghamdi               Al-Sultan

Adjunct Professor:      K. Murty

The Systems Engineering program covers analysis, design, and control of engineering systems. The program focuses on the science and technology of industrial systems. It emphasizes the analysis and design of systems to produce goods and services efficiently. Particular attention is devoted to both the physical processes involved and the environment.

The department offers undergraduate program with two options: (1) Industrial Engineering and Operations Research; (2) Automation and Control. It also offers Graduate programs in both the options leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Systems Engineering.

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Option

This option is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, and equipment; it draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design; its goals are specifying, predicting, and evaluating the results to be obtained from such systems.

The main study areas involved are:

(1) Manufacturing Systems Engineering.
This involves analysis and design of manufacturing methods, processes, and integrated systems including consideration of equipment, controls, services, managerial considerations, and new technologies such as computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), automation, robotics, and computer control.
(2) Operations Research.
This entails the development and investigations of principles and techniques for quantitative evaluation, design, and representation of integrated physical and operations systems, using the theory and methods of statistics, stochastic processes, mathematical modeling, and numerical and optimizafion techniques.
(3) Production Systems and Quality Control.
This deals with planning, scheduling, allocation, facility layout and location, inventory and quality control for productivity improvement, and effective utilization of economic, human, and physical resources.
(4) Human Factors Engineering.
This is related to a systematic application of knowledge about human sensory, perceptual, mental, and psychomotor characteristics to the engineering design of equipment and facilities to enhance their operational use and improve the quality and safety of their working life.

Automation and Control Option

The primary thrust of this option is to graduate engineers who can carry out modern automation technology of industrial systems existing in all engineering disciplines such as the petrochemical industry, the steel industry, power systems, and the like, as well as non-industrial systems such as the automation of water supply systems and irrigation systems. This option emphasizes the analysis, design, synthesis, and optimization of control systems in order to provide the best means of control- ling their dynamic behavior to produce favorable or specified outputs. The main study areas involved in this option are:

(1) Computer Control Systems.
This deals with the design, control, and operation of large- scale control systems. Sufficient details about electronics, hardware, instrumentation, and digital signal processing are given. Attention is also devoted to the use of microprocessors in automation systems, to computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), and to robotics.
(2) Control Systems Analysis and Design.
This provides a thorough grasp of the analytical tools of dynamical systems coupled with the ability to apply such techniques to challenging problems facing today's control engineer. Classical and modern design approaches for both continuous and discrete control systems are studied.
(3) Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems.
This involves mathematical modeling and digital simulation of deterministic as well as stochastic systems representing different practical engineering disciplines. The aim is to enable the systems engineer to generate and/or validate systems models that can be used to study and evaluate more complex dynamic systems.
(4) Signal, Speech and Image Processing. Analysis, design and implementation of engineer-
ing systems require a deep knowledge of signal processing. Signal processing deals with the representation, transformation and manipulation of signals and the information they contain. All aspects of signal processing such as theoretical development, hardware, implementation and real-time applications are studied. Two important application areas of signal processing, i.e., speech and image processing, are also covered.

Employment Opportunities

In Saudi Arabia, there is an abundance of capital but limited human resources. Automation provides ways of reducing manpower requirements in industry, agriculture, and other services. In fact, the leading petrochemical and related industries, desalination plants, and power systems within the Kingdom are already using modem automation techniques. Further-more, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research are essential to any country embarked on an ambitious industrialization plan. Indeed, the effectiveness of an enterprise is heavily influenced by the physical arrangement of people, equipment, and materials. The industrial engineer designs many types of systems, from material handling systems to the layout of factories and offices; he determines storage needs and space requirements for manufacturing systems, provides work measurement services, calculates labor requirements, estimates the performance of proposed systems, and measures and improves the effectiveness of existing systems.

Undergraduate Programs

B.S. Degree Requirements for the Systems Engineering Program

The goals of the B.S. Program are met through completion of the following requirements:

 (a) General Education Requirements (55 Credits)            Credit- Hours

Communication Skills           IAS 200, 300, 400,                   6
                               ENGL 101, 102, 214                   9
Islamic Studies                IAS 111, 222, 333, 4xx               8
Mathematics and Statistics     MATH 101, 102, 201, 250, SE 205     15
 Natural Science               CHEM 101, PHYS 101, 102             12
 Physical Education            PE 101, 102                          2
 Social or Behavioral Sciences ECON 403                             3

(b) Core Requirements (47 Credits)                         Credit- Hours

 Civil Engineering           CE 101                                5
 Computer Science            CS 101,SE301                          6
 Control Systems             SE 302, 401                           7
 Electrical Engineering      EE 201                                4
 Introduction to Industrial
 and Systems Engineering     SE 201                                3
 Mechanical Engineering      ME 205                                3
 Modeling and Simulation     SE 207, 405                           6
 Operations Research/Optomization SE 303, 305                      7
 Production Systems and   
 Inventory Control           SE 402                                3
 Senior Project              SE 490                                3

(c) Areas of Concentration (18 Credits)                      Credit- Hours

Each student must select one of the following options:
(1) Automation and Control      SE 311, 312,  417, EE 203 ,ME203      18
(2) Industrial Engineering and
     Operations Research        SE 320, 325, 322, 323, 421,422        18

(d) Electives (12 Credits)

 Each student must take elective courses based on his area of concentration, with the approval of his
 advisor and the curriculum committee, as follows:
                                                             Credit- Hours
Departmental Electives     SE xxx, xxx, xxx                         9
Free Technical Elective    XX xxx                                   3

 (e) Summer Training Program (Pass/Fail grade; nil Credits)

 Each student must participate in a summer training program of industrial 
experience, submit a formal written report, and give an oral presentation 
(seminar).  The period of training must be not less
 than eight consecutive weeks.

 (f) Total Requirement (132 Credits)
 The total required credits for the B.S. degree in Systems Engineering is 139 semester-credit-hours.

B.S. Degree Requirements for the Systems Engineering Program with Coop

Each coop student in Systems Engineering must complete the following courses:

(a) General Education Requirements (61 Credits) Credit- Hours

Communication Skills IAS 200, 300, 400, 6
ENGL 101, 102, 214 9
Islamic Studies IAS 111, 222, 333, 4xx 8
Mathematics and Statistics MATH 101, 102, 201, 250, SE 205 15
Natural Sciences CHEM 101, PHYS 101, 102 16
Physical Education PE 101, 102, 4
Social or Behavioral Sciences ECON 403 3

(b) Core Requirements (42 Credits) Credit-Hours

Civil Engineering CE 101 2
Computer Science ICS 101, 301 6
Control Systems SE 302, 401 7
Electrical Engineering EE 201 4
Introduction to Industrial
and Systems Engineering SE 201 3
Mechanical Engineering ME 205 3
Modeling and Simulation SE 207, 405 6
Operations Research SE 303, 4
Production Systems and
Inventory Control SE 402 3

(c) Areas of Concentration (18 Credits) Credit- Hours

Each student must select one of the following options:

(1) Automation and Control SE 311, 312, 417, EE 203 18
(2) Industrial Engineering and
Operations Research SE 320, 322, 323, 421, 422 18

(d) Electives (9 Credits)

Each student must take elective courses based on his area of concentration, with the approval of his
advisor and the curriculum committee, as follows:

Departmental Electives SE xxx, xxx, xxx 9

(e) Cooperative Work (9 Credits)

Each student must participate in a 28-week program of industrial training
approved by the department and must submit a comprehensive report on his work during that period. The student is permitted to start his cooperative work after completing a minimum of 95 credit hours.

The coop student must attain an overall GPA of 2.0 and a major GPA of 2.0 prior to starting his
cooperative work.

(f) Total Requirement (132 Credits)

The total required credits for the B.S. degree in Systems Engineering with Coop is 139 semester credit hours.


In their chosen programs students in the regular program select four elective courses while Coop students select three elective courses. At least three of the electives should be selected from the following list of courses:

SE-429  Maintenance Planning and Control
SE-430  Nonlinear Control Systems
SE-432  Digital Signal Processing
SE-434  Linear Optimal Control
SE-435  Control System Design
SE-436  Introduction to Robust Control
SE-438  Instrumentation for Process Control
SE-439  Special Topics in Automation
SE-443  Human Factors Engineering
SE-447  Decision Making
SE-448  Scheduling and Sequencing
SE-449  Special Topics in IE/OR
SE-450  Methodology of Large-Scale Systems
SE-461  Computer-Aided Manufacturing and Robotics
SE-463  Theory of Stochastic Systems
SE-464  Industrial Information Systems
SE-465  Industrial Safety
SE-470  Digital Computing Techniques I
SE-475  Digital Computing Techniques 11
SE-480  Reliability and Maintainability

Graduate Program

Admission Requirement:

Ph.D. Program in Systems Engineering

The Ph.D program consists of a total of 30 credit hours : 21 credit hours taken from the major area of specialization, 9 credit hours to be selected from other alied areas or another department ( Which consitute a minor) plus 12 credit hours of thesis. The Ph.D program has two major areas of specialization.

(1) Automation and Control Option:

In order to prepare PhD graduates to work in the rapidly developing field of systems science and automation technology, the automation and control option is structured to offer a wide selection of courses and seminars. The PhD courses are based on the MS courses and are broadly clustered around the system theory course area and two application oriented course areas. The student course load requirement is a minimum of 10 courses from the 500/600 level courses. A student may take up to three courses outside the department with the approval of his advisor.

Following is a brief description of the various course areas:

(a) Systems and Control Theory

(b) Robotics and Machine Intelegance

The objective here is to provide the fundation for study and research in the field of intellegent automation systems. Courses include:

(c) Control Applications & Distributed Computer Control

The objective of this area is to provide the training and background to handel specific applications which depends on the student's interest and thesis. Courses include:

(2) Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Option

This option consists of three subareas. These are: Operation Research & Applications, Production and Quality Control and Man-Machine Systems.These Courses in each area build on the M.S. courses. A student is required to take a minimum of 10 courses from 500/600 level courses. A student may take three courses outside the department with the approval of his advisor. Following a brief description of the various courses in the area.:

(a) Operation Research and Applications

b) Production and Quality Control:

(c) Man-Machine Systems

Academic & Research Facility

The university has an excellent research envirnoment which includes