Course Syllabus (041)
SE207: Modeling and Simulation (2-3-3)
Instructor: Dr. Moustafa Elshafei Office:22-135
Office Hours: As posted
Catalog Description: Principle of modeling, Linear and nonlinear lumped parameter dynamic models. Introduction to Laplace Transform and system analysis. Linearization of nonlinear models. Modeling of Mechanical and Electrical systems. Transfer function and state space models. Laboratory activities including analog and digital simulation of dynamic models.
Prerequisite : Se201, MATH250
Textbook: C.M. Close and D.F. Frederick, Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems, ( 3rd Ed.) John Wiley.
Weekly Breakdown:
Topic |
Week |
1 |
INTRODUCTION: Concept and purpose of system modeling and analysis, Cause-Effect relationship, Variables and system classification (Ch.1). |
1 |
2 |
MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES: Laplace Transform: Theory and application to solution of linear time-invariant ODE (Ch.7). |
2 |
3 |
MODELING OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS: Basic elements and motion laws. Fee-body diagrams. Systems with pulleys. Series and parallel combinations of Systems. (Ch.2) |
2 |
Major 1 |
4 |
STANDARD FORMS FOR SYSTEM MODELS: Basic concepts of state variable and Input/Output models with examples. (Ch. 3). |
1 |
5 |
MODELING OF ROTATIONAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS: Basic elements and motion laws. Fee-body diagrams. Input/output models for gear and composite systems (Ch.4). |
2 |
6 |
MODELING OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: Passive elements and circuit laws. Input/output and state variable models. Controlled sources and Op. Amps. (Ch.5) |
3.5 |
Major 2 |
7 |
TRANSFER FUNCTION ANALYSIS: Free Response in the Frequency –Domain, System Modes, Forced response in the frequency domain, concept of Transfer Function. Poles, Zeros, Complete response, Frequency response. (Ch. 8.1-8.5) |
2.5 |
8 |
LINEARIZATION OF NONLINEAR MODELS: Graphical and series expansion methods with examples. (Ch. 9.1-9.2) |
1 |
Grading Policy:
Attendance +Homework 10%
Lab Work 25%
Major 1 15%
Major 2 20%
Final Exam 30%