Short Courses

Short Course: Research Methods and Communication for Undergraduates KFUPM (offered two times)

Workshop: Research Methods & Communication for Graduates Students & Junior Faculty KFUPM 2009 & 2012, organized by Deanship of Graduate Studies DGS and Deanship of Academic Development DAD KFUPM

Workshop: Tips for a Successful M. Sc. and PhD Thesis, organized by DGS and DAD, KFUPM 2011

Workshop: Writing a Successful Research Proposal organized by DGS and DAD, KFUPM 2010


Seminars and Presentations

RobotMaster Project, Cap Technologies, Montreal, July 10, 2006 “Neuro-fuzzy multi-objective trajectory planning for redundant manipulators

CAE Frazer Elliot Laboratory, Mech. Eng. Dept. University of Montreal, April 6, 2006, “Neuro-fuzzy optimal time trajectory planning for parallel kinematic machines

AXOR Inc. Montreal, October 4, 2005 “Hybrid fuzzy systems for traffic light control

GlobVision Inc. Montreal Nov. 4, 2004 “Artificial neural networks for data validation