<% if not session("UserGood")=true then session("UserGood") = false end if %> Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem







Cruise Leader

Cruise Leader for many cruises undertaken by the research boats Algosaibi-1, Uloom 1 & Uloom 2 on the Saudi territorial waters of the Arabian Gulf.  Various studies were executed covering oceanography, pollution, ecology and fisheries of the Gulf.

Co-Leader of the “Cruise for the ROPME Oceanographic Cruise 2006”, 27 January – 26 February 2006. Sponsored by ROPME, Kuwait.



Conference Organizer

Organized various scientific conferences and multidisciplinary panel meetings.  Among those:

  • ETMA's 5th specialty conference on Environmental progress in the Petroleum & Petrochemical Industry  "EnviroArabia 2007" held at Gulf International Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain on 21-25 April 2007.

  • ETMA's 4th specialty conference on Environmental progress in the Petroleum & Petrochemical Industry "Creative Solutions" held at Gulf International Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain on 23- 25 April 2004

  • Symposium on Maritime Disaster Management, held at KFUPM from 19-23 January 2002.

  • Co-editor of the conference proceeding book entitled “Maritime Disaster Management”. Conveyor for a special issue of the Spill Sciences at Technology Bulletin.  Selected papers from the conferences will be published in the Journal.

  1. Attended the training course entitled “Research Management Training Workshop” sponsored by the Saudi Society for Technology Development & Transfer in collaboration with SRI International and Future Technologies Ltd., December 10-12, 2007, Carlton Al-Moabid Hotel, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
  2. Attended the three day symposium entitled “The First National Symposium Developing National R&D Talents”, December 8-9, 2007, SCITECH, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
  3. Attended a workshop entitled “Ocean Observing and Biodiversity in the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman”, October 28-30, 2007, Sultan Qaboos University, Al-Khod, Sultanate of Oman.
  4. Chaired a session the conference in “Offshore Arabia 2006 Conference & Exhibition”, Dubai, U.A.E., December 17-19, 2006.
  5. Conference attendance in “Euro-Arab 2006 Conference and Exhibition on Environment”, 27-29 November 2006, State of Kuwait.
  6. Conference attendance in “The Eighth SPE International Conference on Health, Safety & Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production”, 2-4 April 2006, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  7. Scientific Committee Member in the First International Conference on “The State of The Gulf Ecosystem:  Future and Threats”, March 5-7, 2006, UAE University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
  8. Co-Leader of theCruise for the ROPME Oceanographic Cruise 2006”, 27 January – 26 February 2006. Sponsored by ROPME, Kuwait.
  9. Attended the “Third Scientific Committee Meeting on Oceanographic Cruise in the ROPME Sea Area”, Tehran, I.R. Iran, 17-18 December 2005, sponsored by ROPME-Kuwait.
  10. Review of the “Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for Oceanographic Cruise – Winter 2005”, was presented at the High Level Meeting for Designing and Implementing a Regional Monitoring Program for Marine Pollution, Tehran, I.R. Iran, 9-13 July 2005, sponsored by ROPME-Kuwait.
  11. Oceanographic Cruise in the ROPME Sea Area: Participated as a leading member of the Regional Task Force in the Cruise – Winter 2005 in Bandar Abbas, Iran during the period of 25-27 June 2005.
  12. ROPME Workshop:  participated in a ROPME regional training workshop in remote sensing applications to environmental monitoring, held in Kuwait from May 21-25, 2005.
  13. Representation in UNESCO Meeting:  nominated by UNESCO as the representative of Saudi Arabia to present a report on key environmental issues of the country at a meeting organized by UNESCO and ROPME being held in Tehran, Iran, on 2-6 May 2005.
  14. Attended the “Executive Development Program by Mr. Tom Peters Seminar, 20 April 2005”, sponsored by KFUPM and JIWA Training Center, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  15. Second Scientific Committee Meeting on “Oceanographic Cruise in the ROPME Sea Area”, Tehran, I.R. Iran, 15-17 January 2005.  Sponsored by ROPME Kuwait.
  16. “Marine Research Committee”, Office of the Deputy Minister, Ministry of Defense & Aviation, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 10/23/1425 (Dec. 6, 2004).
  17. First Scientific Committee on “Oceanographic Cruise in the ROPME Sea Area – Spring 2005”, Tehran, I.R. Iran, 18-20 September 2004.  This is sponsored by ROPME Kuwait.
  18. “The Annual Environmental Protection Seminar 2004, 27-29 September 2004”, sponsored by Environmental Technology & Management Association (ETMA) and Gulf Business Network Group (GBN), Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  19. “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Using Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM)”, 5 Days Workshop, Conference Center, Knowledge Village, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-25 August 2004.
  20. UNESCO Expert Meeting on “Coastal and Marine Environmental Issues in the ROPME Sea Area” – Water & Ecosystems, June 20-22,2004, Ras Al-Kaimah, United Arab Emirates.
  21. Fourth Specialty Conference on “Environmental Progress in the Petroleum & Petrochemical Industries”: Creative Solutions, 23-25 February 2004, Gulf International Convention Centre, Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain.
  22. 1st International Workshop on “Guidelines & Standards for Ballast Water Sampling”, 7-11 April 2003, Solar da Imperatriz, Rua Pacheco Leao 2004, Botanical Gardens, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  23. “National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development”, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 19-20 October 2003.
  24. “Kuwait Institute for Science and Environmental Research”, Kuwait, 8-10 March 2003.
  25. “12th Industrial Safety” sponsored by SABIC, Jubail, November 5-8, 2002.
  26. “Environment and Industrial Conference”, March 1-2, 2003, sponsored by Chamber of Commerce, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
  27. “Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System (IOGOOS)” Conference at Mauritius Oceanography Institute, Mauritius from 01-09 November 2002. 
  28. 1st International Workshop on “Global Monitoring Systems for Introduced / Invasive Species (GMS for IMS)” and the 1st International Workshop on “Standards and Guidelines for Ballast Water Sampling in Rio de Janeiro/Paranaqua, Brazil”, from 29 July to 9 August 2002.  Sponsored by GEF/UNDP/IMO GloBallast Water Management Program, 4 Albert Embankments, London SE1 7SR, England.
  29. Regional Workshop on “Conservation of the Northeastern Red Sea”  from 28-30 January 2002,  Sponsored by JICA and the Department of Marine Studies, Dammam, KSA.
  30. “Sea Water Quality Monitoring of the Arabian Gulf Workshop”, organized by Meteorology and Environmental Protection Agency & The Japan International Cooperation Agency at Dammam, Saudi Arabia on September 13-14,2001.
  31. “19th Lab Research and Development Center – 2001 Technical Exchange Meeting”, sponsored by Engineering Services, Saudi Aramco, September 10-12, 2001.
  32. Training program on “Applications of Remote Sensing in Oceanography”, on September 1-8, 2001.  Sponsored by NARSS, Cairo, Egypt.
  33. “Oceanographic Cruise ROPME Sea Area, (Summer 2001) Iranian Cruise”, sponsored by ROPME Kuwait on August 16-29, 2001.
  34. “Mangrove Rescue workshop”, conducted by NCWCD, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on June 24, 2001.
  35. Workshop on the “Role of Science and Technology Parks and Incubators as Home for Entrepreneurs from University and Industry”, 31 March – 1 April 2001, KFUPM Conf. Hall, Building 20, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
  36. Training program on “Integrated Environmental Assessment and Reporting by UNEP/ROWA”, National Authority of Remote Sensing & Space Science and University of Alexandria, Egypt on January 21-24, 2001.
  37. Workshop of “Sea Water Quality Monitoring of the Arabian Gulf”, sponsored by MEPA & JICA, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 13-14 November 2000.
  38. “Symposium for Fish in GCC” from 9-11 October 2000.  Sponsored by King Faisal University, Al-Hassa and Standardization & Metrology Organization for GCC, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  39. Fourth Meeting of the “Regional Group of Experts on Marine Mortality”, sponsored by ROPME, Kuwait, 4-5 July 2000.
  40. Workshop on “Hazardous Waste Practices and Controls Schedule”, sponsored by EPA, MEPA, & NOAA, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, June 25-28, 2000.
  41. The Second Arab International Conference and Exhibition on “Environmental Biotechnology (Coastal Habitats)”, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 8-12 April 2000.
  42. “Summer 2000 RSA Open Sea Cruise Work Plan”, sponsored by Marine Environment Research Bureau (MERB), Department of the Environment, I.R. Iran.
  43. International Symposium on “Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB’s) & Third Expert Meeting on the Regional Plan of Action on Marine Mortality (PAMM)”, sponsored by Environment Public Authority (EPA) State of Kuwait, 6-8 March 2000.
  44. “EU-GCC Hazardous Waste Management Workshop”, from 11-13 October 1998.  Sponsored by MEPA Eastern Province, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
  45. Training program on “Analytical techniques in marine sciences”, United Arab Emirates University, November 1997.
  46. Scientific Workshop on “Results of the R/V Mt. Mitchell Cruise” sponsored by ROPME Kuwait, 24-28 January 1993.
  47. Two weeks training course on “Gas chromatography”, King Faisal University, and June 1992.
  48. Ten days course on “Statistical data analysis using SAS”, King Faisal University, April 1992.
  49. One month course on “Fish farming and fisheries”, the Red Sea, Ministry of Agriculture and Water, May-June 1984.
  50. Participated in three weeks program on “the study and protection of inter-tidal habitats”, Saudi Coast of the Arabian Gulf, July-August 1983.
  51. Two weeks training course on “shrimp fisheries”, on board a shrimp trawler in the Arabian Gulf, Saudi Fisheries Company, August 1982.