King Fahd University of Petroluem & Minerals
College of Sciences, Prep-Year Math Program
Warnings / DN due to Excessive Absences
TERM 032           16 March, 2004
                MATH 001                                            MATH 002
ID No. Section # Warning DN ID No. Section # Warning DN
235159 1 I   231895 1 1  
235647 1 2   235065 1 1  
237569 1 2   237505 1 1  
234305 2 1   234037 5 1  
234515 2 1   237603 9 1  
234965 2   x 234549 11 1  
235171 2 1   234973 11 2  
235603 2 1   235685 14 1  
237943 2 1   235817 14 1  
234303 4 I   235031 22 1  
235651 4 2   233417 26 1  
236491 4 I   233035 27 2  
237621 4 2   232479 32 2  
232163 5 2   234147 34   x
232191 5 I   224326 35 1  
231943 6 1   232897 35 1  
232951 6 2   235623 42 1  
233251 6 2   233013 49   x
233505 6 1     237623 49 1  
233819 6 2     232757 58 1  
234063 6 2     233067 58 1  
234041 14 1     233467 58 2  
234085 14 1            
235629 14 2          
237859 14 1          
1:    WARNING 1
2:   WARNING 2