1. |
Why does the writer want us 'to take a deep
breath' (line 6)?
2. |
Why aren't the majority of people worried about using
3. |
According to Bill Lease, what is the problem with
statistics such as 'only three Canadians are killed by lightning every
4. |
Why were so many people frightened by SARS?
5. |
One third of home injuries happen
6. |
A 'knee-jerk reaction' (line 49) is
7. |
According to Donnelly, how can marketers get people to
pay more money for a house?
8. |
What does Donnelly mean by 'creative use of statistics'
(line 66)?
9. |
What 'is rarely mentioned' (line 76) and by who?
10. |
What does Palos mean when he says 'look at the big
picture' (line 79)?