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Example sentence


breathe (v)

They could swim freely and breathe the air in the suit. p.89



complaint (n)

Investigate the complaint about heating system in Workshop 6B. p.91 and 116



fibre optics (n)

Fibre optics were invented in India in 1955. p.89


الإلياف البصرية

flight (n)

Leonardo understood a lot about flight. For example, he understood that if landing gear did not fold up, it could slow down a plane. p.89



fold up (v)

Leonardo understood a lot about flight. For example, he understood that if landing gear did not fold up, it could slow down a plane. p.89


helicopter (n)

It was powered by a wound-up spring and it works in a similar way to a modern helicopter. p.88

طائرة مروحية

invent (v)

Leonardo da Vinci invented these things. What are they? Do they remind you of any modern inventions? p.88


invention (n)

Leonardo da Vinci invented these things. What are they? Do they remind you of any modern inventions? p.88


investigate (v)

Have you investigated the complaint about heating system in Workshop 6B. p.91

تحقيق أو دراسة

landing gear (n)

Leonardo understood a lot about flight. For example, he understood that if landing gear did not fold up, it could slow down a plane. p.89

محدان الهبوط

lifetime (n)

Sketches of these inventions were drawn in the fifteenth century by Leonardo da Vinci and although his sketch books contain many inventions, very few were built in his lifetime. p.88


parking meter (n)

The world's first parking meters were installed in Oklahoma City in 1935. p.88

عداد مبْرك السيارات

power (v)

It was powered by a wound-up spring and it works in a similar way to a modern helicopter. p.88


reception (in office building) (n)

Fix energy saving lamp in reception. p.91 and 116


retractable (adj)

So he designed retractable landing gear for a plane that didn't exist. So he designed retractable landing gear for a plane that didn't exist. p.89

قابل للطي

rewire (v)

Rewire the plug on the production manager's

desk lamp. p.91

ركب الاجهزة الكهربائية

safety guard (n)

Replace the damaged safety guard on milling

machine in Workshop 2. p.91

حارس الأمن

sketch (n)

Sketches of these inventions were drawn in the fifteenth century by Leonardo da Vinci and although his sketch books contains many inventions, very few were built in his lifetime. p.81

مخطط توضيحي

sketch book (n)

Sketches of these inventions were drawn in the fifteenth century by Leonardo da Vinci and although his sketch books contains many inventions, very few were built in his lifetime. p.81

كراسة الرسم

slow down (v)

Leonardo understood a lot about flight. For example, he understood that if landing gear did not fold up, it could slow down a plane. p.89


tank (military) (n)

The first time tanks were used was in 1917 in Cambrai, France, during World War 1. p.89


tap (n)

Yes, she said there's a problem with your kitchen tap. p.126

صنبور . حنفية

teabag (n)

Teabags were invented by Thomas Sullivan in 1904. p.89

كيس الشاي

transformer (n)

The battery of your laptop can be recharged by plugging in the transformer.


turning machine (n)

Thank you. And what about the turning machine? p.126

آلة التحول

wound-up (adj)

It was powered by a wound-up spring and it works in a similar way to a modern helicopter. p.88

ملفوف حتى تدير مرات حتى تتحرك و تبدأ في العمل


Useful phrases



Have you … yet?

Have you fixed the generator yet? No, we haven't. The parts we need haven't arrived yet. p.91

هل سبق أن فعلت..؟

It’s progress.

Title of Unit 19


What was wrong with …?

What was wrong with it?p.116

ما المشكلة مع..؟