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Word Unit 5 -only words to be tested

Example sentence


airbag (n)

There’s a seat belt at the front, and there’s an air bag too. p.25

كيس هواء

air vent (n)

There is also a clock and an air vent and there are six sockets, four gauges, three knobs, and five switches. p.22


alarm bell (n)

There's an alarm bell in the centre at the bottom, and there are four fuses at the bottom on the right. p.23

جرس إنذار

also (adv)

There is also a clock and an air vent and there are six sockets, four gauges, three knobs, and five switches. p.23


anti-clockwise (adv)

We turn the knobs clockwise and anti-clockwise. p.23

بعكس اتجاه عقارب الساعة

at (prep)

Work with a partner. A - look at the information below. B - look at file 11 on page 105. p.23

لِ . الى

bathroom (n)

Toilets (BrE) or bathrooms (AmE) are some of the symbols of hotel facilities shown in the pictures. p.24


breakfast (n)

It opens for breakfast at seven tomorrow morning. p.121


building (n)

Ask and answer questions about the facilities of the building you're in now. Use the symbols in 1. p.24


car doors (n pl)

Where are the car doors? p.25

ابواب السيارة

car park (n)

A car park (BrE) or a parking lot (AmE) are some of the symbols of hotel facilities shown in the pictures. p.24

موقف سيارة

child (n); children (n pl)

Q How many people are there in the car?
A None, but there are three dummies. There’s a
dummy of a man at the front and a woman and child at the back, but they aren’t real people.p.25


circles (n pl)

Is this a dummy too? There are circles on its clothes. p.25


clock (n)

There is also a clock and an air vent and there are six sockets, four gauges, three knobs, and five switches. p.22


clockwise (adv)

Turn the knobs clockwise. p.23

مع اتجاه عقارب الساعة

close (v)

Close the air vent. p.23


clothes (n pl)

Is this a dummy too? There are circles on its clothes. p.25


coffee bar (n)

A coffee bar is one of the symbols of hotel facilities shown in the pictures. p.24

مقهى صغير

computer (n)

Internet computers are one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24

حاسب آلي

control panel (n)

Look at this control panel. Read the text and find these controls. p.22

لوحة تحكم

controls (n pl)

Look at this control panel. Read the text and find these controls. p.22


cover (n)

Unlock the cover. p.23


crash test (n)

Yes, it's a 56 km/h crash test. p.25

إختبار تصادم

describe (v)

Describe your control panel to your partner. Find the differences. p.23


down (adv)

The switches are off and the lever is down. p.22


dummy (n); dummies (n pl)

If a word ends with a consonant +-y, remove -y and add -ies.
dummy -> dummies, battery -> batteries. p.25


elevator (n)

What facilities are there at the hotel? Is there an elevator? p.24


facilities (n pl)

What facilities are there at the hotel? Is there an elevator? p.24


fan (n)

Turn off the fan. p.23


feet (n)

These words have irregular plurasl: 5. foot …feet. p.25


find out (v)

Find out what's in your partner's storeroom and write it in the correct square. p.15
A hotel guest wants five things. What are they? Listen and find out. p.24


fire (n)

Q Is there a fire here?
A No,there isn’t. It's an air bag. p.25


fitness centre (n)

A Where's the fitness centre?
B It's on the twenty-second floor: The President’s Fitness Club. p.24

مركز لياقة

handle (n)

The umbrellas (in 9) don’t have handles. p.31


hotel (n)

What facilities are there at the hotel? Is there a restaurant in the hotel? p.24


hotel guest (n)

A hotel guest wants five things. What are they? Listen and find out. p.24

نزلاء فندق

in (prep)

What facilities are there at the hotel? Is there a minibar in the room? p.24


internet (n)

Internet computers are one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24


keypad (n)

There are two LCD displays on the right in the centre and there is a keypad at the bottom on the right. p.22

لوحة مفاتيح

knob (n)

There is also a clock and an air vent and there are six sockets, four gauges, three knobs, and five switches. p.22


LCD display (n)

There are two LCD displays on the right in the centre and there is a keypad at the bottom on the right. p.22

شاشة LCD

lever (n)

There are three levers at the top on the left. p.22


lock (n)

The lock (i) is under the handle (j) in the picture of the control station. p.23


lock (v)

#8. What do we lock and unlock? (in the control station on p.23)?


lounge (n)

Where’s the lounge? It’s on the second floor: “The Rio Lounge.”p.24


man (n)

Q How many people are there in the car?
A None, but there are three dummies. There’s a
dummy of a man at the front and a woman and child at the back, but they aren’t real people.p.25


measure (v)

There are sensors in its body too. They help us measure its movement. p.25


meeting rooms (n pl)

Meeting rooms are one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24

غرف مقابلات

men (n pl)

These words have irregular plural forms (2) man …men p.25


microphone (n)

Do you have the microphones? p.30


mime (v)

Watch your teacher mime some of the instructions. Say the instructions. p.23

مثَّل بالحركات بدون كلام

morning (n)

It opens for breakfast at seven tomorrow morning. p.121


move (v)

Q Where are the car doors? A. There aren’t any. We want to see the dummies move. .25


movement (n)

There are sensors in its body too. They help us measure its movement. p.25


near (prep)

Is there a restqurant near the hotel? p.24

بالقرب من

off (adj)

The switches are off and the lever is down. p.22


on (adj)

There are three levers at the top on the left. p.22 on the right, at the top, at the bottom, in the centre


open (v)

Close the air vent. - Open the air vent. p.23


parking lot (n)

A car park (BrE) or a parking lot (AmE) are some of the symbols of hotel facilities shown in the pictures. p.24

موقف سيارة

person (n); people (n pl)

Some plurals are irregular. one person - two people. p25


photocopier (n)

Photocopiers are one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24

ناسخة صور

picture (n)

Read about some more controls and look at the picture. There are some mistakes in the text. Find the mistakes and correct them. p.22


plug in (v)

Read these instructions. Plug in the control station. p.23


point to (v)

Point to the correct part of the control station. p.23

أشر الى

pool (n)

Swimming pool is one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24


pull (v)

Read these instructions. Pull the lever. p.23


push (v)

What do we pull and push? The lever. p.23


real (adj)

Look at the pictures. How many vehicles and people are there? Are they real people? p.25


reception desk (n)

A reception desk is one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24

مكتب الاستقبال

remove (v)

Remove and replace the fuses when they burn out. p.23


restaurant (n)

Is there a restaurant in the hotel? p.24


room service (n)

What about room service? I’m afraid there’s no room service. p.121

خدمة يقدمها الفندق بارسالل اكل او شرب لغرفة النزيل

seat belts (n pl)

What about seat belts? There’s a seat belt at the front, and there’s an air bag too. p.25

احزمة أمان

sign (n)

Look at this elevator sign. p.24


smoking area (n)

A smoking area is one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24

مساحة تدخين

socket (n)

There is also a clock and an air vent and there are six sockets, four gauges, three knobs, and five switches. p.22


stairs (n pl)

Some stairs are one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24


swimming pool (n)

A swimming pool is one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24


switch (n)

A There are two switches. B Where are they? A On the right at the top. B Are they on or off?


telephones (n pl)

Telephones are one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24


test (n)

It's just a test? Yes, it's a 56 km/h crash test. p.25


thing (n)

For one thing ask Are there any .. .? / Is there a(n) ... ?
For two or more things ask Are there any ... ? / Is there a(n) ... ?


toilets (n pl)

Toilets (BrE), or bathrooms (AmE) are one of the symbols of hotel facilities in the pictures. p.24



It opens for breakfast at seven tomorrow morning. p.121


tooth (n); teeth (n pl)

These words have irregular plural forms. tooth …teeth


turn (v)

Read these instructions. Turn the knobs clockwise. p.23


turn off (v)

Read these instructions. Turn off the fan. p.23


underline (v)

Underline the words in, on, and at in the text in 1. p.22

ضع خط اسفل الـــ

unlock (v)

Read these instructions. Unlock the cover. p.23


unplug (v)

What do we plug in and unplug? p.23


vehicle (n)

Look at the pictures. How many vehicles and people are there? p.25



Useful phrases


at the back

There’s a dummy of a man at the front and a woman and child at the back, but they aren’t real people.p.25

في الخلف

at the bottom

There are two LCD displays on the right in the centre and there is a keypad at the bottom on the right.

في الأسفل

at the front

There’s a seat belt at the front, and there’s an air bag too. p.25


at the top

There are three levers at the top on the left. p.22

في الأعلى

in the centre

Where's the clock? It's in the centre on the left.

في المنتصف

It’s not working.

Is there and elevator? Yes, there is. But it’s not working. p.121

انه لا يعمل

on the left

There are three levers at the top on the left. p.22

على اليسار

on the right

Where are the switches? They're on the right at the top.

على اليمين

over there

B Is there an elevator? A Yes, there is. B Good. Where is it? A Over there. But it’s not working. p.121


There are …

For one thing, use there is….For two or more things, use there are ...p.22


There is …

For one thing, use there is….For two or more things, use there are ...p.22


Where is it?

Where is it? --title of the unit (Unit 5). p.22

اين يقع ...؟