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Word  Unit 15

Example sentence


Africa (n)

World Population Statistics.  “How many people live in Africa? 13%


air (n)

The air on the planet  is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70


American (adj)

 In American English, you can say larger numbers in different ways too. two thousand four hundred or twenty-four hundred p.73


Argentinian (adj)

 The country is Argentina.  The nationality is Argentinian. p.70


around (adv)

 How long does it take for light from the sun to travel to Earth? - It takes around 8 minutes 18 seconds. p.75


Asia (n)

 How many people live in Asia? - 60% p.120


astronaut (n)

 What’s your job, Robert Curbeam?  What do you do (for a living), Robert Curbeam?  I’m an astronaut.


Australian (adj)

 The country is Australia.  The nationality is Australian. p.70


Belgium (n)

 Belgium - There are Belgian people in Belgium. p.70


born (to be born) (v)

 How many bables are born each second. p.71


Brazil (n)

 The country is Brazil.  The nationality is Brazilian. p.70


Brazilian (adj)

 Brazil – There are Brazilian people living in Brazil. p.70


Canada (n)

 This is Sylvie Beland and she’s from Canada. p.69


Canadian (adj)

 Canada – There are Canadian people living in Canada. p.70





carbon dioxide (n)

 The air on the planet  is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70



Caribbean (adj)

 How many people live in Latin America and the Caribbean? – 9%


Chinese (adj)

 Chinese is the world's top language. There are about six billion people in the world and eighteen per cent speak Chinese. p.71


clean (adj)

One coat is clean.  The other is dirty.  The opposite of clean is dirty. p.45


country (n)

 Which country are you from? What's your nationality? Which language(s) do you speak?p.70


countries (n pl)

 How many countries are working on the International Space Station project?p.68


covered (v)

 70% per cent of the earth is covered by

water. p.70


cycling (n)

 She likes sports too, especially tennis, swimming, jogging, and cycling. p.69


deliveries (n pl)

 Are there any postal deliveries here on Friday? No, the mail doesn’t come on Fridays here  in Saudi Arabia.  p.207 Oxford Word Power

رسائل او طرد مثلا يسلّم بابريد

Denmark (n)

Today sixteen countries are members of the International Space Station project:  Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. p.68


diving (n)

 When Takayoshi Nishikawa isn’t working, his hobbies are swimming, diving, running, and cycling. p.69


Dutch (adj)

 The Netherlands (or Holland) is the country.  Dutch is the language and the nationality. p.70


earth (n)

  70% per cent of the earth is covered by

water. p.70



energy (n)

 People in cities use three-quarters of the world’s energy.  A quarter of the world’s energy is used for transport and cars use half of that.p.70 and p.124



exactly (adv)

 Work with a partner.  Practise saying these numbers exactly and approximately. p.71


favourite (adj)

 What’s his favourite football team? p.69


feel (v)

 I’m feeling sleepy. p.51  How are you feeling today? I feel sick.  You’ll feel better tomorrow, I hope. p287 Oxford Word Power


female (adj)

 How many people are male? 3,051,099,000 p.110 How many people are female? 3,005,616,000 (three billion, five million six-hundred and sixteen thousand) p.71


fifth (n)

 Saying fractions:  1/5 is a fifth.


France (n)

 The country is France and the nationality or language is French. p.70


French (adj)

 The country is France and the nationality or language is French. p.70


gardening (n)

 If a-e are the answers, what are the questions?  Example:  reading and gardening àWhat are Sylvie’s hobbies?


Germany (n)

 Germany is the country and German is the nationality. p.70


grow (v)

 Cities cover 2% per cent of the world's

land surface and the world's population is

growing by 1.3% per cent a year. p.70


half (n)

 Saying fractions: ½ is (a) half.


hardware (n)

 Tools and equipment that are used in the house or garden are called hardware.  You can buy these tools in a hardware shop.p.361 Oxford Word Power


help (v)

 Can you help me? – title of Unit 16 p.74


hobby (n)

 Sylvie has two children and when she isn’t working, her hobbies are tennis, swimming, jogging, and cycling. p.69


hope (v)

I hope that you feel better soon. p381 Oxford Word Power




important (adj)

 Is money important for happiness?  It’s important that people should learn at least one foreign language. p.396 Oxford Word Power


interesting (adj)

Which statistics are most interesting? p.71


international (adj)

 English is the international language of science and technology. p.71


Italian (adj)

 Italian is the language & nationality.p.70


Italy (n)

 Italy is a country. p.70


Japan (n)

 Japan is a country. p.70


Japanese (adj)

 Japanese is the language & nationality. p.70


jogging (n)

 She likes sports too, especially tennis, swimming, jogging, and cycling. p.69


Korean (adj)

 Korean is the language & nationality. p.70


land surface (n)

 Cities cover 2% per cent of the world's

land surface and the world's population is

growing by 1.3% per cent a year. p.70


language (n)

 Which language(s) do you speak?p.70


Latin America (n)

How many people live in Latin America and the Caribbean? 9% p.71


less (det)

 It took less time than I thought. I’m too fat. I must eat less. p.449 Oxford Word Power

 اقل . اقل كمية

levels (n pl)

 The air on the planet is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70


live (v)

 How many people live in Africa? – 13%  p.71


major (adj)

 The world’s major languages are Chinese, English, Hindi/Urdu, Spanish, and Arabic. p.71


male (adj)

 A male goat is called a billy, or billy-goat. p.474 Oxford Word Power


mechanical engineer (n)

 Sylvie is a mechanical engineer. p.69




members (n pl)

Today sixteen countries are members of the International Space Station project:  Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. p.68

 عَضوُ ج اعضاء

missing (adj)

Ask your partner for the missing statistics and write them down. Answer your partner's questions. Which statistics are the most interesting? p.71


most (det)

 Which statistics are the most interesting ? p.71


Muslim (n)

 How many people are Muslim? 22% p.71


nationalities (n pl)

 Dino is from Italy. He's Italian. What other

nationalities are there in the team? p.68


nickname (n)

 Robert Curbeam’s nickname is Beamer. p.69 and p.111


nitrogen (n)

 The air on the planet  is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70



North America (n)

How many people live in North America? 5% p.71


older (adj)

 My father’s older than my mother. p.535 Oxford Word Power


organize (v)

 The school organizes trips to various places of interest. p.543 Oxford Word Power


per cent (n)

 Cities cover 2% per cent of the world's

land surface and the world's population is

growing by 1.3% per cent a year. p.70


planet (n)

 The air on the planet  is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70


population (n)

 Cities cover 2% per cent of the world's

land surface and the world's population is

growing by 1.3% per cent a year. p.70



Portuguese (adj)

 Portugal is a country.  The Portuguese are the people living there, and they speak Portuguese. p.70


prospects (n)

 Source:  United Nations world population prospects 2000 p.71


proud (adj)

 “I feel proud of this work and proud of the team.” p.69


quarter (n)

 Say these percentages as fractions.  For example, “25% is a quarter.” p.71


recurring (adj)

 33.33% - 66.66% *We say the number is recurring. Example thirty-three point three three recurring p.71


religious (adj)

 How many people are not religious? 14% p.71 “My aunt’s a deeply religious person.” p.1471 Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English


research (n)

 Market research has shown that many people now prefer coffee to tea.p.652 Oxford Word Power


roughly (adv)

Roughly a quarter of the world’s population speaks some English.p.71


running (n)

 Takayoshi Nishikawa’s hobbies are swimming, diving, running, and cycling. p.69


Russia (n)

Today sixteen countries are members of the International Space Station project:  Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. p.68.


science (n)

English is the international language of science and technology. p.71


scientific experiments (n pl)

 They have a station in space where people can live and work, and where they do research and scientific experiments. p.68

 تجربة ج تجربات علمية

second (adj)

 What's your first language? Can you speak

more than one language? (If you can, what's

your second language?) p.71


sixteen (num)

 April 16. What’s the date tomorrow?  It’s April the sixteenth. What was the date last Thursday? It was April ninth. p.73


space (n)

 How many countries are working on the International Space Station project? p.68


Spain (n)

 Today sixteen countries are members of the International Space Station project:  Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. p.68


Spanish (adj)

 People in Spain speak Spanish. p.70


speak (v)

 I’m from Switzerland.  I speak French, German, and Italian. p.70


sports (n pl)

 She likes sports too, especially tennis, swimming, jogging, and cycling. p.69


statistics (n pl)

 Say these statistics. Which statistics are most interesting? p.71


Sweden (n)

 Sweden is the name of the country.  Swedish is the nationality. p.70


Swedish (adj)

 Sweden is the name of the country. Swedish is the nationality. p.70


swimming (n)

 Takayoshi Nishikawa’s hobbies are swimming, diving, running, and cycling. p.69


Switzerland (n)

 Today sixteen countries are members of the International Space Station project: Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. p.68


teamwork (n)

 ‘The scientific research is very important, but the teamwork is the most important thing.’ p.68


technology (n)

 English is the international language of science and technology.p.71




tennis (n)

 She likes sports too, especially tennis, swimming, jogging, and cycling. p.69


tenth (num)

 Saying fractions 9/10 nine tenths. p.70


Thai (adj)

 The country is called Thailand.  The people there are Thai, and speak Thai.p.70


the Netherlands

 The country is the Netherlands. The people there speak Dutch as their first language. p.70


the United States

 The country is called the United States.  The people living there are American. p.70


third (n)

 Saying fractions:  1/3 a third. p.70


too (adj/adv)

 too(adv.)=also; She likes sports too, especially tennis, swimming, jogging, and cycling. p.69, In American English you can say larger numbers in different ways too. p.72  Too(adj/adv)=more than is good, possible; That’s too bad. p.72


top (n)

Chinese is the world’s top language. p.71


tourist (n)

 A person who visits a place for pleasure is called a tourist. p.815 Oxford Word Power


trainer (n)

 A person who teaches people or animals how to do a particular skill is called a trainer.p.817 Oxford Word Power


transport (n)

 I travel to school by public transport.p819 Oxford Word Power



water (n)

 71 per cent of the earth is covered by

water. p70



weekends (n pl)

 What does he do at weekends? p.68


Western Europe

 Famous cities like Paris, Rome, and Amsterdam are in Western Europe.  Famous cities like St. Petersbourg, Moscow, and Prague are in Eastern Europe.p.865 Oxford Word Power


wine (n)

 Wine is an alcoholic drink that is made from grapes. p.873

 نبيذ . خمر

world (n)

 Chinese is the world's top language.p71



year (n)

Say the names of the days of the week, the

months of the year, and the four seasons.p.73

Approximately one year. p75



younger (adj)

 I am a year younger than her.p .885 Oxford Word Power






Useful phrases



a little

 And millions more can speak a little English. p71



I’d prefer to be a tourist.

 Would you like to live in India and become a Hindu? p.71 I’d prefer to be a tourist.


Where are you from?

 Where are you from? I am from KSA. p.70

Which country are you from? p.70