Word Unit 15 |
Example sentence |
Arabic |
Africa (n) |
World Population
Statistics. “How many people live in Africa? 13% |
أفريقيا |
air (n) |
The air on the
planet is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen,
and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70
هواء |
American (adj) |
larger numbers
too. two
أمريكي |
Argentinian (adj) |
The country is
Argentina. The Nationality is Argentinian. p.70 |
أرجنتيني |
around (adv) |
Around six percent
speak English as a second language. p. 71 How long does it take for
light from the sun to travel to Earth? - It takes around 8
minutes 18 seconds. p.75 |
حوالي |
Asia (n) |
How many people live in
Asia? - 60% p.120 |
astronaut (n) |
What’s your job, Robert
Curbeam? What do you do (for a living), Robert Curbeam? I’m an
astronaut. |
فضاء |
Australian (adj) |
The country is
Australia. The nationality is Australian. p.70 |
استرالي |
Belgium (n) |
Belgium - There
are Belgian people in Belgium. p.70 |
بلجيكا |
born (to be born) (v) |
How many babies are
born each second. p.71 |
يولد |
Brazil (n) |
The country is Brazil.
The nationality is Brazilian. p.70 |
برازيل |
Brazilian (adj) |
The country is Brazil.
The nationality is Brazilian. p.70 |
برازيلي |
Canada (n) |
This is Sylvie Beland and
she’s from Canada. p.69 |
كندا |
Canadian (adj) |
Canada – There are
Canadian people living in Canada. p.70
كندي |
carbon dioxide (n) |
The air on the
planet is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen,
and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70
أكسيد الكربون |
Caribbean (adj) |
How many people live in
Latin America and the Caribbean? – 9% |
كاريبي |
Chinese (adj) |
Chinese is the
world's top language. There are about six billion people in the world
and eighteen per cent speak Chinese. p.71 |
صيني |
clean (adj) |
One coat is clean.
The other is dirty. The opposite of clean is dirty. p.45 |
نظيف |
country (n) |
Which country are
you from? What's your nationality? Which language(s) do you speak?p.70 |
بلد |
countries (n pl) |
How many countries
are working on the International Space Station project?p.68 |
بلدان |
covered (v) |
70% per cent of the earth
is covered by
water. p.70 |
مغطّاة |
cycling (n) |
She likes sports too,
p.69 |
الدراجة |
deliveries (n pl) |
Are there any postal
deliveries here on Friday? No, the mail doesn’t come on Fridays
here in Saudi Arabia. p.207 Oxford Word Power |
او طرود مثلا تسلّم بابريد |
Denmark (n) |
The country is Denmark.
The nationality is Danish. p.2072 Longman Contemporary English
الدنمارك |
diving (n) |
When Takayoshi Nishikawa
isn’t working, his hobbies are swimming, diving, running, and
cycling. p.69 |
الغطس |
Dutch (adj) |
The Netherlands (or
Holland) is the country. Dutch is the language and the
nationality. p.70 |
الهولندية |
earth (n) |
70% per cent of the
earth is covered by
water. p.70 |
الأرض |
energy (n) |
People in cities use
three-quarters of the world’s energy. A quarter of the world’s
energy is used for transport and cars use half of that.p.70 and
طاقة |
exactly (adv) |
Work with a partner.
Practise saying these numbers exactly and approximately. p.71 |
بالضبط |
favourite (adj) |
What’s his favourite
football team? p.69 |
مفضل |
feel (v) |
I’m feeling
sleepy. p.51 How are you feeling today? I feel sick. You’ll
feel better tomorrow, I hope. p287 Oxford Word Power |
إحساس |
female (adj) |
How many people are male?
3,051,099,000 p.110 How many people are female? 3,005,616,000
(three billion, five million, six-hundred and sixteen thousand) p.71 |
أنثى |
fifth (n) |
⅕ a fifth. p.70 |
خُمس |
France (n) |
France is a
country. The country is France and the nationality or language
is French. p.70 |
فرنسا |
French (adj) |
French is language
& nationality. The country is France and the nationality or language is
French. p.70 |
الفرنسة |
gardening (n) |
What are Sylvie's hobbies?
-reading and gardening.
p.69 |
بستنة |
Germany (n) |
Germany is a
country. Germany is the country and German is the nationality.
p.70 |
المانيا |
grow (v) |
the world's population is
growing. p70 Cities cover 2% per cent of the world's
land surface and the
world's population is
by 1.3% per cent a year. p.70
ينمو |
half (n) |
Listen to one half
of a telephone call.
What is it about? p.76
Saying fractions: ½ is (a) half. |
نصف |
hardware (n) |
Hardware &
software is the contents of the computer. Tools and equipment that are
used in the house or garden are called hardware. You can buy
these tools in a hardware shop.p.361 Oxford Word Power |
العتاد |
help (v) |
Can you help me?
Can you help me? – title of Unit 16 p.74
يساعد |
hobby (n) |
My hobby is
swimming. Sylvie has two children and when she isn’t working, her
hobbies are tennis, swimming, jogging, and cycling. p.69 |
هواية |
hope (v) |
I hope you have a
nice day. |
. امل بأنك |
important (adj) |
Is money important
for happiness? It’s important that people should learn at least
one foreign language. p.396 Oxford Word Power |
مهم |
interesting (adj) |
Which statistics are the
most interesting? p.71 |
ممتع |
International (adj) |
English is the
international language of science and technology. p.71 |
عالمي |
Italian (adj) |
is the language &
nationality.p.70 |
ايطالي |
Italy (n) |
is a country. p.70 |
ايطاليا |
Japan (n) |
Japan is a
country. p.70 |
اليابان |
Japanese (adj) |
is the language &
nationality.p.70 |
اليابانية |
jogging (n) |
She likes sports too,
cycling. p.69 |
الركض |
Korean (adj) |
is the language &
nationality. p.70 |
الكورية |
land surface (n) |
Cities cover 2% per cent
of the world's
land surface
and the world's population is
growing by 1.3% per cent a
year. p.70 |
الارض |
language (n) |
Which language(s) do you
speak?p.70 |
لغة |
Latin America (n) |
How many people live in
Latin America and the Caribbean? 9% p.71 |
اللاتينية |
less (det) |
It took less time
than I thought. I’m too fat. I must eat less. p.449 Oxford Word
Power |
. اقل كمية |
levels (n pl) |
The air on the
planet is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen,
and carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70
live (v) |
How many people live
in Africa? – 13% p.71 |
يعيش |
major (adj) |
The world’s major
languages are Chinese, English, Hindi/Urdu, Spanish, and Arabic. p.71 |
اهم |
male (adj) |
A male goat is
called a billy, or billy-goat. p.474 Oxford Word Power |
ذكر |
mechanical engineer (n) |
Sylvie is a
mechanical engineer. p.69 |
ميكانيكي |
members (n pl)
Today sixteen countries
are members of the International Space Station project: Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands,
Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the
United States. p.68 |
ج اعضاء |
missing (adj) |
Ask your partner for the
missing statistics and write them down. Answer your partner's
questions. Which statistics are the most interesting? p.71 |
مفقود |
most (det) |
Which statistics are the
most interesting ? p.71 |
Muslim (n) |
How many people are
Muslim? 22% p.71 |
المسلم |
nationalities (n pl) |
Dino is from Italy. He's
Italian. What other
are there in the team? p.68 |
جنسية |
nickname (n) |
Robert Curbeam’s
nickname is Beamer. p.69 and p.111 |
nitrogen (n) |
The air on the planet is
79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen, and
carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70
نتروجين |
North America (n) |
How many people live in
North America? 5% p.71 |
الشمالية |
older (adj) |
My father’s older
than my mother. p.535 Oxford Word Power |
organize (v) |
The school organizes
trips to various places of interest. p.543 Oxford Word Power
تنظّم |
per cent (n) |
Cities cover 2% per
cent of the world's
land surface and the
world's population is
growing by 1.3% per
cent a year. p.70 |
% |
planet (n) |
The air on the planet
is 79% per cent nitrogen and 21% per cent oxygen, and
carbon dioxide levels are increasing. p.70 |
الكوكب |
population (n) |
Cities cover 2% per cent
of the world's
land surface and the
world's population is
growing by 1.3% per cent a
year. p.70 |
سكانية |
Portuguese (adj) |
Portugal is a country.
The Portuguese are the people living there. p.70 |
برتغالي |
prospects (n) |
Source: United Nations
world population prospects 2000 p.71 |
آفاق |
proud (adj) |
“I feel proud of this
work and proud of the team.” p.69
فخور |
quarter (n) |
Say these percentages as
fractions. For example, “25% is a quarter.” p.71
ربع |
recurring (adj) |
33.33% - 66.66% *We say
the number is recurring. Example thirty-three point
three three recurring p.71 |
religious (adj) |
How many people are not
religious? 14% p.71 “My aunt’s a deeply religious person.”
p.1471 Long-man's Dictionary of Contemporary English |
متدين |
research (n) |
Market research
has shown that many people now prefer coffee to tea.p.652 Oxford Word
Power |
بحث |
roughly (adv) |
Roughly a quarter
of the world’s population speaks some English.p.71 |
تقريبا |
running (n) |
Takayoshi Nishikawa’s
hobbies are swimming, diving, running, and cycling. p.69 |
الركض |
Russia (n) |
Today sixteen countries
are members of the International Space Station project: Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands,
Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom
and the United States. p.68 |
روسيا |
science (n) |
English is the
international language of science and technology. p.71
علم |
scientific experiments (n
pl) |
They have a station in
space where people can live and work, and where they do research and
scientific experiments. p.68 |
ج تجربات علمية |
second (adj) |
What's your first
language? Can you speak
more than one language?
(If you can, what's
your second
language?) p.71 |
الثانية |
sixteen (num) |
April 16. What’s
the date tomorrow? It’s April the sixteenth. What was the date last
Thursday? It was April ninth. p.73 |
عشر |
space (n) |
How many countries are
working on the International Space Station project? p.68 |
الفضاء |
Spain (n) |
Today sixteen countries
are members of the International Space Station project: Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands,
Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom
and the United States. p.68 |
اسبانيا |
Spanish (adj) |
People in Spain speak
Spanish. p.70 |
اسباني |
speak (v) |
I’m from Switzerland. I
speak French, German, and Italian. p.70 |
sports (n pl) |
She likes sports
too, especially
cycling. p.69 |
الرياضة |
statistics (n pl) |
Say these statistics.
Which statistics are most interesting? p.71 |
إحصائيات |
Sweden (n) |
Sweden is the name
of the country. Swedish is the nationality. p.70 |
السويد |
Swedish (adj) |
Sweden is the name of the
country. Swedish is the nationality. p.70 |
سويدي |
swimming (n) |
Takayoshi Nishikawa’s
hobbies are swimming, diving, running, and cycling. p.69 |
سباحة |
Switzerland (n) |
Today sixteen countries
are members of the International Space Station project: Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands,
Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom
and the United States. p.68 |
سويسرا |
teamwork (n) |
‘The scientific research
is very important, but the teamwork is the most important thing.’
p.68 |
العمل |
technology (n) |
English is the
international language of science and technology.p.71
tennis (n) |
She likes sports too,
p.69 |
تنس |
tenth (num) |
Saying fractions 9/10
nine tenths. p.70 |
العاشر |
Thai (adj) |
The country is called
Thailand. The people there are Thai, and speak Thai.p.70 |
تايلندي |
the Netherlands |
The country is the
Netherlands. The people there speak Dutch as their first language.
p.70 |
الهولنديين |
the United States |
The country is called
the United States. The people living there are American. p.70 |
المتحدة |
third (n) |
Saying fractions: 1/3 a
third. p.70 |
too (adj/adv) |
She likes sport too.
too(adv.)=also; She likes
sports too, especially tennis, swimming, jogging, and cycling.
p.69, In American English you can say larger numbers in different ways
too. p.72 Too(adj/adv)=more than is good, possible; That’s too
bad. p.72 |
ايضا او اكثر من الممكن |
top (n) |
Chinese is the world's
top language. p71 |
قمة |
tourist (n) |
A person who visits a
place for pleasure is called a tourist. p.815 Oxford Word Power
سائح |
trainer (n) |
A person who teaches
people or animals how to do a particular skill is called a trainer.p.817
Oxford Word Power |
مدرب |
transport (n) |
I travel to school by
public transport.p819 Oxford Word Power |
نقل |
water (n) |
71 per cent of the earth
is covered by
p70 |
ماء |
weekends (n pl) |
What does he do at
weekends? p.68 |
نهاية الاسبوع |
Western Europe |
Famous cities like Paris,
Rome, and Amsterdam are in Western Europe. Famous cities like
St. Petersbourg, Moscow, and Prague are in Eastern Europe.p.865 Oxford
Word Power
اوروبا الغربية |
wine (n) |
When Dino isn’t working,
his hobby is making wine. p.68 Wine is an alcoholic drink
that is made from grapes. p.873 |
نبيذ |
world (n) |
Chinese is the world's
top language.p71 |
عالم |
year (n) |
Approximately one year.
p75 |
سنة |
younger (adj) |
I am a year younger than
her .p .885 Oxford Word Power |
اسغر سنا |
Useful phrases |
مركبة مفيدة |
a little |
And millions more can
speak a little English. p71 |
القليل |
I’d prefer to be a
tourist. |
Would you like to live in
India and become a Hindu? p.71 I’d prefer to be a tourist. |
أن أكون سائحاً |
Where are you from? |
Where are you from? –title of Unit 15 p.68
I am from KSA. |
أين تعيش ؟ |