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Word Unit 11

Example sentence


after (prep)

AmE ” ten past six, ten after six.” p.47 I have to take my clothes to the cleaner’s after the ride. p.53


age (n)

Imagine a foreign visitor is coming to your city. They want to know about driving and traffic. Make a list of things they can or can’t do: speed restrictions, age restrictions.p.53


air (n)

I have to leave my car at home on Wednesdays because of the air pollution. p.53


another (det/pron)

When your teacher finds the coin, another person leaves the room.p.47 This sign means you can’t park at any time- You have to find another place to leave your car.p.52


aspirin (n)

Problem: “I have a headache.” Solution: “Take an aspirin.”p.51


at home (prep)

I have to leave my car at home on Wednesday s because of the air pollution. p.53

عند الدار . عند البيت

bad (adj)

Is the traffic bad in your city? Do you know other places with bad traffic problems? p.53


bills (n)

Match the problems with the correct picture. I want to reduce my electricity bills. p.53, picture -b

فاتورة ج فواتير

bus (n)

So on Wednesdays, I have to get a ride with a friend or take a bus.' p.53


buy (v)

Why can’t he buy an extension lead? He doesn’t have any money. (or: “He has no money.”)p.50


cash machine (n)

Problem: I have no money. Solution: Find a cash machine. p.51

آلة صرف النقود

cleaner’s (n)

I have to take my clothes to the cleaner’s after the ride. p.53

محل الغسال

cut (v)

Problem: “This rope is too long.” Solution: “Cut it in half.” p.51


dangerous (adj)

Look at the picture and find something dangerous.p.50 (picture b-“danger: high pressure”) p.50


drill (n)

What’s wrong with this drill? Listen and find out. Why can’t he use the drill? p.50 “This drill’s no good. The battery’s flat.” p.123


drink (v)

Hurry up and drink your coffee. p.51


drive (v)

Picture seven(7) means you can’t drive over 30 miles per hour. p.52 On Wednesdays 'threes' and 'fours' can't drive. And on Thursdays 'ones' and 'twos' can't drive, and so on. p.53


electricity (n)

Match the problems with the correct picture. (picture b, p.51) I want to reduce my electricity bills. p.51


empty (adj)

Problem: “This tank is empty.” Solution: “Fill it.”p.51


evenings (n pl)

Some evenings I can't get home. p.53

عشية ج عشايا

expensive (adj)

Look at the pictures and find something expensive. (picture -c Rolls Royce $250,000): Why don’t you buy this car? p.50


far (adj)

There’s a socket over there. Yes, but it’s too far. p.123


foreign (adj)

Imagine a foreign visitor is coming to your city. They want to know about driving and traffic. Make a list of things they can or can’t do: speed restrictions, age restrictions.p.53


friend (n)

I have to stay with a friend and sleep on their floor. p.53 So on Wednesdays, I have to get a ride with a friend or take a bus.' p.53


full (adj)

A There's a car park* down the street. B But it's full. p.50 and p.123


have to (v)

A Then You have to use a meter. p.50 and p.123

يجب عن

headache (n)

Problem: “I have a headache.” Solution: “Take an aspirin.” p.51


hit (v)

Problem: “I can’t remove this cover.” Solution: “Hit it with a hammer.” p.51


hot (adj)

Look at the pictures and find something hot. (picture e: Hurry up and drink your coffee.) p.50

حار . ساجن

impossible (adj)

Which phrase means 'it's necessary'? Which phrase means 'it's impossible'? Complete the rules with can't and have to. p.52 Use can’t if something is impossible.

مستحيل . غير ممكن

increase (v)

Increase the pressure (picture of the pressure guage, p.50-b) p.50

يزداد .يزيد

know (v)

Is the traffic bad in your city? Do you know other places with bad traffic problems?


licence plate (n)

The last number on my license plate is three. p.53

صفيحة الترخيص

long (adj)

Look at the pictures and find something long. (picture-f Remember this password.) p.50


lose (v)

Match the problems with the correct picture. I want to lose weight.p.51, picture-a

يضيع . يفقد

mean (v)

B But we can’t find a meter. A Sorry, but that sign means no parking. p.52 and 123

يعني بِ

meter (parking meter) (n)

A “There's a car park* down the street.” B “But it's full.” A” Then you have to use a meter.” B “But we can’t find a meter.” p.52 and p.123


motorways (n pl)

speed restrictions “You can't drive over 90 km/h on motorways in Norway. That's 56 mph.” p.53

طريق واسع طويلة بين المدن

necessary (adj)

Which phrase means 'it's necessary'? Which phrase means 'it's impossible'? Complete the rules with can't and have to. Use have to if something is necessary. p.52

ضروري . اجباري

Norway (n)

speed restrictions “You can't drive over 90 km/h on motorways in Norway. That's 56 mph.” p.53

نٌروج . نرويج

overtake (v) park (v)

Sign 3 means overtake. p.53

يتجاوز سيارة امامه

pollution (n)

'I have to leave my car at home on because of the air pollution. p.53


reduce (v)

Match the problems with the correct picture. I want to reduce my electricity bills. p.53, picture -b


remember (v)

Problem: “I can’t remember this password.” Solution:”Write it down.”p.51


restrict (v)

The government restricts the number of cars in Mexico City. p.53


restricted (adj)

This sign means it's restricted. You have to read the times on the sign. You can’t park on this street between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. p.52

مقسور على . محدود

short (adj)

Then use the extension lead. I can’t it’s too short. p.123


side (n)

We have a lot of tuk-tuks. They are open taxis for one or two people. There are no
sides and the air is very dirty.p.53

جانب ج جوانب

sign (n)

Complete the information about these UK parking signs.p.52


sleep (v)

I have to stay with a friend and sleep on their floor. p.53


sleepy (adj)

Problem: ”I’m feeling sleepy.” Solution: ”Have some strong coffee.”p.51


slow (adj)

Match the problem with the correct picture. My computer is very slow. p.51, picture -d


slow down (v)

What does sign 6 mean? It means you have to slow down. Sign 6 says, “Reduce Speed Now.” p.52


stay (v)

I have to stay with a friend and sleep on their floor. p.53 So on Wednesdays, I have to get a ride with a friend or take a bus.' p.53

يبقي بِ =stay atفندق مثلاً

street (n)

B Where can we park? A There's a car park* down the street. B But it's full. p.52


strong (adj)

Problem: ”I’m feeling sleepy.” Solution: ”Have some strong coffee.”p.51


suggest (v)

Work with a partner. A - read a problem. B - suggest a solution. Say Why don't you . . .?
Example A I'm feeling sleepy. B Why don't you have some strong coffee?


terrible (adj)

The traffic in Bangkok is terrible. p.53

رديء للغاية

tests (n pl)

To get your driver’s license, you have to pass a driving. p.53


Thursday (n)

And on Thursdays 'ones' and 'twos' can't drive, and so on. p.53

يوم الخميس

times (n pl)

You have to wear seat belts at all times.p.53

في كل الاحيان

top shelf (n)

Problem: “I can’t reach the top shelf.” Solution: “Use a ladder.”

رف اعلى . رف فوقاني

traffic (n)

Is the traffic bad in your city? Do you know other places with bad traffic problems? What happens in other cities? p.53


turn left (v)

What does sign 6 mean? It says you can turn left. p.52

يَدير على يسار . شمال

turn right (v)

What does sign 1 mean? It says you can’t turn right. p.52

يَدير على اليمين

U-turn (n)

What does sign 4 mean? It says you can’t make a u-turn.

دورة الى الاتجاء المعاكس

visitor (n)

Imagine a foreign visitor is coming to your city. p.53


wear (v)

You have to wear seat belts at all times. p.53


Wednesday (n)

'I have to leave my car at home on Wednesdays because of the air pollution. p.53



Useful phrases


get a ride

So on Wednesdays, I have to get a ride with a friend or take a bus.' p.53

يركب - في وصيلة نقل

Hurry up!

Hurry up and drink your coffee. p.50


I’m feeling …

Problem: ”I’m feeling sleepy.” Solution: ”Have some strong coffee.”p.51

أشعر بِ

It’s no good.

This drill’s no good. What’s wrong with it? p.123

لا ينفع

mph (miles per hour)

That’s56 mph (fifty-six miles per hour). p.53

ميل بالساعة

Watch out for …

What does sign 8 mean? It means you have to watch out for children. p.52

يحترس من . ينتبه لِ

What happens …?

Is the traffic bad in your city? Do you know other places with bad traffic problems? What happens in other cities?

ماذا يحدث؟

What’s wrong with it?

This drill’s no good. What’s wrong with it? p.123

ماذا الخطاء به؟

What’s wrong with …?

What's wrong with this drill? Listen and find out. p.50

ماذ الخطاء بِ

Write it down.

Problem: “I can’t remember this password.” Solution: ”Write it down.”p.51
