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Unit 7


above (prep)

adjust (v)

approximately (adv)

arm (n)

back (n)

backwards (adv)

become (v)

bend (v)

big (adj)

bite (v)

burn (v)

can (v)

can’t (v)

carry (v)

carts (n pl)

city (n)

climb (v)

crush (v)

cut (v)

dance (v)

degrees of freedom (n)

develop (v)

dirty (adj)

entertainment (n)

environment (n)

face (n)

flames (n)

floor space (n)

fold up (v)

follow (v)

food (n)

foot (n)

forwards (adv)

fully automatic (adj)

garden (n)

grass (n)

hand (n)

head (n)

hear (v)

height (n)

home (n)

human (adj/n)

humanoid (adj/n)

inside (prep)

jaws (n pl)

joints (n pl)

knee (n)

leg (n)

lift (v)

lines (n pl)

loads (n pl)

loud (adj)

lower (v)

mouth (n)

next (adj)

noise (n)

nose (n)

nuclear power reactor (n)

only (adv)

operate (v)

over (adv)

pallets (n pl)

pet (n)

pilot (n)

pressure (n)

price (n)

radioactive (adj)

raise (v)

range (n)

reach (v)         

road (n)

run (v)

score (goal) (v)

show (n)

sick (adj)

size (n)

solution (n)

speed (n)

square meters (n pl)

standing (adj)

steps (n pl)

straighten (v)

tall (adj)

teeth (n)

this (det/pron)

toy (n)

trailer (n)

travel (v)

turn on (v)

understand (v)

upstairs (adv/prep)

vacuum gripper feet (n)

voice instructions (n)

walk (v)

weigh (v)

width (n)

windows (n)

without (adv/prep)


Useful phrases

in its way