Word |
Word Family |
Collocations |
Example sentence |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Other |
analyst (n) |
You are going to hear two
defence analysts on a radio current affairs programme. They are
discussing future defence technology. p.94 |
محلّل |
armoured (adj) |
Rockets are mounted
on the back
of an armoured
Vehicle .p.94 |
(سيارة) مصقَّحة |
ballistic (adj) |
ballistic missile
جرخي |
At the front of the
machine below the boom there is a ballistic cover to protect the
robot. At both sides there are caterpillar tracks. p.95 |
جرْخي (خاص بالمَرمِيات) |
countermeasure (n) |
It can be combined with
blue laser light so that countermeasures such as goggles are
ineffective. p.96 |
عمل إنتقامي . إجراء مُضادّ |
current affairs (n) |
You are going to hear two
defence analysts on a radio current affairs programme. They are
discussing future defence technology. p.94 |
الاحداث الجارية |
emit (v) |
The gas turbine exhaust
outlets are close to the water surface so that the heat they emit
cannot easily be detected. p.93 |
يصدر . يطلق |
ferry (n) |
He came down the other side to the harbor at
Z and went onto the ferry for Y at 15.05. p.95 |
معدية (مركب) |
hacker (n) |
A hacker is a person who gains access
to a computer system without permission in order to steal data,etc.
p.133 |
من بسترق معلومات من
كمبيوتر |
harbour (n) |
Bow thrusters are fitted to make it easier to
manoeuvre the shi p in harbour. p.93 |
ميناء |
high-tech (adj) |
I'm not totally convinced
by this. There are
problems with high-tech
systems. Very
complex electronics can
fail.p.129 These high-tech systems are designed for wars rather
than peacekeeping operations like this. p.130 |
بإستعمال التكنولوجيا
المُتفوقة |
hull (n) |
The hull is the
main, bottom part of a ship, that goes in the waterp.133 Visby:
The hull is made of carbon fibre reinforced plastic
(CFRP). |
نصبة خارجية (او هيكل خارجي) لطائرة (او)
سفينة |
integrate |
The system is designed to allow for future
technologies to be integrated easily. p.93 |
يدمج . يندمج |
Word |
Word Family |
Collocations |
Example sentence |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Other |
launch (v) |
The Visby can
launch remotely-operated vehicles
to detect and classify
mines. p.93 |
ينزل الى الماء . يدشن (سفينة) يطلق (ساروخ) |
layout (n) |
Decide on the layout. Print out your
texts and graphics and fix them to your poster. p.97 |
مخطط . تسميم . ترتيب |
minimize (v) |
To minimize
means to reduce something to the
lowest possible level.p.133 |
يقلل الى الحد الأدنى .
يصغّر |
non-lethal (adj) |
means, “not causing death”. p.133 Work in pairs,A and B. List forms of
technology which could be used in non-lethal weapons to control
hostile crowds without causing serious injuries. p.96 |
غير مُمِيت . غير قتَّال |
poster |
Research your topic. You
are going to use the
information you find to
make a poster presentation. In addition to your college library,
you can search for online sources. p.96 |
صورة كبيرة او اعلان
في مكان عام |
preposition |
Many prepositions
of place can also describe
movement, depending on the
verb used. For example: Place: The multi-purpose gun is under
special cover.
Movement: The
multi-purpose gun is placed under a special cover when not in
Other examples are:
above, across, opposite, over. p.121 |
حرف جر (ابن مالك)
هاك حروف الجر وهي: من، إلى
حتى، خلا، حاشا، عدا، في، عن، على
مذ، منذ، رُب، اللام، كي، واو، وتا
والكاف، والباء، ولعل، ومتى |
prone position (adj, n) |
It has the abilityto hide and move while in
prone position. p.96 |
منْبطِح على وجهه |
radar (n) |
is a system that uses radio waves to find the position and movement of
planes, ships, etc. p.134 It has a low radar signature, meaning
that it is more difficult to detect by radar. p.93 |
الرادار |
rescue (n) |
Bear. Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot is
designed to rescue wounded soldiers from the battlefield. p.96 |
إستنقذ . خلّص |
signature (n) |
It has a low radar signature, meaning
that it is more difficult to detect by radar. p.93
توقيع . إمصاء |
sonar (n) |
is a system for finding objects underwater using sound waves. p.134 |
مِسْيار صوتي = جهاز للكصف عن زجود شيء
تحت الماء باتعكاس
موجات الصوت |
stealth (adj) |
stealth bomber
طائرة (امريكية) حربية لا تنكشفها الرادار |
is an adjective (used about an aircraft,a ship, etc), meaning,
“designed with technology that prevents it from being seen by radar,
sonar, etc.”p.135 Visby is the first warship to use fully-developed
stealth technology. It has been designed to avoid detection in every
possible way. p.92 |
مسارقة . سَرِقة |
trigger (v) |
It also has a low magnetic signature, so is
less likely to trigger magnetic mines. p.93 |
يؤثدث . يشغّل زناد اللغْم |
uncrewed (adj) |
Information will be fed
into the network from UAVs, uncrewed aerial vehicles, robotic
sensors, and robotic seekers which will act as scouts locating enemy
positions. p.129 |
بدون جماعة من الملحين |
unmanned (adj) |
Many of the vehicles used
will be unmanned and
will have camouflage paint
which can change its colour according to its location. p.129 |
يشتغل بدو رجال |
visible (adj) |
means able to be seen. p.135 |
ظاهر |
warship (n) |
A warship is a ship used in war.
p.135 |
سفينة حربية |
weapon (n) |
A number of companies are developing
non-lethal laser weapons for riot control and peace-keeping
operations. p.96 |
سلاح |