Word |
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alkali (n)
p.54 After the hot water and fat are boiled, and then distilled; the alkali, or potash, and perfume are added, to make soap. |
a base(chemistry: ph>7) |
An acid(chemistry: ph<7) |
مادة قلوية كيميائية
amplifier (n)
p.53 Next, (the voice waves) are made stronger by passing them through an amplifier. |
مكبر الصوت |
atmosphere (n)
p.54 The Earth’s atmosphere is the area of gas (oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) surrounding the sphere of the Earth, within ten miles from its surface. |
continual (adj)
p.167 Oxford Word Power “His continual phone calls started to annoy her.” |
مستمر |
destinations (n)
p.213 Oxford Word Power “I finally reached my destination two hours late.” |
نهاية السفر |
dramatic (adj)
Macmillan Online Dictionary “There was a dramatic increase in sales after Apple introduced the iPhone.” |
sudden spectacular |
مفجع . رائع |
fluctuate (adj)
The currency trader was able to make a profit by putting his money in and taking it out according to the fluctuations in the market. |
detailed (adj)
There were detailed instructions for putting together the transistor radio kit. |
بتفصيل , منفصل |
distil (v)
p.54 The hot water and fat are mixed together. Then the mixture is distilled. |
dynamite (n)
p.55 Where in the index would you find the invention of dynamite, the explosive that is used to blast rocks out. |
electronic (adj)
p.53 Firstly, in the studio the voices and music are turned into electronic signals, called 'voice waves'.
expand (v)
p.54 Read the notes about the soap-making process. Expand them into full sentences using the verbs in brackets in the passive. |
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focused (adj)
The camera lens wasn’t focused, so the picture wasn’t in focus. |
freely (adv)
p.52 The sound quality is good and you can move freely as you speak.
حراً |
infrastructure (n)
p.57 Many countries are developing high speed trains as part of their public transport infrastructure.
Structure (n) بِناء , هيكل
infra (prefix in combination)
invention (n)
P.54 The Past Simple Passive is often used to talk about inventions and discoveries: was/were + past participle Radio was invented by Gugliemo Marconi. |
invisible (adj)
p.53 However, radio waves, which are invisible and undetectable to humans, have changed the world completely.
means (n)
p.53 Until television became widespread, radio was one of the basic means of communication and entertainment.
melt (v)
p.54 Next, this mixture is melted in a furnace. |
neutral (adj)
p.54 When describing a process or a scientific experiment, it is important to write in a neutral style, as an observer. |
observer (n)
p.54 When describing a process or a scientific experiment, it is important to write in a neutral style, as an observer. |
overview (n)
p.52 Skim the text including the title and any diagrams or tables, to get an overview.
منظر عام |
pack (v)
p.54 Finally, the blocks of soap are cut, wrapped, and packed.
prepared in a pack |
طعام او صابون مُعَدَ لحمله في علبة مثلاًّ |
pass through (v)
p.54 They are first turned back into voice waves, then passed through another amplifier, and finally sent out through speakers or headphones |
let through, get through |
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receive (v)
to accept, to have given one |
recycle (v)
p.54 A lot of paper is recycled these days. |
أعاد التطوير |
reverse (v)
Reverse (adj) p.54 عكسيّ After this, the radio waves go through a reverse process. |
He walked straight up to the director, but then he reversed and went back to his work without saying anything. |
to turn around , to invert, to go backwards |
roll (v)
p.54 The mixture is rolled, dried, and compressed.
self-motivated (adj)
p.57 Interviewers often look for students who are self-motivated as well as highly-qualified. |
self-assertive |
transistor (n)
p.53 The simple transistor radio may seem a little old-fashioned in these days of mobile phones, laptop computers, and iPods. |
undetectable (adj)
p.53 However, radio waves, which are invisible and undetectable to humans, have changed the world completely. |
Detectable (adj) يمكن اكتشافه |
لا يمكن اكتشافه
widespread (adj)
p.53 Until television became widespread, radio was one of the basic means of communication and entertainment. |
wrap (v)
p.54 In the fifth and last stage, the bars of soap are cut, wrapped, and packed. |