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Word  Unit 2

Example sentence


academic (adj)



accident (n)



according to (prep)



actor (n)



airport (n)



assistant manager (n)



attend (v)



author (n)



breakfast (n)



breaks (n pl)



burning (adj)



business (n)



business studies (n)



busy (adj)



canteen (n)



capital letters (n pl)



catch (v)



change (v)



chemical engineering (n)



clearly (adv)



coffee (n)



coffee shop (n)



collect (v)



college (n)



common (adj)



company (n)



computer (n)



computer (v)irus (n)



customers (n pl)



dangerous (adj)



direction (n)



drive (v)



early (adj)



email (n)



essay (n)



exams (n pl)



face (v)



fill in (v)



finally (adv)



firstly (adv)



fit (adj)



fireman (n)



fires (n pl)



florist (n)



flowers (n pl)



following (adj)



form (v)



guests (n pl)



handwriting (n)



head (of a company) (n)



healthy (adj)



however (conj)



husband (n)



important (adj)



indented (adj)



in order to



Internet (n)



interpreter (n)



journalist (n)



keep fit (v)



leave (v)



left-handed (adj)



link (v)



long (adj)



lose weight (v)



lucky (adj)



lunch (n)



main (adj)



manager (n)



managing director (n)



mark (v)



market (n)



Master’s degree (n)



MD (n)



meeting (n)



next (adv)



notes (n pl)



nutritionist (n)



office (n)



oil (n)



overseas (adv)



passengers (n pl)



perfect (adj)



personal trainer (n)



pick-up truck (n)



picnics (n pl)



plan (n)



plants (n pl)



point (v)



points (n pl)



predict (v)



prepare (v)



problems (n pl)



procedure (n)



put out (v)



quiet (adj)



reasons (n pl)



relatives (n pl)

Example sentence


relaxing (adj)



revise (v)



routine (n)



run (a company) (v)



salary (n)



save (v)



scan (v)



scientist (n)



search (n)



secondary school (n)



semester (n)



send (v)



sequencing words



(n pl)



shopkeeper (n)



show (v)



snack bar (n)



space (n)



spend (v)



staff (n)



start up (v)



steps (n pl)



stress (n)



stressful (adj)



studies (n pl)



summary (n)



survey (n)



syllabus (n)



taxi (n)



taxi driver (n)



tea (n)



telephone calls (n pl)



tell (v)



toast (n)



too (adv)



traffic (n)



traffic jam (n)



traffic lights (n pl)



traffic warden (n)



train (v)



unhealthy (adj)



visit (v)



weather (n)



weekend (n)



well-paid (adj)



while (conj)



worry (n)