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Word Family


Example sentence




combustor (n)





The combustor is the combustion chamber that  fires up a jet engine  or an automobile engine.



حُجرة الاحترااق(في آله نفَّاثة)

absorb (v)







pp.36-37 In conventional aircraft there are no sound-absorbing materials in the engines; but in the SAX 40 long engine exhaust ducts provide space for acoustic linters.  As a result, noise is absorbed.



امتصّ . تَشَرَّبَ (او)نشَّف

The walls absorbed the sound= الجدران اغترقت الصوت كإنها مصَّته

achieve (v)



achievement (n) إاحراز


p.38 After the launch, the glider achieves lift in three different ways.

TTelem 1 Business and Commerce They have achieved a lot in a short time.



احرز . حقَق

advanced (adj)





p.37 If Design Engineers didn’t have such advanced computer tools, they wouldn’t be able to develop such advanced technology.



مُتَقَدَّم . تقدُّمي

approach (v)



approach (n) pp.36-37 In conventional aircraft,  lift is created by the wing shape. In the SAX-40, however, aerofoil shape means the whole body creates lift.  As a result, the plane can make a slower approach and so reduce noise. مقارِبة ج مقاربات

Approach (n) TTelem 8 Family and Friends Parents don’t always know what approach to take with teenage children.وسيلة (التعامل)

p.35  Approach Controllers take over from Area Controllers as the plane approaches the airport.



قَرُبَ . تقرَّب (من او الى)

اتقرَّب من . دنا (من, الى, او لِ)

cockpit (n)









p.34  The cockpit houses all the instrument panels and the pilots.









مقعد ربان الطائرة

constant (adj)





p.35  I'm in constant radio contact with Pilots, updating them with information about the weather, special conditions, and any relevant information.

TTelem 6 Lifestyle The constant noise gave me a headache.




دائم . مستمر

conventional (adj)





p.30  The wings are longer and narrower than conventional  planes.




TTelem 6 Lifestyle I like him but he’s so unconventional.


drag (n)





p.36 This extra wingspan means less drag for the amount of lift.

draft, pull(n)




fuel-efficient (adj)





p.37 The researchers say that it'll be more fuel-efficient if they remove some of the noise-reducing features.



فعّال بنسبة الوقود

label (v)





رقيمة   label(n) TTelem 11 Language and Communication There is a list of all ingredients on the label.


p.38 Look at your diagram and think of questions you can ask your partner so that you can label it.




علّم برَقيمة (او) عُلامة

launch (v)





p.38 After the launch, the glider achieves lift in three different ways.





شمَّر سفينة سفينة جديدة في البحر


Word Family


Example sentence




lift (n)



to lift (v)

Rising columns of warm heat, called thermals, lift the glider.


p.38 After the launch, the glider achieves lift in three different ways.



رفع . رفعة

manage (v)









Manager(n)  TTelem 1 Business and Commerce If you need assistance, please consult your line manager.

manage (v) TTelem 11 Language and Communication They managed to break the enemy code.





p.35 It's my job to manage the airspace and issue instructions about which route a plane should take, the speed and the altitude they should hold.



دبَّر . صرَّف . أدار

perform (v)





p.  It would be difficult to test how a new aircraft performed if there were no simulators.

TTelem 1 Business and Commerce The promoter of the concert was not happy that the singer decided to perform in a smaller venue.يمثَّل بدور





يقوم . يجري

probable (adj)





p.37 We use the First Conditional to talk about a possible scenario or action and the probable result.




radical (adj)







p.37 I certainly think that if we want to reduce noise, we'll have to come up with some radical designs.

TT 3 Crime and Society The tax system needs radical reform.





relevant (adj)








p.35  I'm in constant radio contact with Pilots, updating them with information about the weather, special conditions, and any relevant information. مهم . مفيد




Irrelevant (adj) TTelem 6 LifestyleThat’s completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion.

متعلق بالموضوع

speculate (v)





p.37 We use the Second Conditional to talk about an imaginary scenario and to speculate on the result.



يخمَّن . يحزَّر

spoiler (n)





p.34  Spoilers are used to slow the plane or help it descend.





مفسِّد (من فعل " فسَّدَ")

stability (n)







p.34 Stabilizers provide stability, keeping the plane level.

TTelem 9 Health and Medicine After so much change we now need a period of stability.






stabilizers (n)





p.34 Stabilizers provide stability, keeping the plane level.







مُركَّد = جهاز في طائرة يجعلها قارَّة في طَيَرانها

thrust (n)





p.34 Engines provide thrust.




دفْعة شديدة

track (v)







p.35 I work at a control centre, away from the airport itself, where I track the exact position of aircraft from my work station using radar and computer systems as well as radio equipment.



تتَّبع اثاره


Word Family


Example sentence




variable (adj)

variable (n)  TT elem 11 Language and Communication It’s impossible to hypothesize about the outcome. There are too many variables.




p.  In conventional aircraft, high-speed engine exhausts create noise.  However, in the SAX-40, variable exhaust nozzles on the engines can be closed for take-off and landing. Thus, these variable exhaust nozzles reduce noise when closed but maximize fuel efficiency when open at cruising altitude.



قابل للتحوُّل . مُنحَوِّل