
Word Family


Example sentence




adaptor (n)





p.95 If you have an IP phone, it produces a digital signal so you don't need an adaptor.



محَوِر . مُوائِم

(يجعل الشي موائماً لغرضٍ ما

لم يكن في الأصل)

allow (v)





p.93 The introduction in recent years of digital radios has allowed us to enjoy much better sound quality.



سَمَحَ بِ ان

altitude (n)





p.97 The SES Astra satellite orbits at an altitude of 36,000 km above the earth.



إرتفاع . عُلُوّ

antenna (n)



transmitting antenna هوائي مُرْسِل


p.97/Oxford Word Power “Cars have an antenna for the car radio.”



هوائي . هوائي مَثْرَد

antenna . single wire antenna

available (adj)





p.95 The router sends each packet through the Internet by the best available path.



مُتَيَسُّر = مُتاح (للاستعمال)

compatible (adj)





p.97/p.152 Oxford Word Power Some software programs for Windows 95 are not compatible with Windows 7.




complex (adj)





p.97/p.154 Oxford Word Power “You can’t expect to find a simple solution when the problem is so complex.



متَعَقَّد . مركَّب

compress (v)





p.95 The sending computer uses software to compress the digital data, much like MP3 files.




convert (v)





p.95 Your voice signal, which is analogue, is converted into digital data.





coverage (n)





p.96 How many satellites in geostationary orbit are required to provide global coverage?



مقدار التغطية

dish (n)





p.97/p.225 Oxford Word Power “The main dish was curry.  It was served with a selection of side dishes.” (صحن) طبق . اكلة






satellite dish

قرص لالتقاط الإذاعات التلفزيونية من اقمار صناعية

dual (adj)





p.95 Some  mobile phones are dual-mode. You can use a mobile phone network or wireless VoIP, depending where you are.

ثُنائي النطاقdual- band




Word Family


Example sentence




equipment (n)





p.93 Note as many items of telecommunications equipment as you can.




experienced (adj)



To experience (v) p.93 Name a change he has experienced in telecommuni-cations.




p.273 He’s not a very experienced driver.



ذو خبرة

fibre-optic (adj)





p.93 Yes, we've replaced copper lines with fibre-optic cables and we've introduced  VoIP phone systems.





ذو استعمال الخيوط الزجاجية (أو البلاستكية) للمواصلات عن طريق النور

geostationary (adj)





p.96 How long does a satellite in geostationary orbit take to rotate round the earth?




handset (n)





p.95 If you have a wireless VoIP handset, you can make and receive calls anywhere near a wireless hotspot.





تلفون فرانسي = تلفون جزؤه السمعي وجزؤه الكلامي مجتمعان في قطعة واحدة تُمْسَك باليد

instant (adj)





p.94 The HP mobile phone has instant messaging.






orbit (n, v)



orbit (n) What does a space satellite do?  It follows an orbit in space.


orbit (v) p.96 Geosychronous, is an adjective that describes satellites which orbit at the same speed as the earth but may not be above the equator. Some have figure-of-eight orbits.



مَدار النُّجوم = فلك (n)

دار في فلكٍ حول ... (v)

packet (n)



package(n) = طَرْد



p.95 VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone systems work by sending data via the Internet in tiny packets.





صُرَّة ج صَرير

طريقة في ارسال معلومات (data) استِدلالية مخزونة في كمتيوتر على خط التلفون مجزَّأة ثم تجمُّها في الطرف الاخر عند تَسلُّمها

path (n)







p.95 The packets are sent to a router which decides the best path through the Internet for each packet.





طريق ضيق

طريق ضيق جطَّته أرجُل الناس


preserve (v)





p.97 The first email message, in 1971, was a test message and is not preserved.





احتفظ . حافَظ

provide (v)





p.96 How many satellites in geostationary orbit are required to provide global coverage?



وفَّر . أَعَدَّ . احتاط

receive (v)







p.95 If you have a wireless VoIP handset, you can make and receive calls anywhere near a wireless hotspot.



تَسَلَّم . . قَبِلَ

to welcome(to receive)استقبل


Word Family


Example sentence




recent (adj)







p.93 The introduction in recent years of digital radios allows us to enjoy much better sound quality.



الذي حدث اخيراً . منذ زَمَن قريب

replace (v)





p.93 Yes, we've replaced copper lines with fibre-optic cables and we've introduced  VoIP phone systems.



بَدَل . ابدَلَ

router (n)



route(n)طريق . طرثق السفر

to route(v)بَعَث او ارسَل بطريقٍ ما


p.95 The packets are sent to a router which decides the best path through the Internet for each packet.




جهاز يبعث او يرسل شيء على الطريق

satellite (n)







p.96 How many satellites in geostationary orbit are required to provide global coverage?



قمر صِناعي

scanner (n)







p.94 As well as password protection, some phones using the system have a fingerprint scanner.



جهاز مسح

semiconductor (n)





p.93 Semiconductors made it possible to develop much smaller, portable radios.



ناقِل وسَطي = بِلُّور معدِني له خاصِّية نقل الكهربائية بين المَعدِن والعازل

standard (adj)





p.95 If you have a standard phone, you need an extra piece of hardware to do this called an ATA (Analogue telephone adaptor).




telecommunications (n)





p.94 Interviewer: “How long have you been a telecommunication technician?”



إتصالات لاسلكية و سلكية

valve (n)





p.93 This was the birth of radio. Voice transmission started  in 1909 following the invention of the valve.



صِمام ج صمامات


via (prep)





p.95 VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone systems work by sending data via the Internet in tiny packets.




عن طريق . بطريق . عَبْرَ