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Office XP/2000 Add-in: Office Sounds
You can install these sounds to have fun audio cues play as you work with Microsoft Excel 2002/2000, Microsoft Outlook® 2002/2000, Microsoft PowerPoint® 2002/2000, and Microsoft Word 2002/2000. For example, you will hear sounds when you:
  •  Work with toolbars, scroll bars, or dialog boxes.
  •  Zoom in or out.
  •  Send e-mail.
Total Download Size = 472 kb
Total Download Time = 3 minutes @28.8
To install this download:
  1. You may want to print this page to use as a reference when you are offline.
  2. Download the file from the Microsoft Office Tools on the Web site by clicking the Download Now button (above) and following the instructions in the dialog boxes.
  3. Double-click the Sounds.exe program file on your hard disk to start the setup program.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
Instructions for use:

If you have used the Office Sounds add-in on your computer with an earlier version of Microsoft Office (for example, if you installed the Office Sounds add-in while you were using Office 2000 and then upgraded to Office XP), you may need to uninstall the Office Sounds add-in and then download and install it again.

To start using Office Sounds
  1. In any Office XP/2000 program listed above, on the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. In the Options dialog box, click the General tab, select the Provide feedback with sound check box, and then click OK.
To select or clear specific sounds
  1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click the Sounds and Multimedia icon.
  2. In the Sound Events list, scroll down to Microsoft Office, and select the sound you wish to turn on or off.
  3. Adjust the volume by sliding the Volume bar.
  4. Click OK.
To remove this download:
  1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
  3. In the Install/Uninstall list, select Microsoft Office Sounds, and then click Add/Remove.
  4. Click Remove, and then click Yes.
  5. Click Close.
For support of this download:

If you are experiencing problems with this download or the Microsoft Office Tools on the Web site, please visit the Microsoft Product Support site for assistance.

Download details:
Works with
Word 2000/2002
Excel 2000/2002
PowerPoint 2000/2002
Outlook 2000/2002


Last Updated

Languages Supported
US English

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