Schedule and Grading Policy
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Department of Physics
PHYS 353
Radiation and Health Physics
Course File
Second Semester (Term 032)
Dr. Rafat M. Nassar
PHYS 353
Radiation and Health Physics
Term 032
Dr. Rafat M. Nassar
A survey course of safety from nuclear radiation; topics covered include properties of nuclear radiation; statistics; detection methods; neutron detection; relative biological effectiveness; dosimetry; and shielding considerations.
PHYS 212 Modern Physics
The student, by the end of the course, will be able to:
Dr. Rafat M. Nassar
Office: B-28 R-205
Tel: 4582
Office hours: TBA
Grading Policy:
o Homework (10%)
o Quizzes (10%)
o Two examinations (40%)
o Lab experiments (15%)
o Final examination (25%)
The student is required to attend all classes and experiments.
Turner, J. E., Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection, 2nd edition, Wiley, New York, 1995.
Cember, H., Introduction to Health Physics, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.
Attix, F. H., Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry, Wiley, New York, 1986.
The history of radiation, definitions, the scope of radiation protection.
The Nucleus and Nuclear Radiation (Chap 3)
Nuclear structure, Nuclear binding energies, Beta decay, Gamma ray emission, Internal conversion, Orbital electron capture, Positron decay.
Radioactive Decay (Chap 4)
Activity, Exponential decay, specific activity, serial radioactive decay, natural radioactivity.
Interaction of Radiation with Matter (Chaps 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
Interaction of charged particles with matter
Interaction of photons with matter
Interaction of neutrons with matter
Methods of Radiation Detection (Chap 10)
Gas-filled detectors
Scintillation counters
Semiconductor detectors
New advances
Counting statistics
Standard deviation of counting, background, sample counting, uncertainty and lower limits of detection
Radiation Dosimetry (Chap 12 and Greening)
Dose quantities and units, absorbed dose, equivalent dose, effective dose, collective dose, committed equivalent dose, committed effective dose, kerma, exposure, ALI, DAC, dose calculations.
Personnel Monitoring
Films, TLD, pocket dosimeter, electronic personal dosimeter, new advances.
Biological effects of radiation (Chap 13 and notes)
The cell, effects of radiation, linear energy transfer, molecular effect of irradiation, direct action, radiolysis of water, indirect action, effects on DNA, effects on chromosome, cellular effects of irradiation, cell radiosensitivity, organic damage, somatic effects, genetic effects.
Radiation Shielding (Chap 15)
Types of materials suitable for shielding, half value layer, tenth value layer, shielding methods in medical applications, acceptance testing of shielding
Radiation Protection Regulations (Chap 14)
Standards, ICRP, ICRU, IAEA, ICRP recommendations , National regulations, system of radiation protection, ALARA, radiation protection program, radiation safety manual.
Lab Sessions:
o Introduction to survey and radiation monitors
o Determination of half life of some radionuclide
o Determination of gamma attenuation coefficient and half value layer for some materials
o Geiger-Mueller counter
o Attenuation of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation
o Passive and active dosimeters and reading of TLD cards
o Radiation protection principles
o Liquid Scintillation counting
o Gamma ray spectroscopy using NaI(TI)
o Gamma ray spectroscopy using high-purity Germanium (HPG) detector
o Calibration of survey meter
o X-ray quality assurance
Field trips:
1. Alshifa Syringe Manufacturing
2. Schlumberger
3. King Faisal Specialist Hospital
Week |
Date |
Topic |
Chapter |
1 |
14 Feb 18 Feb |
Introduction, the nucleus, the atom. Nuclear Binding energy, nuclear reaction, beta, alpha, and gamma decays. |
3 |
2 |
21 Feb 25 Feb |
Radioactivity decay law. Examples, Interactions of charged particles with matter |
4 |
3 |
28 Feb
3 March |
Interactions of charged particles with matter Lab 1 Interactions of charged particles with matter |
5, 6, 7, |
4 |
6 March
10 March |
Interactions of photons with matter Lab 2 Interactions of neutrons with matter |
9 |
5 |
13 March
17 March |
Radiation detection & measurement Lab 3 Radiation detection & measurement |
10 |
6 |
20 March 24 March |
Review First Exam |
7 |
27 March
31 March |
Counting statistics Lab 4 Dose quantity and units |
12 |
8 |
3 April
7 April |
Dose quantity and units Lab 5 Biological effects of radiation |
13 |
9 |
10 April
14 April |
Biological effects of radiation Lab 6 Radiation protection standards and dose limits |
14 |
10 |
17 April
21 April |
Radiation shielding Lab 7 Radiation shielding |
15 |
11 |
24 April
28 April |
Evaluation of external & internal doses Lab 8 Evaluation of external & internal doses |
12 |
1 May 5 May |
Review Second Exam |
13 |
8 May
12 May |
Waste Management Lab 9 Handling Emergency |
14 |
15 May
19 May |
X-Ray Production Lab 10 Diagnostic X-ray shielding |
15 |
22 May 26 May |
Diagnostic X-ray shielding Review |
16 |
29 May 2 June |
Final Exam |