

a)      A. Z. Khiari, A. Aksoy, R. Nassar, and M. Nagadi. “Trace analysis of vanadium using accelerator-based slow neutrons”, Proceedings of the 16th International conference on the application of accelerators in research and industry CAARI 2000. November 1-4, 2000. University of North Texas, Denton Texas.


b)      M.I. Jarallah, F. Abu-Jarad, Fazal-ur-Rehman, F.Z. Khiar, A. Aksoy, R. Nassar “Measurement of accelerator-based neutron distribution using nuclear track detectors”, (2000) Nucl. Instr. & Methods In Physics Research B, Vol. 171 (2000) 584-588



c)      A. A. Naqvi, M. M. Nagadi, R. Nassar, Khateeb-ur-Rehman, S. Kidwai and M. Raashid “Determination of moisture contents in bulk samples using 3 MeV neutrons from D(d,n) reaction. ”, 16th Inter. Conference On The Application of Accelerators In Research and Industry, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA, held on Nov. 1-4, 2000, Contribution No. PD17.


d)       A. A. Naqvi, M.  M. Nagadi, S. Kidwai and Khateeb-ur-Rehman, M. Raashid, R. E. Abdel Aal and R Nassar. “Pulsed accelerator based Prompt Gamma ray Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) set up for elemental analysis of industrial bulk samples”, 16th Inter. Conference On The Application of Accelerators In Research and Industry, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA, held on Nov. 1-4, 2000, Contribution No. PD16.


e)      A. A. Naqvi, M. M. Nagadi, Khateeb-ur-Rehman, S. Kidwai, and R. Nassar “Neutron Transmission Simulation Studies for Design of a Moisture Measurement Setup for Industrial Samples” Proceedings of First Saudi Conference held at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on 9-11 April. 2001; pp 361-372.


f)        A. A. Naqvi, M. M. Nagadi, S. Kidwai, Khateeb-ur-Rehman, and R. Nassar “Simulation of Prompt – g Processes in Bulk Material for Design of an Experimental Setup for Elemental Analysis of Industrial Samples” Proceedings of First Saudi Science Conference held at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on 9-11 April. 2001; pp 347-360


g)      R. M. Nassar Abstract “Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation Technique and Applications”. Proceeding of the First Saudi Science Conference: New Trends for the Collages of Sciences in Saudi Arabia, 9-11 April, 2001, Dhahran. Vol. 2, PP 345 (2001).


h)      A Aksoy, F. Z. Khiari and R. M. Nassar “Determination of vanadium contamination in catalysts by thermal neutron activation analysis at KFUPM” Petrotech 2001, The 3rd Middle East Refining and Petrochemicals Conference Proceeding, PN-71, Manama, Bahrain, 29-31 October 2001



i)        F. Abu-Jarad, Fazal-ur-Rehman, M. N. Al-Haddad, M.I. Jarallah, R. Nassar “Thermal neutron equivalent assesment around the KFUPM neutron source storage area using NTD’s”. Submitted for publication in the Radiation Protection Dosimetry


j)        A. A. Naqvi, M. M. Nagadi, Khateeb-ur-Rehman, S. Kidwai, and R. Nassar “350 keV Accelerator based Neutron Transmission Setup at KFUPM for Hydrogen Detection” Nucl. Instr. Meth A (2002). (in press-2002)




