Rafat Mohammad Nassar


Name:                           Rafat Mohammad Nassar

Date Of Birth:               Jan/3/1957

Address:                       Department of Physics

                                      KFUPM P. O. BOX    634

                                      Dhahran   31261

                                      SAUDI ARABIA

Phone:                          03-860-4582

Fax:                               03-860-2293

E-Mail:                          rnassar@kfupm.edu.sa


I am an engineer working in research and development environment. I have worked in the field of radiation protection since 1986. My experience covers developing, operating and managing radiation protection program. I enjoy taking challenging jobs to develop a product or a service. I have the ability to learn and develop. What’s more, I have self-esteem and stamina to achieve set goals.


Ph.D. in Radiation Physics (1996), University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, UK

M.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering (1984), Iowa State University, Ames Iowa, USA

B.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering (1980), King Abdul-Aziz University (KAAU), Jeddah, KSA

Continuing Education (workshop and short courses)

o       Technology Roadmaps: A Strategic R&D Planning Tool for Industry. Organized by Saudi Society for Technology Development & Transfer and the Korea Industrial Technology Foundation, Jeddah KSA. October 9-11, 2004.

o       Strategic Planning. Organized by KFUPM, DAD, Dhahran KSA. April 12-13, 2004.

o       Critical Thinking. Organized by KFUPM, DAD, Dhahran KSA. September 7-10, 2003.

o       Process Enterprise: Process Design and Implementation. Organized by KFUPM, Dhahran KSA. December 19, 2002.

o       Balanced Scorecard in Enhancing Strategy Implementation. Organized by KFUPM, Dhahran KSA. December 18, 2002.

o       NDT Overview for NDT & Non-NDT Personnel: Methods and Applications. Organized by Integrated Training. Khubar KSA. May 4-8, 2002.

o       Medical Physics: It’s Importance and Its Future in the Kingdom. Organized by KFUPM, Physics Department, Dhahran KSA. March 16, 2002.

o       School on Ion Implantation Technology, Albach, Austria, Sep 14-16, 2000

o       Total Quality Management, offered by the Institute of General Management, 8-10 June 1997. Dammam, K.S.A.

o       Workshop on accelerator operations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, May 18-22, 1998.

o       Advance Tritium Safe Handling Course. Organized by Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project (CFFTP), Toronto, Canada. May 15, 1992.

o       Post-Graduate Radiological Protection Course. Sponsored by the National Radiological Protection Board UK. June 4-29, 1990.

o       Tritium safe handling course, offered by Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project (CFFTP), 19-Oct-1986, Toronto Canada.


A)    Administrative

03-04   Manager, Basic and  Applied Physics Section (BAPS) of the Center for Applied Physical Sciences (CAPS), Research Institute (RI), King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, KSA.

   Job Function Summary: Manage the activities of the BAPS. This includes supervising the different activities in the section; the operation and the well-being of the accelerator, insuring the overall radiation safety and conducting research in the field of radiation physics. Facilitate for and support new research ideas. Make field visits to companies, write and edit technical memos, research proposals and reports, provide consultancy services, and develop short courses, etc.

02–03  Coordinator, Radiation Protection Group (RPG), CAPS, RI, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA.

Job Function Summary: Act as radiation safety officer. Activities include scheduling routine activities, writing, editing research proposals and technical memos, making field visits to companies, providing radiation protection services like radiation surveys, consultancy, teaching short courses and shielding calculations, etc.

99–03   Coordinator, (BAPS), CAPS, RI, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA

98–99 Coordinator, beam time scheduling and operation group of the neutron generator, CAPS, RI, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA

97–98  Member of the (BAPS) and of the (RPG), Energy Research Lab, RI, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA

Coordinator, Accelerators Operation Group.

Member of Division II, RI, KFUPM, with responsibility in the radiation protection group as well as the accelerator operation group.


o       Member of Energy Research Laboratory developing group, Div. II, RI, KFUPM, Dhahran, K.S.A.  Fully responsible for the Tritium safe Handling System, including bids evaluation, design review, installation, and operation. In addition, responsible for developing the required safety procedure.

o       Member of the developing group for the Radiation Protection program at the ERL. Responsible for procedure review and development, and equipment selection.

o       Team leader for the identification and recovery of radioactive sources of different types in the East provenance.

o       Member of the Research Institute Safety committee.

o       Member of the ad-hoc committee responsible for the following up of the effects of Chernobyl accident, KFUPM.



o       Lecturer, Nuclear Engineering department, KAAU, Jeddah, K.S.A.


o       Teaching assistant, Nuclear Engineering department, KAAU, Jeddah, K.S.A.


B)    Academic 



o       Assistant Professor, Physics Department, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA


o       Lecturer, Energy Research Lab, RI, KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA


o       Lecturer, Nuclear Engineering Department, KAAU, Jeddah, KSA


o       Graduate Assistant, Nuclear Engineering Department, KAAU, Jeddah, KSA


C)    Services in different committees through out the university

o       Member of the Community Affairs Committee, University

o       Member of the Collage of Science Industrial committee

o       Member of the committee for reviewing the fate of the Center for Applied Physical Sciences, University

o       Member of KFUPM committee for the development of strategic planning.

o       Chaired the Beeshah Qiyas test committee, Qiyas.

o       Member of the Admission test (RAM1 and RAM2) committee, University

o       Member of the Center for Applied Physical Sciences project review committee, RI, CAPS.

o       Member of the Student Funds committee, University

o       Member of the KFUPM Student Affair Committee, University

o       Member of the Committee for the supervision of preparing university plans and procedures for civil defense in case of war, University

o       Chaired the CAPS marketing committee, CAPS

o       Member of the Committee to consider the request for promotion to the rank of Scientist-I, RI

o       Member of the Committee on Team Performance Incentive Award, RI

o       Member of the Examination committee for a Ms. Sc. Research theses “Measurement of Radon Concentration inside the Girls College of Science in Dammam” Jun 6th 2003.

o       Member of the Physics Department Activity committee, Physics

o       Member of the committee for nominations of RI distinguished awards, CAPS

o       Chairman of  “Utilization Assessment of the 350 keV Accelerator Matters” committee, CAPS

o       Member of  Radiation technology committee, CAPS

o       Member of the Proposal Evaluation committee, RI

o       Chaired the committee for review of “Radiation Protection Principles” Short Course, CAPS

o       Member of the Health, Safety and Security committee, University

o       Member of the Space allocation committee, RI

o       Chairman of the Beam Time Scheduling and Operation Committee, CAPS, RI.

o       Member of the 1998-1999 Technical Editing Board, RI

o       Member of the 1998-1999 Conference and Publication Committee, RI.

o       Participated in the designing of a data base program for handling spare parts in CAPS.

o       Member of the equipment selection committee of the Research Institute.


Courses taught at KFUPM

·        Physics 353 "Radiation and Health Physics"

·        General Physics 101

·        General Physics 102

·        Physics 161

·        ICS 101 “Fortran programming”

Courses taught at CAPS, RI

·        Participate in developing and delivering different short courses on principles of radiation protection, the courses were offered for different clients and for different durations.

·        Participate in developing and delivering a short training on radiation and its detection in foodstuff. 1989

Courses taught at KAAU

·        NE312 Thermal reactor dynamics and kinetics

·        NE300 Introduction to nuclear energy

Lectures and talks

o       Depleted Uranium

o       Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation

o       Participate in developing and delivering different short courses on principles of radiation protection, the courses were offered for different clients and for different durations.

o       Participate in developing and delivering a short training on radiation and its detection in food stuff. Delivered to members from the quality control.

o       Imported foodstuff monitoring for radioactive contamination due to Chernobyl accident, 1986-1987.


o       KACST Radiation Safety Officer Certificate (#198), Thul-Qidah 8, 1424 H.  

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Research and interests

·        Technology development and transfer to the Kingdom.

·        Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENOM), Detection and Measurement

·        Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation

·        Radiation Detection

·        Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy

·        Fast Neutron Activation Analysis

·        Nondestructive testing

Research Projects

1.      Research Projects

o       Currently I am a project manager of the “External gamma radiation survey for oil wellheads in the southern producing area” contract project, Environmental Compliance Division (ECD), Saudi Aramco (2003- 2005).

o       Co-investigator in the SABIC fast track funded project titled “Modeling Plasma Source Ion Implantation Using Monte Carlo Simulation” (2000-2003).

o       Submitted a proposal “Measurements  and risk assessment of TENORM at Landfarm disposal sites for Saudi Aramco” Submitted to the Environmental Compliance Division (ECD), Saudi Aramco (2001).

2.      Technical  Memorandums developed

“Survey and management of technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials for Saudi Aramco” Submitted to the Radiation Protection Unit, Environmental Compliance Division (ECD), Saudi Aramco (2000).



1.      Naqvi, A. A., Nagadi, M. M., Khateeb-ur-Rehman, Kidwai, S., Nassar. R., “350 keV Accelerator based Neutron Transmission Setup at KFUPM for Hydrogen Detection” Nucl. Instr. Meth A (2002).

2.      Aksoy, A., Khiari, F. Z., and Nassar, R., “Determination of vanadium contamination in catalysts by thermal neutron activation analysis at KFUPM” Petrotech 2001, The 3rd Middle East Refining and Petrochemicals Conference Proceeding, PN-71, Manama, Bahrain, 29-31 October 2001

3.      Naqvi, A. A., Nagadi, M. M., Kidwai, S., Khateeb-ur-Rehman, and Nassar, R., ”Simulation of Prompt g-ray Processes in Bulk Material for Design of An Experimental Setup for Elemental Analysis of Industrial Samples”. Proceeding of the First Saudi Science Conference: New Trends for the Collages of Sciences in Saudi Arabia, 9-11 April, 2001, Dhahran. Vol. 2, PP 347-360 (2001). Published by KFUPM Printing Press.

4.      Naqvi, A. A., Nagadi, M. M., Khateeb-ur-Rehman, Kidwai, S., Nassar. R., “Neutron Transmission Simulation Studies for Design of a Moisture Measurement Setup for Industrial Samples”, Proceeding of the First Saudi Science Conference: New Trends for the Collages of Sciences in Saudi Arabia, 9-11 April, 2001, Dhahran. Vol. 2, PP 361-372 (2001). Published by KFUPM Printing Press.

5.      Nassar. R., “Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation Technique and Applications”. Proceeding of the First Saudi Science Conference: New Trends for the Collages of Sciences in Saudi Arabia, 9-11 April, 2001, Dhahran. Vol. 2, PP 345 (2001). Published by KFUPM Printing Press.

6.      Al-Jarallah. M. I.,  Abu-Jarad, F., Fazal-ur-Rehman, Khiari, F. Z., Aksoy, A., Nassar. R., “Measurement of accelerator-based neuron distributions using nuclear track detectors”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B171 (2000) 584-588.

7.      Naqvi, A. A., Nagadi, M. M., Nassar. R., Khateeb-ur-Rehman, Kidwai, S., and Raashid, M., “Determination of moisture contents in bulk samples using 3 MeV neutrons from D(d,n) reaction”, 16th Inter. Conference On The Application of Accelerators In Research and Industry, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA, held on Nov. 1-4, 2000, Contribution No. PD17.

8.      Khiari, F. Z., Aksoy, A., Nassar. R., and Nagadi, M. M., “Trace analysis of vanadium using accelerator-based slow neutrons” Proceedings of the 16th International conference on the application of accelerators in research and industry” CAARI 2000. November 1-4, 2000. University of North Texas, Denton Texas.

9.      Naqvi, A. A., Nagadi, M. M., Kidwai, S., Khateeb-ur-Rehman, Raashid, M., Abdel-Aal,  R. E. and Nassar. R., Pulsed accelerator based prompt gamma ray neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) set up for elemental analysis of industrial bulk samples. Proceedings of the 16th International conference on the application of accelerators in research and industry CAARI 2000. November 1-4, 2000. University of North Texas, Denton Texas. 

10. Abu-Jarad, F., Nassar, R., Haddad, M., Bard, S., Nahdi, K., Islam, A., and Al-Jarallah. M. I., “ The radiation protection program at the energy research laboratory”. JKAU: Eng. Sci., Special Issue, pp 237-245 (1993).

11. Abu-Jarad, F., Nassar, R., Haddad, M., Bard, S., Nahdi, K., Islam, A., and Al-Jarallah. M. I., “ The radiation protection program at the energy research laboratory”. Proceeding of the first National Saudi Conference on Energy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 4-7 March, 1990. PP 463-470 (1993). Published by Scientific Publishing center, KAU, Jeddah.

12. Nassar, R.M., Al-Juwair, H.A., and Islam, A., “Safety analysis of the tritium management system of the 14 MeV neutron generator at KFUPM”. Proceeding of the first National Saudi Conference on Energy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 4-7 March 1990. Pp 439-446 (1993). Published by Scientific Publishing center, KAU, Jeddah.

13. Nassar, R.M., Al-Juwair, H.A., and Islam, A.,” Tritium management system for the 14 MeV neutron generator at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals”. Proceeding of the first National Saudi Conference on Energy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 4-7 March 1990. PP 477-482 (1993). Published by Scientific Publishing center, KAU, Jeddah.

14. M. Sc. Thesis “ The study of the origin of Mexican Indian Potsherds by means of neutron activation analysis”. The reviewed summary was published in Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 50, 159, (1985).

15. B. Sc. Research project titled “ Solar cells panel application in diagnosis x-ray machines”. This work was published in Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 39, 1981.


o       Saudi Society for Technology Development & Transfer, acting member.

o       American Society for Nondestructive Testing, member.

Activity General

·        Member of the Supervising Board for the Gifted Students programs in KFUPM, March-July 2003 and March-July 2004.

·        Member of the Saudi student club executive committee in U K 1992-1995.

·        Finance and budgeting director for the Saudi student clubs in UK during the academic year 1995.

·        Enjoys swimming and traveling.