In the animation, student "a" has a mass of 95 kg and student "b" has a mass of 77 kg. The sit in identical office chairs facing each other. Student "a" places his bare feet on the knees of student "b", as shown. Student "a" then suddenly pushes outward with his feet, causing both chairs to move.
During the push and while the students are still touching one another:
(A) neither student exerts a force on the other.
(B) student "a" exerts a
force on student "b", but "b" does not exert any force on "a".
(C) each
student exerts a force on the other, but "b" exerts the larger force.
each student exerts a force on the other, but "a" exerts the larger
(E) each student exerts the same amount of force on the other.