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Physics 503 – Graduate Laboratory

Spring 2001 (002)


Graduate Bulletin:         PHYS 503 (0-6-3)

Four different experiments from the different areas of current research interests in the physics department, each is supervised by a faculty member from the respective research specialty. Emphasis on some of the techniques and instrumentation currently used in the research; computer assisted and advanced techniques of analysis of data.


Prerequisite      :           Phys 403 and consent of the instructor.


Textbook         :           No textbook was recommended for this course.


References       :           The references and reference material for each course will be provided by the faculty supervising the individual experiment.


Experiments      :           The lists of the experiments provided by the research labs below are attached. Each student will choose four experiments from the list, one in each lab in order to maximize the exposure to the research labs. The duration of the individual experiments will be three weeks.


1.                  Nuclear Physics Labs.

2.                  Superconductivity Lab

3.                  Laser Labs.

4.                  Surface Science Lab.


Evaluation         :           Individual faculty in charge of the experiment will evaluate each student according to the following: Effort, understanding, and written laboratory report. Marked out of 20%, 20%, and 60% respectively.


                                    Final letter grade will be based on the average of all the four experiments and will be assigned by the instructor in charge of the course.


Policy               :           Reports should be typed and include at least the following: cover page, abstract, introduction, theoretical background, experimental techniques (include description for experiments and instruments), results and data analysis, discussion and conclusions, references.


Submission Dates:         Reports should be submitted on March 11th , March 31st, April 28th and May 26th.


Instructor          :           Dr. Mahmoud M. Nagadi

Office               :           6/228


Phys 503/p27/mis