Welcome to the Homepage of

Mohammed  M  Faiz
Associate Professor of Physics

PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1992

King Fahd University of Pertroleum & Minerals
P O Box 1152
Dhahran 31261
Saudi Arabia

Office Location: Building 6 - Room 232
Phone: (966)(3) 860 2284
Fax: (966)(3) 860 2293
 E-mail: mmfaiz@kfupm.edu.sa



Sri Lanka



Office Hours   

PHYS 101    (General Physics I )

PHYS 102    (General Physics II )

PHYS 203    (Physics of Semiconductor Devices)

PHYS 212    (Modern Physics)

PHYS 303    (Experimental Physics I - Electronics)

PHYS 304    (Experimental Physics II - Error Analysis)

PHYS 432    (Introduction to Solid State Physics)

PHYS 434    (Introduction to Surface Physics)

PHYS 503    (Graduate Laboratory)

PHYS 532    (Solid State Physics I)

PHYS 590    (Surface Analytical Techniques)

Syllabi (PHYS 203, PHYS 212, PHYS 303, PHYS 432)





Research Interests

Selected Publications

Journal Publications with abstracts

List of Presentations

Selected Talks

Conferences Attended

Selected Posters

Theses and Projects

Surface Science Laboratory

Advanced Light Source


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