This simulation shows a wave traveling along a 1.0-meter long string. After experimenting with this simulation, you should be able to convince yourself that the frequency of a wave is determined by whatever produces the wave, the wave speed is determined by the properties of the medium, and the wavelength is determined by both the frequency and the speed. Here are some things to investigate:
1. You can get an idea about how fast the wave is traveling by measuring the time it takes the wave to get from one end of the string to the other. One at a time, adjust the amplitude, frequency, and string thickness to determine which of these affects the wave speed.
2. How is the wavelength related to the wave's speed and the frequency? Does the wavelength depend on the amplitude of the wave?
3. Focusing on the one piece of the string in red, what kind of motion does this piece follow? Is this true for all parts of the string?