Welcome Ahmad Al-jarallah - 214059 to Physics102-032
Note: 23 questions in the final are from ch26 to
Study them well!
major 1 8
major 2 5
quiz 1 8
quiz 2 2
quiz 3 5
quiz 4 a
quiz 5 5
quiz 6 0
quiz 7 a
quiz 8 a
quiz 9 a
quiz 10 0
quiz 11 0
Raw class work 1.8
Corrected class work 3.2
absent# 1 on 12
absent# 2 on 2/14
absent# 3 on 2/15
absent# 4 on 2/25
absent# 5 on 3/8
absent# 6 on 3/22
absent# 7 on 3/29
absent# 8 on 3/16
absent# 9 on 4/18
absent# 10 on 4/11
absent# 11 on 5/5
absent# 12 on 5/15
Number of absences =12
you have 12 absences or more. Please see me. Grade of DN may be already assigned to you
note# 1 5/22