Phase difference between
any two
consecutive right-going waves =
p rad.
Click and drag the red line to change the frequency of the vibrator.
As the wave travels and is reflected back and forth,
it loses its power, for example, because of imperfect reflections or because of
friction. Losses will make the amplitude of the wave smaller and smaller. Because
of this, at resonance, the amplitude will reach some maximum value and,
hopefully, will not reach a value that may exceed the string elastic limit,
resulting in a permanent damage of the string.
More reflections at the wall and the vibrator.
The wall reflects the wave.
The vibrator reflects the wave.
When the right-going waves are not in phase, the
left-going waves, also, are not in phase. Their interference results in waves
with small amplitudes. In this case, we do not have resonance.
At resonance, the right-going waves are in phase
as well as the left-going waves. The right-going waves interfere constructively
to produce a wave with a very large amplitude. This is also the case for
the left-going waves.
The shape of the wave that you will see on the string is the sum of all right-going and
the left-going waves.
Similarly, we may add all the left-going waves to form a resultant wave moving to the
We may add all the right-going waves to form a resultant wave moving to the
Let us follow the sinusoidal wave as it travels on the string.