King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
of Applied & Supporting Studies
Physical Education Department

PE-201, Weight Training Program Schedule -        Saturday & Monday



First stage

During a training session the student should perform 25 repetitions with 20% of his body weight 

Sat – 13 march                                                                                                                 Tue -16 march

Sat ---23 march                                                            

Second stage

During a training session the student should perform 20 repetitions with 40% of his body weight 

Mon-22 march                                                            

Sat –27 march                                                                                                                     Tue-30 march


  Student should perform 25 repetitions with 20% of his body weight

Test dates - Sat -3 April, Mon-5 April, Sat -10 April, and Mon -12 April

Third stage

During a training session the student should perform 15 repetitions with 60% of his body weight

Sat- 24 April                                                                                                                        Tue—27 April

Sat --1 may                                                       

Fourth Stage

 During a training session the student should perform 10 repetitions with 80% of his body weight 

Mon -3 May                                                                   

Sat – 8 May                                                          

Mon -10 May                                                               

Fifth stage

During a training session the student should perform 5 repetitions with 100% of his body weight

Sat -15th May                                                                                                    

Mon-17th May                                                                 

Sat -22nd May                                                                                                                        Tue -25th May


  Student should perform 5 repetitions with 100% of his body weight

Test dates –Sat-29 May, Mon-31 May, Sat-5 June, and Mon-7 June.









King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
of Applied & Supporting Studies
Physical Education Department

PE-201, Weight Training Program Schedule -        Sunday & Tuesday



First stage

During a training session the student should perform 25 repetitions with 20% of his body weight 

Sun -14 march

Tue -16 march

Sun-21 march

Second stage

During a training session the student should perform 20 repetitions with 40% of his body weight

Tue -23 march

Sun-28 march

Tue-30 march


  Student should perform 25 repetitions with 20% of his body weight

Test Dates--Sun-4 April, Tue-6 April, Sun -11 April, and Tue-13 April

Third stage

During a training session the student should perform 15 repetitions with 60% of his body weight

Sun -25 April

Tue—27 April

Sun –2 May

Fourth Stage

During a training session the student should perform 10 repetitions with 80% of his body weight 

Tue -4 May

Sun-9 May

Tue-11 May

Fifth stage

During a training session the student should perform 5 repetitions with 100% of his body weight

Sun-16th May                                 

Tue-18th May

Sun-23rd May

Tue -25th May


  Student should perform 5 repetitions with 100% of his body weight

Test dates--Sun-30 May, Tue-1 June, Sun-6 June, and Tue-8 June.









King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

College of Applied & Supporting Studies

Physical Education Department


Health & fitness hand outs



1)     Foods that are sources of nutrition are called nutrients. There are six types of nutrients

2)     The six types of nutrients are – fats ,carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and water

3)     Nutrients give us energy , growth & helps to repair body tissues

4)     The energy we use is called calorie

5)     Maximum calorie intake should not exceed ones  current weight in kgs x 24

6)     Do not go below 1000 calories at any time

7)     For Loosing or gaining body weight- add or subtract 500 calories daily.    

8)     One gram of protein and carbohydrates supplies four calories

9)     One gram of fat supplies nine calories

10)Vitamins, minerals and water provides no calories

11)There are two types of carbohydrates. They are simple and complex

12)12 amino acids are manufactured by the body and 8 amino acids has to be taken from the diet sources such as milk or eggs and variety of plant products

13)Protein supplies amino acids to build and maintain healthy body tissue.

14)Protein is needed for building, maintaining and repairing muscles, red blood cells, skin, hair, and other tissues.

15)Fat provides the major source of stored energy in the body.

16)Unsaturated fats are found in Avocadoes, cashews, olives and olives oil

17)Vitamins are required by the body in a minute amount for regulation and maintenance of normal growth and its functioning

18)There are two types of vitamins, they are water soluble and fat soluble. 

19)Fat soluble vitamins are –A,K, D and E

20)Water soluble vitamins are –B1, B2, B12, and Vitamin-C.

21)Minerals are vital to our existence because they are the building blocks that make up muscles, tissues, and bones

22)A diabetic person should avoid the following foods –sweets, sugar, sweet drinks, and chocolates.

23)Weight reduction, reduction in salt intake, and doing aerobic exercise helps in controlling the hypertension.

24)There are three body types namely- ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.  

25)Wellness is the integration of mind, body, and spirit. Wellness combines seven dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living life.

26)When we balance the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual, and environmental aspects of life, we achieve true wellness. 

27)Social wellness- The ability to relate well with every one. Social wellness gives us the ease and confidence to be outgoing, friendly, and affectionate towards all. It involves not only a concern for the individual, but also an interest in humanity and the environment as a whole at large. 

28)Physical wellness requires that you take preventive steps to protect your physical health by eating balance diet, doing plenty of exercise, maintaining a proper body weight, getting enough sound sleep, and restricting intake of harmful substances. 

29)Do not take any supplements with out your doctor’s advice

30)Taking Creatine monohydrate the following possible health hazards occurs –dehydration, muscle cramps, and muscle injuries.