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Advanced 10K Program
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First things first: bookmark this page so that you can check easily on your progress.

As you'll see, this program contains a slew of speed workouts.  A few quick notes on how those workouts are described here:

  • The distance in parentheses below fartlek runs includes a mile each of warmup and warmdown, in addition to your fartlek sessions. 
  • Whenever you see a pace denoted as 5K pace or 10K pace, this refers to the speed at which you estimate you could run a 5K or 10K on that given day.
  • When you read "4-5 hills," that means you should incorporate 4-5 hills (about 100-200 yards long) into your run. As noted, you should take them at a pace somewhere between your current 5K and 10K race speeds. Long hills should be 400-600 yards long.
  • When you read the notation "4 x 880s," that means you should run four repeats of 880 yards each (two laps on the track). The pace below tells you how fast you should run them. For 880s, give yourself 2-3 minutes of rest between intervals; for 440s, give yourself 1-2 minutes.


All other workouts (including the long runs) should be run at an easy training pace -- emphasis on "easy." Hold yourself back to a pace about 90 seconds or 2 minutes per mile slower than your current 10K pace.

Lastly, the pre-training schedule. You should be able to run this schedule for four to five weeks without much discomfort before starting the 10K program. If not, give yourself some time to build up to that level gradually, or you risk injuring yourself.

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Off 5M 4M 6M 5M 4M 7M

Okay, on with the training program. The schedule peaks at about 45M per week. 

Week Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.
1 Off
5M 6M 6M 4M 7M
2 Off 6 x 880s
5K-10K pace
5M 6M
4M 10M
3 4M 6 x 880s
5K-10K pace
5M 6M 6-8 Hills
5K-10K pace
4M 9M
4 4M 8 x 440s
5K pace
5M 7M 5M 4M 12M
5 4M 6 x 880s
5K-10K pace
6M 7M 5-6 Long Hills
5K-10K pace
4M 10M
6 4M 10 x 440s
5K pace
6M 7M 6M 4M 14M
7 5M 8 x 880s
5K-10K pace
7M 8M 6-7 long hills
5K pace
2M 5K race
(Or 6M)
8 4M 6M 7M 6M 6 x Fast 440s
5K minus 15 sec
4M 10M
9 4M 12 x 440s
5K pace
6M 7M 8-10 hills
5K-10K pace
2M 10K race
(Or 8M)
10 4M 7M 5M 7M 8 x 880s
5K-10K pace
4M 10M
11 Off 8 x Fast 440s
5K minus 15 sec
6M 6M 8 x 880s
5K minus 15 sec
4M 7M
12 Off 8 x 440s
5K pace



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Last modified: December 12, 2007