Associate Professor, Department of Accounting & MIS
Research Activities
Reviewer for the International Conference 2nd Conference on Planning & Development of Education and Scientific Research in the Arab States 24 – 27 February 2008 - King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran - Saudi Arabia
Reviewer for International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems ISSN: 1548-1115, EISSN: 1548-1123 -2007
Reviewer for Oxford University Press supports 2007
Reviewer for Pearson education 2005
Team member in the project of establishing WTO center for Private sector In Saudi Arabia
Editorial Advisory Board of the International Management Review Journal ISSN 1551-6849 - USA
Reviewer for Journal of King Saud University "Computer & Information Sciences ISSN 1319-1578 from Dec 2004.
Member editor of the journal of Economics and Management ISSN 1112-2382
Member editor of the journal of Social Science Economics and Management Science ISSN 1112-4466
Reviewer for The International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS)
Reviewer IBIMA 2005, IBIMA 2006 IBIMA 2007
Reviewer for the International Conference V “Accounting, Commerce& Finance: The Islamic Perspective” 2004 Conference. Brisbane Australia 15-17/6/ 2004
1. Amine Nehari Talet, Samer ALHawari” Ethical decision making with Information systems students: An exploratory study” International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education ( accepted for Publication) next issue 2011 2. Amine Nehari Talet, Samer ALHawari &.Haroun Alryala, & Ebrahim Mansour “The practice of Jordanian business to attain Customer Knowledge Acquisition” International Journal of Knowledge Management IJKM ( accepted for Publication) volume 7, issue 2 March 2011 ISSN: 1548-0666 3. . Amine Nehari Talet, Samer ALHawari &.Haroun Alryala, & Ebrahim Mansour “ Effect of Knowledge Process” on Customer Knowledge Expansion” The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management August 2010 pp181-198 ISSN 1447-9524, 4. Amine Nehari Talet, Samer ALHawari &.Haroun Alryala. "The outcome of Knowledge Process for Customer of Jordanian Companies on the achievement of Customer Knowledge Retention" International Journal of Knowledge Management IJKM Vol.6 No.1, January-March 2010 pp44-61 ISSN: 1548-0666 5. Samer ALHawari, Amine Nehari Talet & al “Improving performance of customer knowledge expansion with knowledge management process” Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 559900 Journal of Organizational Knowledge (Feb 2010) 6. Saleh Alwahaishi, Amine Nehari-Talet &Václav Snášel “ Electronic Commerce growth in developing countries: Barriers and Challenges" Special issue in Journal of e-Technology (IAJeT) Vol. 1 No. 1 February 2010 pp 47-56 ISSN: 0976-3503 7. Saleh Alwahaishi, Václav Snášel & Amine Nehari-Talet " Web Site Assessment in the Airline Industry: An Empirical Study of GCC Airline Companies" Special issue in International Journal of Information studies. International Journal of Information Studies, Vol 1, Issue No 3 (2009) pp 212-222. ISSN 1911-8414 8. Amine Nehari Talet, & Samer Alhawari. "The impact of successful Information systems on stakeholders' decisions" Journal of CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS REVIEW. ISSN 1553 – 5827. (Dec 2009) 9. Samer Alhawari, Amine Nehari Talet,, Ebrahim, Mansour,Haroun , Alryalat and Wa’el Musa Hadi " The effects of Knowledge Process for Customer on the achievement of Customer Knowledge Retention "Volume 6, number 27, Communications of the IBIMA, 2008, pages 174-180 Journal of (CIBIMA) ISSN:1943-7765 10. Samer ALHawari & Amine Nehari Talet, & al "The Impact of Knowledge Process about Customer on the Success of Customer Knowledge Acquisition" Volume 1, number 3, 2008, pages 27-33 Journal of (CIBIMA) ISSN:1943-7765 11. Amine Nehari Talet,, "Student's perception of the benefits and use of online teaching & learning " Issues in Information Systems of the International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS) Vol VIII, pp 15-23. October-2007 ISSN: 1529-7314. 12. . Razali Bin Mat Zin, & Amine Nehari Talet, "Managing Resources Towards Achieving Malaysian Vision 2020: Policies, Prospects and Challenges” Journal of CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS REVIEW. . Volume 9; Num 1 pp 198-210 (October 2007) ISSN 1553 – 5827 13. M. Ramady & Amine Nehari Talet Rational Expectations and Saudi Stock Market Individual Investor Behavior " Volume 2007; Issue2 pp 02-13 (October 2007) World Journal of Business Management ISSN: 1819-8589. 14. Amine Nehari Talet,, " students' perceptions of the critical success factors in the successful implementation of online teaching and learning: a case study in Saudi Arabia International Journal of Learning, Volume 13 No 12, pp.25-34 ISSN: 1447-9494 (print), 1447-9540 (online) Publisher Site: 15. Hafid Agourram, Bill Robson, &Amine Nehari Talet," Defining Information System Success in France" Volume 3 Issue3 66-80, July-September 2007 International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems ISSN: 1548-1115, EISSN: 1548-1123 Volume 3 Issue 3 pp 66-80, July-September 2007 16. Hafid Agourram, Bill Robson, & Amine Nehari Talet,, "Succeeding the Implementation of E-Learning Systems in a Multicultural Environment" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEARNING ISSN: 1447-9494 (print), 1447-9540 (online) Publisher Site: September 2006. International Journal of Learning, Volume 13, Issue 3, pp.89-96. 17. Amine Nehari Talet, "For Better Understanding of factors influencing the implementation and utilization for a successful Executive information System" International Management Review Journal ISSN 1551-6849 ( Fall 2004-2005) 18. Amine Nehari Talet, “Executive Information Systems success and its reliance on Knowledge Management“ Vol 6 j Les Recherches de RUSICADE journal of Social Science Economics and Management Science ISSN 1112-4466 ( Dec 2004) 19. Amine Nehari Talet, “Can E- Commerce be considered as Accelerator of development ? Vol 5مجلة العلوم الإنسانية ISSN1112-3176 (June 2004). 20. Amine Nehari Talet, “ Quel Système d’information peut-il s’adapter aux nouvelles exigences de mode de gestion ? Revue Sciences & Technologie 10/04/2002) ISSN 111-505. (June 2002).
1. Amine Nehari Talet , Samer ALHawari & Razali Mat Zin” The Integration of KM Process with CRM to attain Customer Knowledge Relationship Management” 15-17 March 2011, Bali, Indonesia. IEEE
2. Amine Nehari Talet , Samer ALHawari & al “DEVELOPING A FRAMEWORK FOR CUSTOMER ACQUISITION PROCESS THROUGH KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT” 6th AGBA World Conference January 2010 ADVANCES IN GLOBAL BUSINESS RESEARCH pp 136-144 Vol. 6 No. 1 ISBN 1549 – 9332 December 2009
Alwahaishi, Václav Snášel &
Amine Nehari-Talet
Web Site Assessment in the Airline Industry: An Empirical
Study of GCC Airline Companies"
Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital
Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT2009) 4—August 2009. pp.
193-198. London, United Kingdom, 4-6 August 2009.
Amine Nehari-Talet
&Václav Snášel
Electronic Commerce growth in developing countries:
Barriers and Challenges"
First International Conference on 'Networked Digital Technologies(NDT
2009) pp. 238-245. Ostrava, Czech Republic, 29-31 July 2009.
5. Amine Nehari Talet & Samer ALHawari “The Impact of Successful Information Systems on Stakeholders' Decisions” The Global Business & Finance Research Conference, London London July 8-11 2009
6. Samer ALHawari Amine Nehari Talet & al “The effect of Knowledge Process about Customer of Jordanian Companies on the achievement of Customer Knowledge Acquisition" 12th IBIMA Conference on Creating Global Economies through Innovation and Knowledge Management Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 29 -30 June 2009.
7. Samer ALHawari Amine Nehari Talet & al "The Impact of Knowledge Process about Customer on the Success of Customer Knowledge Acquisition" 10th IBIMA conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Business Globalization Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 30 June - 2 July 2008.
8. Amine Nehari Talet & Hafid Agourram "The Analysis of user involvement in development & Implementation of computerized information systems and perceived usefulness: Case study in Saudi Arabia" International Business Information Management Conference (9th IBIMA) on January 4, 5, and 6, 2008 in Marrakech, Morocco
Amine Nehari Talet
effect of Development approach in the success or failure of information
systems" College
of Business Administration- Kuwait University December 12-15 2006.
Amine Nehari Talet "The effect of Development approach in the success or
failure of information systems" College of Business Administration-
Kuwait University December 12-15 2006.
10. Hafid Agourram & Amine Nehari Talet "The evaluation of information systems success a new perspective" 6th Global Conference on Business & Economics October 15-16 2006. GUTMAN CONFERENCE CENTER, USA
11. Dr. Razali Bin Mat Zin, &Amine Nehari Talet " PERCEPTUAL VIEWS OF BBA STUDENTS TOWARDS CAREER CHOICE IN ACADEMIA: AN EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS" 6th International conference Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan, April 17th –19th, 2006.
12. Amine Nehari Talet "Perspectives of Teaching and Learning at KFUPM using Information Technology" The First E-Service Symposium in Eastern Province 29-30 Nov. 2005 Khobar. Saudi Arabia
13. . Amine Nehari Talet " Perspectives of Teaching and Learning at KFUPM using Information Technology"" “International Conference on Business, Economics, Management & Marketing” June 16-18 2005 ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH
14. Amine Nehari Talet " How Companies can procure the best, efficient and successful" INFORUM 2005 Les progiciels de gestion intégrés dans le système d’information de l’entreprise 28 & 29 Mars 2005, Hôtel El Aurassi, Algiers
15. Amine Nehari Talet "Factors affecting the Implementation a Successful Executive Information System " International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunication – SETIT’2005. March 27-31, 2005 – TUNISIA
16. Amine Nehari Talet “Executive Information Systems success dependency on Human contribution and their effects in decision making” Accepted paper for International conference Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan, April 26th –28th, 2004.
17. Amine Nehari Talet “The Establishment of WTO is tailored accordingly to the Growth of Information of Technology?” 9-11-May, 2004 Emirate Arab University.
18Amine Nehari Talet “A Better understanding of factors influencing the implementation and utilization for a successful Executive information System in Saudi Arabia” IACIS 2004 Cancun, Mexico 6-9 October 2004.
19. Amine Nehari Talet “For a successful executive information system" Al-Zarka University23-25 November 2004
20.Amine Nehari-Talet “Development of Information Systems as evidence to the success of modern organization in developing countries” presented paper for International conference 06-08/12/2003 Kuwait University.
21. Amine Nehari Talet “E-Commerce: The opportunity of Digital trading exchanges, to re- invent companies in developing Countries” “Case study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” Accepted paper for International conference31/05-02/06//2003 Algiers University.
22.Amine Nehari-Talet “E- Commerce its Impact on the Economy of Developing Countries“ How are they going to conduct their business” Accepted paper for International conference 12-14/04/2003 Applied Sciences University Jordan
23. Amine Nehari-Talet, “Uncertainty in Information System Development for Developing Countries” Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan, May 24th –26th, 2002.
24.Amine Nehari-Talet “ Impacts et Comportements des femmes dans le processus relié aux systèmes d’informationnels " Marrakech 17-20 /02/ 2001 ISBN 9981-916-03-X (February, 2001)