Dr. Marwan Al Qur'an
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Biographical Notes:
Dr. Marwan Al Qur'an is currently an Assistant Professor of Management and Marketing at the Department of Management and Marketing within the College of Industrial Management (CIM) (AACSB Accredited) at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia.
Previously, he taught in Australia at UWA Business School, the University of Western Australia and at Curtin Business School, Curtin University of Technology. He received a PhD in Business from Curtin University of Technology, Australia in 2006, a Master degree in International Business (MIB) from UWS, Australia and a BSc (Hons) in B/A from Applied Science University, Jordan.
Dr. Al Qur'an received a highly competitive and most prestigious international award (Emerald/EFMD Highly Commended Award, 2006) for his outstanding doctoral research. The Emerald/EFMD Awards demonstrates international excellence in research and offers international recognition for its winners. It also ensures that business students learn from the best business thinkers as stated by Professor Han G. van Dissel, Dean at RSM Erasmus University (world ranking in business is 30th place). Dr. Al Qur'an was only one of two doctoral students in Australia and only one of the seven students in the world to be internationally recognized by Emerald/EFMD in the management category. More information about this award is available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/researchers/funding/awards/doctoral/2006winners.jsp.
Additionally, Dr. Al Qur'an received distinguished international research awards for his research contribution. His current research interests include International Marketing, Strategic and International Management, International Business, FDI, Management and Marketing from an Islamic Perspective. Currently, Dr. Al Qur'an is a member of some international academic organizations, serving and served as a reviewer and Ad-Hoc reviewer for some international refereed journals and conferences. Further, he has as far as this more than six international refereed publications and working on another four papers.
Moving to the professional industry experience and consultancy, Dr. Al Qur'an worked and provided significant business consultancies for companies in Australia and overseas. The professional industry experience and consultancy was in the field of Marketing, International Business and Strategy.
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