Dr. Jameel Qazi
Assistant Professor
Department of Management and Marketing
I did my Ph.D. in Business Administration from Kobe University Japan in March, 2005. I did my MBA from the same university in 2002. I also won the Monbusho research scholarship of the Japanese Government in 1999 - 2005, and Japan Foundation's 1993 Study Tour Award for Outstanding Foreign Students of Japanese Language. I am proficient in English, Japnese, Urdu and Punjabi languages. I have worked for some of the leading companies in textile,tourism, apparel, and entertainment industry on different long and short term jobs, and projects - both in Pakistan and Japan before joining the teaching profession. I like cricket, travelling and learning new languages, volunteer activities like working for less privileged segments of the society in different parts of the world to make this world a peaceful place to live.
I am assistant professor in the College of Industrial Management of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Prior to joining my current job in September 2007, I served at Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan as assistant professor for two years. I have a passion for both, research and teaching and I have taught international business, international human resource management, and management, at MBA and undergraduate levels. My research interests include offshore software and IT outsourcinself directed expatriates, cross cultural management, human resource management systems and hospitality industry.

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