TEXT: Production/Operations Management, 6th Edition, by Williams J. Stevenson (Erwin 1999). COURSE CONTENT: |
This course is concerned with "production" or "operations" function of an enterprise and some of the tools which managers have used to deal with problems in this functional area. We will address in this course both the strategic importance and the analytic tools of operations management and techniques for solving problems in the context of achieving a firm's overall goals and objectives. The course represents a blend of concepts from industrial engineering, cost accounting, general management, quantitative methods, and statistics. Production and operations activities, such as forecasting, choosing a location for an office or plant, allocating resources, designing products and services, scheduling activities, and assuring quality are core activities of most business organizations. In this course the principle concepts of production and operations management will be presented. The course is designed around managerial problems in the operations area. Case studies will be used to improve skills in problem identification; mathematical and computer packages will be used when they are appropriate for the problem at hand.
CLASS PREPARATION: Prepation for each class involves reading the assigned chapter, attending classroom lectures, and completing the assigned homework. After reading the assignment, the student should be able to do each of the following:
Useful Journals for obtaining selective readings or information: 1. Journal of Operations Management COURSE OUTLINE: · Ch1 Production and operations managemrnt.
GRADING Exam 1 25% Oct.9th. & Oct.10 EXAM#1 LOCATION:CLASS ROOM,CLASS TIME OCT. SAT & SUN OCT 9&10 A=90 and above. EXAMS: The questions in the exam will be related to the topics covered in the class lectures. The student should expect multiple choice problems, true and false statements and questions that require calculation. Please do not ask your instructor what type of exams to be given. The final will be comprehensive.