In House

Training Program



Change Management


Led by:


Dr. Muhammad Al-Buraey



§         Introduction

§         Change Management- Workshop Objectives

§         Workshop Outline

§         Who Should Attend

o     The Skills And Strategies In This Workshop

§         For More Information About This Program



·           INTRODUCTION:

The last ten years have been marked by ever increasing demands for customer focus and competitiveness on private and public sector organizations.  However, within this complex and dynamic environment, relatively few organizations have embraced well-established methods for strategy development.  Change is the single most important fact of successful management today.  To remain competitive individuals and organizations have to adopt a positive attitude towards change.  It’s impossible to deny: change happens.  Things change in the marketplace, in the workplace, in the lives of individuals, and organizations.  Many organizations are, by definition, resistant to change.  As with so many matters, that depends upon the culture of that organization.  The best way to manage change is to create a culture where the trust levels are so high that when changes occur, they are greeted as events likely to make life better than before.  A culture where the joy of the challenge outweighs the fear of the unknown.


Change, in and of itself, is not the enemy and it’s not difficult at the same time.


This dynamic workshop is designed for managers, supervisors and individuals who have to lead within a changing organizational environment and personal life.  They are going to develop the essential skills and competencies they need to introduce change, deal with resistance, bring their teams through transition, and inspire them to achieve optimal performance.


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Workshop Objectives


Ø         To help the participants understand the basics of a change management.

Ø         To expose the importance of commitment and anticipating resistance.

Ø         To develop the capacity for planning and implementing change.


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Ø         Meaning of change in organizations.

Ø         Planned and unplanned change.

Ø         Planned organization change models.

Ø         Unplanned organization change.

Ø         Approaches to organizational change.

Ø         Two approaches to changing the design of an organization.

Ø         The change model and its components.

Ø         Factors influencing change:

§        External factors

§        Internal factors

Ø      Phases of planned change:

§        Exploration phase.

§        Planning phase.

§        Action phase.

§        Integration phase.

Ø      Kinds and types of organizational change.

Ø      The change agent.

§           Types of change agents.

§           Internal change agent.

§           Advantages.

§           Disadvantages.

§           External change agent.

§           Advantages.

§           Disadvantages.

§           Characteristics needed to be a successful change agent.

Ø       The three steps of a successful change project.

Ø      Organizational barriers to change.

§               Personal barriers to change.

§               Range of attitudes towards change and resulting people’s behavior.

§               Methods and techniques for dealing with resistance to change.

§               Management’s goals for change.

§               The 10 commandments for executing change.

§               Managerial guidelines.

§               Conclusions.

Ø      Managing people through change.

§    Give managers the critical skills necessary for leading their employees through change.

Ø                How to identify and understand the four phases of change?

Ø      How to develop strategies to move people productively through each phase?

Ø      How to be more sensitive to the emotional aspects of change?

Ø      How to implement change while maintaining productivity and morale?

Ø      How to guide the process of change to achieve desired goals?


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·           WHO SHOULD ATTEND:

Ø                Managers and leaders from supervisors to senior levels, both new and experienced.

Ø                Anyone looking for success both in and out of business.


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§         The skills and strategies in this workshop will help you to:


Ø                Understand your role in the changing workplace.

Ø                Explore what the future workplace will be like.

Ø                Lead organizational cultural change.

Ø                Understand and manage people through change

Ø                Provide change leadership.

Ø                Use organizational events to manage transition.

Ø                Deal with individual and group resistance.

Ø                Negotiate new work arrangement.

Ø                Spot common errors.

Ø                Prepare your group for change.

Ø                Become a change master


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For more information about this program please contact the business development unit:

Mr. Hani M. S. Al-Kadi


P. O. Box 146, Dhahran, 31261 Saudi Arabia

Mobil:     (966) 504 9876 25

Tel:           (966) 3 860-1401  

Fax:          (966) 3 860-1149




Designed & Developed by

Hani M. S. Al-Kadi

Business Development Unit