Information and Computer
Science (ICS) Courses offering in the first semester 081 ( October 2008 )
: ICS 201 Introduction to Computing II Advanced
object-oriented programming; inheritance; polymorphism; abstract classes and
interfaces, container and collection classes, packages, object-oriented design,
software modeling, event-driven programming, recursion, use of stacks, queues
and lists from API, searching and sorting. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
202 Data
of object-oriented concepts; Introduction to design patterns; Basic
algorithms analysis; Fundamental data structures - implementation strategies
for stacks, queues and linked lists; Recursion; Implementation strategies
for tree and graph algorithms; Hash tables; Applications of data structures
(e.g. data compression and memory management). Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
233 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
organization; assembly language: addressing, stacks, argument passing,
arithmetic operations, decisions, modularization; Input/Output Operations and
Interrupts; Memory Hierarchy and Cache memory; Pipeline Design Techniques;
Super-scalar architecture; Parallel Architectures. Back to Course
Sponsorship program ICS 253 Discrete
Structures I
Propositional Logic,
Predicate Logic, Sets, Functions, Sequences and Summation, Proof Techniques,
Mathematical induction, Inclusion-exclusion and Pigeonhole principles,
Permutations and Combinations (with and without repetitions), The Binomial
Theorem, Recurrence Relations; Graphs terminology and applications,
Connectivity, Isomorphism, Euler and Hamilton Paths and Circuits, Planarity
and Coloring; Trees terminology and applications. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
254 Discrete Structures
Number Theory: Modular
Arithmetic, Integer Representation, Fermat’s Little Theorem, Chinese
Remainder Theorem, RSA.; Proof Techniques: Methods of Proofs, Applications
from Number Theory, Recursive Definitions; Algorithm Correctness; Relations:
Closures and Equivalence Relations, Partial Orderings and Lattices, Hasse
Diagrams; Recurrence Relations and Generating Functions; Automata Theory:
Finite State Machines, Regular Expressions, DFA, NDFA and their equivalence,
Grammars and Chomsky Hierarchy, Introduction to Turing Machines.; Abstract
Algebra: Groups, Homomorphisms and Lagrange's Theorem, Applications. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
309 Computing and Society
Impact of Computing on
Society; Ethical Foundations; Governance and Regulation; Freedom of Speech;
Intellectual Property; Privacy; Security; Professional Responsibility;
Leadership challenge. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
324 Database
Basic database concepts,
conceptual data modeling, relational data model, relational theory and
languages, database design, SQL, introduction to query processing and
optimization, and introduction to concurrency and recovery. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
343 Fundamentals of Computer Networks
to computer networks and layered architectures: connectivity, topology,
circuit and packet switching, TCP/IP and ISO models; Application layer: C/S
model, DNS, SMTP, FTP, WWW, socket programming and network security;
Transport layer: TCP and UDP, congestion control; Network layer:
internetworking, addressing and routing algorithms and protocols; Data link
layer: framing, flow and error control protocols, PPP, MAC and LANs; Physical
layer: principles of data communications, circuit switching, coding,
multiplexing and transmission media. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
350 Cooperative
Beginning of Coop in summer.
Description is as given in ICS 351. Prerequisite: ICS 324,
SWE 311, ENGL 214, Major GPA ³ 2, Completion of at least 85 hours, Department
Approval ICS
351 Cooperative
continuous period of 28 weeks spent as a normal employee in industry,
business, or government agencies with the purpose of familiarizing students
with the real world of work and enabling them to integrate their classroom
learning to a real work environment. During this period, a student is exposed
to a real-life work in the field. Each student is required to participate
with at least one project. Students are required to submit progress reports
during the work period. Students are also required to give a presentation and
submit a final report on their experience and the knowledge they gained
during their cooperative. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 352 Cooperative
continuous period of 28 weeks spent in the industry to acquire practical
experience in different fields of computer science. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
353 Design and Analysis of
Algorithms and Problem
Solving; Basic Algorithmic Analysis; Advanced algorithmic analysis; Advanced
Data Structures; Algorithmic strategies & Analysis of fundamental
computing algorithms; Basic computability; The complexity classes P and NP. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
355 Theory of
Regular Grammars:
equivalence of DFA, NDFA and regular expressions, pumping lemma,
emptiness and membership. Context-Free Grammars: parsing and ambiguity,
normal forms, applications, equivalence of PDA's and CFG's, pumping lemma,
emptiness and membership. Turing Machine: programming techniques for Turing
machines, equivalence of one-tape and multitape TM's, universal
Turing-machine. Undecidability: recursively enumerable and recursive
languages, undecidability, problem reduction, undecidable problems of CFG's,
RE's and TM's. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
381 Principles of Artificial
to Artificial Intelligence (AI) history and applications; First order logic;
State space representation; Blind and heuristic search; Constraint
satisfaction and planning; Knowledge representation; Reasoning in uncertain
situations; Machine learning; Prolog programming; Natural language
processing, Expert systems and real AI applications. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
399 Summer
A summer period of 8 weeks
spent as a trainee in industry, business, or government agencies for the
purpose of familiarizing the student with the real job world and enabling him
to apply and relate his academic knowledge to a real work environment. The student is required to
participate in computer science related activities and use his time to get
acquainted with the computer science related functions and resources used by
his employing organization. Besides progress reports, the student is
required to submit a final report and do a presentation on his experience and
the knowledge he gained during his summer training program. The student
receives a zero-credit Pass/Fail grade. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
410 Programming
Paradigms: Object-oriented, imperative, functional, and logic. Application
development in these paradigms. Fundamentals of Language Design: Syntax and
Semantics. Language implementation: virtual machines; compilation,
interpretation, and hybrid. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
411 Senior
Project-oriented course in
which students work in teams on an applied real-world problem of their
interest, go through its software development lifecycle in order to develop a
prototype software solution for the problem at hand. The senior project
offers the opportunity to integrate the knowledge acquired in preceding
courses, as well as promote and instill communication skills, writing skills,
and lifelong self-learning. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
412 Compiler Construction
Compiler techniques and
methodology; Organization of compilers. Lexical and syntax analysis; Parsing
techniques; Object code generation and optimization, detection and recovery
from errors; Contrast between compilers and interpreters. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
415 Computer
of Computer Graphics; Graphics systems and devices; Output Primitives and
their Attributes; Geometric Transformations; Window to Viewport Mapping and
Clipping; Curves and Surfaces; Three-Dimensional viewing; Hidden surface
removal; illumination and color models, Animation. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
424 Advanced Database Systems
data models: object-oriented model, and object-relational model, conceptual
database design. Transaction processing: transactions, failure and recovery,
and concurrency control techniques. Database backup and recovery. Query
processing and optimization. Database security. Distributed databases:
distributed data storage, distributed query processing, distributed
transaction processing and concurrency control. Homogeneous and heterogeneous
solutions, client-server architecture. XML and relational databases.
Introduction to data warehousing, introduction to other current trends in
database systems. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
426 Data Warehousing and Data
of relational databases and Conjunctive queries, Data Warehousing Concepts
and OLAP, Data Warehouse Design and Development, Information and data
Integration, OLAP Technology for Data Mining. Data Mining: Primitive,
Languages and Application Developments. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
431 Operating
This course introduces the
fundamentals of operating systems design and implementation. Topics include
history and evolution of operating systems; Types of operating systems;
Operating system structures; Process management: processes, threads, CPU
scheduling, process synchronization; Memory management and virtual memory;
File systems; I/O systems; Security and protection; Distributed systems; Case
studies. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
436 Systems and Network Administration
Install and upgrade
different popular operating systems. Managing File Systems. Managing User
Accounts. Setting up X Windows System. Configuring Printing Services.
Upgrading and installing software packages. Backing up data. Tuning kernel
parameters. Configuring and managing various protocols: DNS, DHCP, Routing,
Electronic Mail, and Network File System. Managing and troubleshooting
computer systems and networks. Network and System Security. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 437 Distributed Systems
Introduction to Distributed
Systems; Distributed Systems Architecture; Computer Networks for distributed
systems; Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation; Distributed Naming;
Distributed File Systems; Security; Synchronization; Distributed Coordination
and Agreement; Distributed Transactions; Distributed Replication; Distributed
Multimedia Systems, Distributed Shared Memory; Case Studies such as
CORBA, MACH, DCOM, and GLOBE. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 441 Cluster
Introduction to high
performance computing: types of parallel computers, system architectures,
performance measures; Message passing programming; Complexity analysis of
parallel algorithms; Embarrassingly parallel computations; Partitioning and
divide-and-conquer strategies; Pipelined computations; Synchronous
computations; Load balancing and termination detection; Programming with
shared memory; Parallel sorting algorithms; Numerical algorithms; Parallel
image processing; Searching and optimization;
Project/Programming-assignments. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
442 Computer Network Technologies
advanced topics on LANs and internetworking technologies will be addressed. Topics
include: Performance measures and evaluation techniques; Advanced network architectures
and differentiated services in IP networks; High-speed access technologies;
Switched, Fast and Gigabit Ethernet; VLANs; Wireless LANs; ISDN and ATM;
Frame Relay; Mobile computing and mobile IP; VPN and Enterprise networks;
Emerging network trends and technologies. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 443 Network Design
Overview of network design
and management; Design methodologies; Network management strategies; Network
configuration management; Network management protocols: SNMP, and RMON;
Network management tools and systems; Network management applications;
Desktop and web-based network management; Network troubleshooting. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 444 Computer and
to computer and network security; Security services: confidentiality,
integrity, availability, accountability; Hacker techniques and attack types;
Public and private key encryption; Authentication; Digital signature; User
identification and access control; Computer viruses, Trojans and worms; Risk
management and analysis; Information security process; Internet security:
security protocols such as IPSec, SSL, TLS, email and web security; Security
technologies and systems: Firewalls, VPN and IDS. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 454 Principles of
cryptography; Secret Key Encryption; Perfect Secrecy. Cryptanalysis; Block
and Stream cipher; Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES); Public Key Encryption; Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange;
RSA, ElGamal and Rabin’s Cryptosystems; Authentication and Digital
Signatures; One-time signatures; Randomized Encryption; Rabin and ElGamal
signature schemes; Digital Signature Standard (DSS)' Cryptographically Secure
Hashing; Message Authentication Codes; Network Security; Secure Socket Layer
(SSL); IPsec. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 481 Artificial Neural
Introduction to neural
computing: Real vs. artificial neurons; Threshold logic; Training a linear
threshold unit, the perceptron rule; Multilayer feed-forward networks and the
back propagation algorithm; The Hopfield net; Self-organizing maps; Radial
basis functions; Adaptive resonance theory; Applications of Neural Networks
(ANN). Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 482 Natural Language Processing
This course examines a range
of issues concerning computer systems that can process human languages. Among
the issues to be discussed are morphological and syntactic processing,
semantic interpretation, discourse processing and knowledge representation. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS 483 Computer
Image acquisition, The
digital image and its properties, Image preprocessing, Segmentation (thresholding,
edge- and region-based segmentation), Shape representation and object
recognition, Motion analysis, Case studies (object recognition / object
tracking). Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
484 Arabic
This course examines a range
of issues concerning computer concepts related to Arabic. Among the issues to
be discussed are: Arabic Language Characteristics, Arabic Character Sets,
Standardization, Unicode, Arabization systems, Arabic software tools, Arabic
programming languages and Introduction to Arabic Computations. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
485 Machine
Introduction to machine learning; Concept learning; Supervised
learning - decision tree learning; Unsupervised learning - clustering.
Artificial neural networks. Evaluating hypotheses; Bayesian learning;
Computational learning theory; Instance based learning. Genetic algorithms;
Learning sets of rules - Inductive Logic Programming; Reinforcement learning;
Analytical learning. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
486 Multi-agent
agent definitions and classification; Multi-agent systems (MAS) and their
characteristics; Models of agency, architectures and languages, logics for
MAS, deductive and practical reasoning agent, reactive and hybrid agents;
Distributed problem solving and planning; Coordination mechanisms and
strategies; Learning in MAS; Interaction, negotiation and coalition
formation; Applications of agent technology (agents in electronic commerce
and information retrieval). Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
488 Soft
to Soft Computing, Fuzzy Sets Theory, Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural
Networks, Probabilistic Reasoning, Genetic Algorithms, Neuro-Fuzzy
Technology, Combination of Genetic Algorithms with Neural Networks,
Combination of Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic, Applications of Soft
Computing (three to four real life applications). Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
490 Special Topics
State-of-the-art topics in
Computer Science and Information Systems. Back to Course Sponsorship program ICS
491 Special Topics
State-of-the-art topics in
Computer Science and Information Systems. Back to Course Sponsorship program SWE
311 Principles of Software Engineering
and overview of software engineering. Software processes. Software project
management. Software requirements and specification. Software design.
Software testing and validation. Software metrics. Software quality
assurance. Software evolution. Using APIs. Software tools and environments. Back to Course Sponsorship program All Information and Computer Science Courses (Undergraduate Program ) Information and Computer Science( Graduate Program ) Courses offering in the first semester 081 ( October 2008 ) : ICS 511 Principles of
Software Engineering
Software Requirements:
Modern SRS for Enterprise Application and Performance-Critical
Systems. Software Process: Personal Software Process, Team Software
Process. Software Design: Architecture
Tradeoff Analysis, Enterprise Architecture, COTS Architecture,
Service Oriented Architecture, RAD. Software Planning: Software Acquisition, Software
Engineering Measurement and Analysis (SEMA). Software Quality
Assurance: 6-Sigma. Software Integration: Enterprise Application Integration,
COTS Integration. Prerequisite: ICS 413
or Equivalent ICS 512
Software Requirements
Engineering The
course gives state of the art and state of the practice in software
requirements engineering. In-depth research-oriented study of methods,
tools, notations, and validation techniques for the analysis, specification,
prototyping, and maintenance of software requirements. Topics include study
of object-oriented requirements modeling, using state of the art modeling
techniques such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The course work
includes a project investigating or applying approaches to requirements
engineering. Prerequisite: ICS 413 or Equivalent
ICS 513 Software
and methods for the architectural design of large-scale software systems.
Fundamental design concepts and design notations are introduced. Several
design methods are presented and compared. In-depth research-oriented study
of object-oriented analysis and design modeling using state of the art
modeling techniques such as Unified Modeling Language (UML). Students
participate in a group project on object-oriented software design. Prerequisite: ICS 413 or Equivalent
ICS 514
Software Validation, Verification, and Quality Assurance
research-oriented study of Verification and Validation throughout the
development lifecycle. Techniques for validation and verification.
Quality assurance at the requirements and design phases. Software testing at
the unit, module, subsystem, and system levels. Automatic and manual
techniques for generating and validating test data. Testing process:
static vs. dynamic analysis, functional testing, inspections, and reliability
assessment. Prerequisite: ICS 413 or Equivalent
ICS 515
Software Project Management Lifecycle
and process models; process metrics; planning for a software project;
mechanisms for monitoring and controlling schedule, budget, quality, and
productivity; and leadership, motivation, and team building. Topics
cover quantitative models of the software lifecycle, process improvement
techniques, cost-effectiveness analysis in software engineering,
multiple-goal decision analysis, uncertainty and risk analysis, software cost
estimation, software engineering metrics; and quantitative lifecycle
management techniques. Prerequisite: ICS 413 or Equivalent ICS 519 Special Topics in
Engineering. Advanced
topics selected from current journals of Software Engineering that deal with
theoretical development or applications in the field. Topic include:
Reusable Software Architectures, Software Engineering, Experimentation,
Concurrent Software Systems, Software Metrics Software Engineering for the
World Wide Web, Formal Methods and Models in Software Engineering, etc. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor Area
Advanced Operating Systems Structural
design aspects of an operating system: process model, inter-process
communication, synchronization
mechanisms, resource management, and scheduling. Protection issues.
Implementation issues of modern operating systems. Distributed operating
systems. Deadlock detection, recovery, and avoidance. Case studies.
Project(s). Prerequisite:
ICS 431 or Equivalent ICS 532
Performance Analysis &
Evaluation Performance
measures. Modeling methodologies: queuing models, graph models, dataflow
models, and Petrinet models. Mathematical models of computer systems: CPU and
computer subsystems such as memory and disks. Bottleneck analysis. Modeling
multi-server systems. Model validation methods. Case studies. Project(s). Equivalent
to: COE 587 Prerequisite:
STAT 319 or Equivalent ICS 533
Modeling and Simulation of Computing Systems
probability and statistics. Review of discrete-event simulation tools and
methodologies. Simulation languages. Random Number generation.
Developing Simulation Models. Simulation Validation. Output Data
Analysis. Applications to computer systems. Project(s). Equivalent
to: COE 588 Prerequisite:
STAT 319 or Equivalent ICS 535
Design and Implementation of Programming
Languages Principles of functional,
imperative, object-oriented and logic programming languages. Semantic
specification including axiomatic, operational and denotational semantics.
Fundamentals of type systems such as abstract data types, polymorphism, and
inference. Concurrent systems. Case studies of contemporary programming
languages. Prerequisite: ICS 313 or
Equivalent ICS 536
Systems ) Overview
of real-time systems. Design and implementation issues. System
interfacing basics. Embedded software design constraints under size,
performance, and reliability. Software timing and functional
validation. Applications and case studies of real-time hardware and
software systems. Equivalent
to: COE 597 Prerequisite:
ICS 431 or Equivalent ICS 539
Special Topics in Systems Advanced
topics selected from current journals in the field that deal with theoretical
development and applications of computer systems. Prerequisite:
Consent of Instructor Area
Theory of
Computation Introduction to various models of computation. Machines,
languages and grammars. Turing-computability. Universal Turing Machines.
Recursive functions. Church's thesis. Godel's completeness and incompleteness
theorems. Closure properties and complexity classes of languages.
Decidability, undecidability and partial decidability. Prerequisite: ICS 353 or Equivalent ICS 553
Advanced Computer
Algorithms Review of RAM model of computation, complexity measures of time
and space. Graph Algorithms for minimum spanning trees, shortest paths,
matroids, the planar separator theorem. Planarity and planarization. network
flow algorithms. Graph matching and coloring. Establishing lower bounds. NP
Completeness: Cook’s theorem. Various complexity classes and their
relationships. Techniques for establishing completeness. Approximation and
probabilistic algorithms to NP-hard problems. Prerequisite: ICS 353 or Equivalent ICS 554
Applied Combinatorics and Graph Theory A study of combinatorial and
graphical techniques for complexity analysis including generating functions,
recurrence relations, Polya's theory of counting, planar directed and
undirected graphs, NP complete problems. Application of these
techniques to analysis of algorithms in graph theory. Prerequisite: ICS 553 ICS 555
Data Security and
Encryption Mathematical principles of
cryptography and data security. A detailed study of conventional and
modern cryptosystems. Zero knowledge protocols. Information theory,
Number theory, complexity theory concepts and their applications to
cryptography. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor ICS 556
Algorithms Introduction
to parallel computational models (PRAM, Meshes, Trees, Hypercubes,
Shuffle-Exchange, Mesh-of-Trees) and complexity measures. Parallel algorithms
design techniques: divide-and-conquer, parallel prefix, pointer jumping, list
ranking, Euler’s path technique, and ear decomposition. Parallel algorithms
for selection, merging, sorting, searching, and graph problems. Computational
geometry. Graph embedding. Parallel computational complexity:
equivalence of Boolean circuits and the PRAM models, the NC class, and
P-complete problems. Prerequisite: ICS 553 ICS 559
Special Topics in Theoretical Computer
Science Advanced
topics selected from current journals of Theoretical Computer Science that deal
with theoretical development or applications of computer systems. Prerequisite:
Consent of Instructor. Area
Advanced Computer
Networking Examination of modern computer networking and data
communications. Contemporary concepts, facilities, practices,
implementations, and issues. Data Link and media access layer protocols.
Introduction to Gigabit Ethernet, ATM and Frame Relay. Protocols of
TCP/IP suite. IP routing, flow and congestion control. Application
Layer. Introduction to modeling and analysis of data networks: Queueing
theory, Little’s Law, Single Queues, and Jackson Networks. Equivalent
to: COE 540 or EE 674 Prerequisite: ICS 432 or Equivalent ICS 571 Client
Server Programming
Introduction to Clients, Servers, and Protocols. Client-Server
Architectures. Software Architectures for Clients and Servers. Network and
Operating System Support for Client-Server Applications. Programming language
support. Standard interfaces and API. Examples of clients and servers for
several popular protocols such as X, POP3, news, ftp, and http. Project(s). Prerequisite: (ICS 570 and ICS 431) or
Consent of Instructor ICS 572
Distributed Computing
Introduction to parallel and distributed computation models.
Mapping a parallel solution to a distributed computing platform. Programming
issues. Operating system support for distributed computing. Message passing
environments such as PVM and MPI. Load balancing. Migration. Agent
architectures. Performance and complexity measures. Services. Service driven
design of distributed applications. Timing and Synchronization. Remote
procedure invocation. Project(s). Prerequisite: (ICS 570 and ICS 431) or
Consent of Instructor ICS 573
High-Performance Computing
Theory and practice of parallel computing. Analytical models of
parallelism and performance evaluation. Parallel architectures. Software
tools for parallel programming. Design and implementation methodologies for
parallel high performance applications. Design, analysis, and implementation
of parallel solutions for various scientific problems such as linear
algebraic problems, fast Fourier transform, Monte Carlo techniques, boundary
value problems, finite element techniques, and iterative systems. Project(s). Prerequisite: (ICS 353 or Equivalent) or
Consent of Instructor ICS 575 Application
Development for Internet Based Services
Application Development for Deployment over the WWW. Application
protocols. Connection and Session Objects. Authentication Services. Integrating
Database Services. Component Architectures. Scripting Languages. Modern
applications and application architectures such as Digital Cash and
E-Commerce. Making use of the state-of-art tools, a major project will be
developed by the students. Prerequisite: ICS 571 ICS 576
Concurrent and Parallel processing
and foundation of parallel processing. Computational models. Parallel
algorithms. parallelization techniques. Parallel software characteristics and
requirements: languages, compilers, operating systems, and inter-process
communication support. Parallel computer architectures. Case studies.
Project(s). Prerequisite:
ICS 431 or Equivalent ICS 579 Special
Topics in Net-Centric Computing
State-of-the-art topics from the general area of Computer Network
Software and Protocols. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor. Area
Advanced Artificial
Intelligence An in-depth study of
Artificial Intelligence topics. State of the art approaches to
Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Engineering. Planning. Natural Language
Understanding. Speech Understanding. Computer Vision. Prerequisite: ICS 381 or Consent of
Instructor ICS 582
Natural Language Processing Components of a natural
languages processing system. Natural language models:
Mathematical, psychological. Lexical, syntactic, and semantic
analysis. Phrase-structured grammars. Transformational grammars.
Transition networks. Semantic networks. Conceptual parsing. Conceptual
dependency. Systemic and case grammars. Scripts, plans and goals.
Knowledge representation. Sentence generation. Recent trends. Prerequisite: ICS 381 or
Equivalent ICS 583
Recognition Various methods of pattern
recognition, extraction methods, statistical classification, minmax
procedures, maximum likelihood decisions, data structures for pattern
recognition, case studies. Prerequisite: Consent of the
Instructor ICS 584
Automated Theorem
Proving Survey of proof theory and
model theory of first-order predicate calculus, natural deduction, Herbrand's
procedure, resolution methods, induction principles, rewrite rules,
theorem-provers for algebraic systems. Prerequisite: Consent of the
Instructor ICS 585
Systems Overview of Artificial
Intelligence disciplines. Architecture of expert systems: including the
structure of knowledge bases and the various knowledge representation
methods, inference engines and reasoning techniques, search and exploitation
of domain-specific knowledge through heuristics, knowledge acquisition.
Discuss examples of expert systems shells, their capabilities and
limitations. Assign projects in specific discipline using available
shells. Prerequisite: ICS 581 ICS 586
Neural Networks
Fundamental concept of
neural computation. Main neural network models. Perceptions and
back-propagation, Hopfield and feedback models. Fault-tolerance in
neural networks. Parallel processing in neural networks. Potential and
limitations of neural networks. Applications of neural computing. Project(s). Equivalent to:
COE 591 and EE 560 Pre-requisites: ICS 581 ICS 589
Special Topics in Artificial
Intelligence Advanced topics selected
from current journals of Artificial Intelligence that deal with theoretical
development or applications of computer systems. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor Area
Database Design and
Implementation Database
development life cycle. Data modeling. Database design theory. Query
processing. Concurrency control and transaction management. Recovery.
Security. Database applications: data warehousing, data mining, web pages,
and others. Various types of database systems: object relational,
object-oriented, distributed, client/server, and others. Current trends in
database research. Project(s). Prerequisite:
ICS 334 or Equivalent ICS 542
Computing Multimedia
elements and standards. Digital audio formats and compression algorithms.
Audio streaming. Voice recognition algorithms. Raster and vector
images. Image formats, editing, and compression. Color models. 2-D and
3-D animation techniques. Digital video formats, editing, and
compression. Video streaming and conferencing. Multimedia on the Web.
Multimedia applications. Project(s). Equivalent
to: COE 593 Prerequisite:
Consent of Instructor ICS 543
Advanced Computer Graphics ) Graphics
systems. Two dimensional concepts and methods. Geometrical transformations.
Modeling 3D scenes. Curve and surface design. Approaches to infinity.
Rendering faces for realism. Color theory. Visible-surface determination.
Illumination models and shading. Project(s). Prerequisite:
ICS 435 or Equivalent ICS 544
Technologies Fundamentals
of E-Commerce: B2B and B2C models. Internet networking: TCP/IP, IIOP, SOAP.
Internet Security: firewalls, viruses, hacking. Design issues of
E-Commerce: n-tier technology, Object Oriented paradigm such as Common Object
Request Broker Architecture and Component Object Model. Web Servers. Data
transactions between database servers and web servers using XML. Project(s). ICS 545 Arabic
Computing Contemporary
concepts and research in the field of Arabic Computing. Arabic
characteristics and standardization. Arabic systems and tools. Arabic
programming languages. Arabic character recognition. Arabic speech synthesis
and recognition. Natural Arabic processing. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor ICS 549
Special Topics in Applied
Computing Advanced topics selected
from current journals on various IT and CS applications that deal with
theoretical and practical development in various enterprises. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor OTHER
Independent Study The course can be taken
under the supervision of a faculty member to conduct an in-depth study of a
subject. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor ICS 599
Graduate students are
required to attend the seminars given by faculty members, visiting scholars,
and fellow graduate students. Additionally, each student must give at
least presentation on a timely research topic. Among other things, this
course is designed to give the student an overview of research, research
methodology, journals and professional societies. Graded on a Pass or Fail
basis. Prerequisite: Graduate standing ICS 610
Thesis The student has to undertake
and complete a research topic under the supervision of a faculty member in
order to probe in depth a specific problem in Computer Science. Prerequisite: ICS 599 or Consent
of Instructor All Information
and Computer Science Courses ( Graduate Program ) |
Other Courses Offering in the first semester 081 ( October 2008 ): College of Engineering Sciences (CES): ·
Petroleum Engineering (PETE)
Engineering (CHE)
Engineering (ME)
Engineering (EE)
· Civil Engineering (CE)Back to Course Sponsorship program
College of Computer Sciences & Engineering (CCSE): ·
Engineering (COE)
Systems Engineering
· Information and Computer Science (ICS)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------College of Sciences (CS)
Sciences (ES)
College of
Industrial Management (CIM)
Management Information System ( MIS )
Marketing (
Accounting ( Acct )
Finance (FIN)
Management ( MGT )
Economics (
ECON) Back to Course Sponsorship program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ College
of Environmental Design (CED)
City & Regional Planning (CRP) ·
Construction Engineering & Management (CEM) ·
Architectural Engineering (ARE) |